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Jemibub's Cats Den

Hello all! I am Jemibub otherwise known as either Erin or Jemima and this is my Cats webpage. As of now it is very small but I intend to spend many-a-time trying to make it better. Also- some day Rozdancer/Yulanda/Rumpleteazer may join us on this page. Joy, no? Anyway... moving on...

NOTE!!!!: Awww! I haven't updated in forever! Anyway, big updates coming soon, I promise! Go to the "Updates" area for details.


Last updated: 17/12/00

Who are all those dancing cats anyway?

I guess you could say that these are character profiles... sure why not?

Cats Video Thoughts

AKA Why you shouldn't watch Cats with Yulanda.

Pictures of the Cats

Nothing witty can come of pictures. Their just things to look at.

Stories about the Cats

And this currently only has some crazy thing I spent waaaay too much time on.

So you want to pretend to be one of those Cats?

Okay, I have far too much time on my hands and I have created quite a few Cats roleplays. Follow this link to join them.

Various Plays We've Been In

Various plays that Yulanda, Tara and I have been in. Including Cats. Yes, Cats. Go see!!!

Who we would be if we were Cats

Okay, this is scary and I spent waaaay too much time focusing on it. Yes- you shall now know who my friends and I would be if we were characters in Cats.


These are odd, odd questions I made up about me and my page. Some of them are questions I've been asked in real life (ie. about my bone) and some of them are just ones I made up off the top of my head.

About Erin/Jemibub/Jemima

Yes, Jemibub has an incredible urge to tell you all about herself and so she shall. Fun, huh?

And that's it for now- but I hope you'll all come back soon!

WAIT!!!! I forgot to mention- my guestbook buttons are from:
