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Blood By Calavity

Calavity's Rating: R

Blood. Red and sweet, flowing down my skin and staining my fur. Soon, I’ll die. Everlasting Cat, will that be a relief. He’s gone, and that’s all it would take. Blood. Blood. Blood.

I stood in horror as he explained. Bastard. How could he do this to me? "I still like you as a friend," he said. Like I could be his friend after what he did to me. He lied. He said we would be together forever. Admetus. A stupid name anyway. Why I was attracted to him, I’ll never know.

How was I attracted to him? That’s easy. Jemima set us up. Damn Queen, always so innocent. I felt sorry for him, really. And, well, one thing led to another, and soon I’ve lost my innocence…Damn how I miss it. Sooner or later, Bomba steals every tom.

That’s about when I stole for the first time. Macavity’s knife was just sitting there on the tire and here it is in my paws. Cut, cut. Slit the skin. Blood, Blood, flowing down my arm. Now it’s trickling down my leg. Where’s that paper? Last letter I’ll write. Bomba’s secrets aren’t secrets anymore.

"I actually didn’t lose my virginity until last year." I almost burst out laughing. But I was innocent back then. Then came another one: "I was really unpopular as a kitten." Man was that a throw. She told me everything. I’m not sure why, but she did. Now every tom she’s known will find out.

I know what you’re all thinking. This isn’t me… Well it is now.

Here comes death. I can feel it. Maybe a few more cuts…Ahh, that’s better. I’m about to die. Good-bye, Admetus. Good-bye, Bomba. Good-bye you all. Take a last look, ‘cause I, Victoria, aren’t white anymore.

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