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South Pacific

2002 RNT London Cast

Starring Lauren Kennedy, Philip Quast, Edward Baker Duly, and Sheila Francisco
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
27 Tracks

Read an off-site Synopsis of the show at

Believe it or not I had never really heard South Pacific until this CD. I had listened once to the TV soundtrack with Glenn Close but it didn't really stick in my memory at all. Until a few days ago, I always thought of the show as one of those silly old musicals that came before the "serious stuff." Stupid me. The other day I was in a Filetopia chat room with two friends and sort of got in the middle of a debate about it. One loved the show; the other hated it. I was appealed to, and I was forced to admit I knew nothing about it. I meekly downloaded this CD from one of them and I've hardly stopped listening to it since.

I'm enthralled. There's more to South Pacific than I thought, and this album is now one of my favorites. (And if you're reading this, Sarah - I can't help it! I really can't!) The music and lyrics are beautiful. I admit I was so caught up in the more recent musicals that I forgot how incredible Rodgers and Hammerstein are.

Lauren Kennedy is fantastic as Nellie Forbush. Before hearing this album I had never actually heard her, but I had heard plenty of people singing her praises. In my opinion, every note of praise was deserved - she not only sings well, she acts well while singing. The Nellie on this CD is neither middle-aged and experienced nor young and naïve, but a delightful mix of the two.

As for Philip Quast - well, I have been in love (figuratively) with him since I heard him as Javert on the Les Misérables CSR. This CD only increases my admiration for him. I am fascinated by his ability to project incredible - almost impossible - levels of emotion into his characters. This CD is no exception - his Emile is wonderful. And he also sports a very cute French accent! :) His voice is just incredible. Every song he sings on this album is a gem, and the small bits of dialogue are wonderfully performed.

As Lt. Joe Cable, Edward Baker Duly is very charming. His voice may not exactly be swoon material, but I still find it very pleasant to listen to. He acts well too - particularly in "You've Got to be Carefully Taught." Sheila Francisco does a great job in the role of Bloody Mary - she has a suitable voice for the part.

Anyone who likes South Pacific at all MUST own this album. It's wonderful. And even those like me who know nothing about the show will love it. In fact, I urge anyone who thinks they don't like South Pacific to give this album a try - I've a feeling it just might change a few minds. (Particularly if your opinion is formed from either of the two movies that have been made of the show, which are - so I hear, anyway - less than perfect.)

Get your hands on this album. You won't regret it.