Brian Wilson

Kari: Where you nervous the first time you performed? Brian: I was nervous....we had only 2 weeks to learn all of the singing and dancing for Old Deut and Gus the theatre cat ...when I began rehearsals for the role of Gus the theatre cat, I had only 4 rehearsals and hadn't even learned the ending of the show, when the other two Gus performers called out sick. I had to go on in an emergency. That was so nerve racking, but so much fun. Kari: If you could be any cat from CATS, besides Old D.,who would you be? Brian: Iwould love to be Tumblebrutus, Angelo Rivera. He was so amazing. I think he could have won a gold metal in the Olympics. He was perfection. Kari: Have you ever met Michael Gruber or Jacob Brent? Brian: I have not met them, but I am familiar with their performances and hear that htey are wonderful. Kari:When you came to Toledo, Ohio, did you enjoy your stay? Brian:To be honest, I was on vacation that week and didn't get to see Toledo. Kari:How long does it take you to put on yuor make-up? Brian:It takes about an hour, but I have done it in 7 minutes before. Kari: Did you dream of yourself as a musical performer? Brian:I have always had a love for music ever since I can remember. In high school I wanted to be a Nuclear Physicist, but I auditioned for our high school musical and got the lead and ever since then I have wanted to sing for people. Kari:What are your feelings about drug abuse? Brian:I believe everyone makes their own choices and if you allow something like a drug or other kind of addiction to over take your life, then no one but yourself is responsible and you should be held accountable for your own actions. Kari:Where was the coolest place you visited? Brian:The coolest places by far are Alaska and Toronto...I also love Minneapolis, MN and Milwaukee, WI. Kari:What was the funniest thing to ever happen to you? Brian:One night when I was on for Gus the theatre cat, my zipper in the back of my costume was coming unzipped and the coostume was just falling off of me and there was no time to zip it back up, so I just kept trying to pull it up. What a nightmare. Another night my wireless microphone went dead and I had to do the rest of the show with a hand held mcirophone. That included all of the dancing and sword fighting I had to do. That one was kinda fun though.