Charr - Chapter 2

The night was dark and gloomy as Charr laid his head in his dark paws and stared into the glowing embers of the dying fire. Tonight was a memory night, for the gray cat's thoughts were beginning to wander. He could picture his mother, her soft fur curling in the firelight, her beautiful green eyes sparkling as she told him stories of the mystical Jellicles that were her family. An image of his father appeared in his mind's eye, pacing across the cave opening, guarding his young wife and son from any dangers that might appear in the yet unknown forest of their new lives. Charr shook his head, his gray fur falling softly into his coal-like eyes. It was so many years ago, and yet to him, it seemed like only yesterday. He picked himself up from the cold stone floor of the cave where his family had made their new home these seven years past. From outside the mouth of the cave, he could hear the sounds of a small animal scurrying across the dried autumn leaves. His tail flicked with the anticipation of a fresh warm meal, but his heart wasn't in it. Finally, ignoring his rumbling stomach, Charr kicked dirt on the last glowing embers of his fire and stalked off to the corner where a soft pile of pine needles and moss made his bed. He turned three times in a circle and then curled up and went fast asleep, his mind already filling with life-like dreams.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"It's a fool-proof plan," Macavity exclaimed as he flopped on his ginger belly in the dry dust of the woodland path. "I just don't see how you could think otherwise."

Mainard looked around at the other strays that had gathered to hear this young cat's words and then looked at the speaker of the words himself. He wiped a paw wearily across his black and gray striped face, his golden eyes wary and alert. "Mac, really," he began tentatively. "What should happen if we were to get caught?"

Macavity threw back his ruddy head and howled with laughter. "Is the little Jellicle scared?" he asked with a sneer. "Maybe you're not tough enough to be in our gang." His yellow eyes narrowed as he stared his friend down. The other strays cackled, some nervously, some excitedly, as they watched Macavity exert his power over the young Jellicle's mind.

"No," Mainard said with a soft shake of his head. "I am not scared." He sighed softly and sat down near his best friend. "So, Mac, what do we do first?"

"That's more like it," Macavity hissed. He then turned his gaze to include the whole motley crew of felines that had gathered there. "Here's the plan…" His voice lowered into a whisper and only the creatures in the group ever knew exactly what was said that warm summer day.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh really, Grizabella," Jellylorum laughed. "Do you really expect us to believe that?"

Grizabella just smiled, her softly curling fur shining in the sunlight. "Believe what you will, Jelly dear," she said with a tinkling laugh. She laid her head down on the soft cloth that made their picnic so divine. "Oh Jenny," she said, turning her enchanting green eyes towards her best friend, JennyAnyDots. "Where ever did you find this lovely velvet cloth?"

Jenny laughed, as she most often did before she spoke. "Oh, I found it while I was roaming the new Junkyard with the other kittens," she said lightly. "Can you believe that Old Exodus said we would actually move there?" Her eyes lit up at the thought of a new meeting place for the Jellicles. One especially that the strays, led by old Wolfgang, didn't know the whereabouts. "Mother says it'll be fantastic," she sighed with the romantic dreams of the young and innocent.

The three kittens let their thoughts wander to the new Junkyard and their first Jellicle Ball, which would be coming up very soon.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Mainard strolled into the old dump where the other Jellicles were packing their few belongings, readying themselves for the big move. He waved to his friends, Bustopher Jones and Asparagus, and kept pace towards the homebox of his family. He poked his head inside and held out a single yellow daffodil for his mother.

"Oh Mainard," Kellostra exclaimed. "It's beautiful my son. Where ever did you find one so fresh and golden?"

Mainard stepped all the way into the room and nuzzled his mother's cheek. "Oh, I found it on one of my daily rambles," he said vaguely, his eyes darting around at the bags and boxes that were already packed and ready to go. "Do you need any help packing, Mother?" he asked, knowing what her answer would be.

"Oh no, sweetheart," Kellostra said with a smile and a gentle push towards the door. "Why don't you go play with Bustopher and Gus? They've been asking about you."

Mainard nodded and with a kiss on his mother's grizzled cheek, made his way over to where Bustopher and Gus were engrossed in a heated game of chess. "Hey guys," he called as he approached the two toms.

Kellostra watched him go with a heavy heart. Old Exodus had already been asking about her son's continual absences from the dump, and she was also very worried herself. 'If only he had a father around,' she thought, turning back to her household duties with a sigh.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jellylorum, JennyAnyDots, and Grizabella packed up their lunch basket and began the short stroll back to the dump. Jelly looked at the sky. "Oh girls," she said with a worried frown. "I'm afraid we're gonna be late."

Grizabella smiled and nuzzled her friend. "Oh, don't worry so much Jelly," she said with a laugh. "It's making you wrinkle up around your eyes." Jenny winked at Griz and they continued their leisurely stroll back home.

"Wrinkles?" Jelly exclaimed, pausing at a still pool of water to inspect her reflection. "Oh come on!" Griz said impatiently. "Today's moving day and you know our parent's are gonna want our help."

The three friends entered the dump and ran towards their respective homeboxes, calling their goodbyes as they ran. Grizabella slowed down as she approached her home, smoothing her soft curls and steadying her breathing.

"Hello, Grizabella," a soft voice said behind her.

Griz turned quickly, her heart beating rapidly. "Oh," she gasped. "Hello Deuteronomy." She looked up at his handsome face from beneath lowered lashes.

Deuteronomy smiled softly, his eyes lighting up at the sound of his name musically crossing her lips. "I gathered these for you today," he said softly, holding out a paw-ful of violets.

"Oh," Griz breathed as she took the flowers gently in her paws. She buried her nose in them and breathed their soft fragrance. "How did you know that violets were my favorite?"

"Well, I…" Deuteronomy began, but was cut short by a shrill voice coming from the homebox nearest them.


Griz winced slightly and smiled at Deuteronomy. "Well, thank you ever so much," she said shyly. "I must be heading home now. My mother probably needs help with the packing." She turned and ran inside her home, her heart racing and her thoughts sweet with romantic thoughts. She placed the violets in a small vase in her room and began to pack up the few belongings of hers left out, but her mind was not on her packing…

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Everyone ready?" Exodus called as he gazed out at the Jellicle families assembled at the base of his pedestal. Deuteronomy sat near the old leader, watching his every move, knowing he must learn how to be a leader if he was to be able to take Exodus' place some day.

Mainard, Bustopher, and Gus had managed to get away from their families and were seated away from the gathering throng, watching the cats gather their belongings and get in line, ready to proceed to the new Junkyard. Mainard's eyes scanned the group until he found soft sandy curls and sparkling green eyes. He smiled to himself as he thought of the Jellicle Ball that was to occur later that week. He would definitely choose the lovely Grizabella as his mate. There were quite a few kittens that were to become queens on that day, but he knew whom he had chosen. He listened as his friends discussed the upcoming Ball and the lovely young felines that were going to be there. Bustopher definitely had his heart set on the young JennyAnyDots and all Gus could ever talk about was Jellylorum. He rolled his eyes as his friends laughed and discussed the upcoming event. Never would he voice his opinion about the most beautiful cat in the tribe. Of course, everyone knew that Grizabella was the loveliest cat around, but everyone also knew that Deuteronomy had his cap set for her. But Mainard had other plans for the young feline.

The Jellicle families began to troop towards the new Junkyard, some glancing back sadly at their old homes, never to be lived in by a Jellicle again. Exodus led the way, with Deuteronomy close beside him. Grizabella's family was near the front of the line, along with Jenny and Jelly's families. The three young toms, Mainard, Bustopher, and Gus, straggled along behind all the others.

Soon, the Junkyard appeared, silhouetted beautifully against the moonlit sky. Griz looked up at the moon. It was almost full. Soon, the Ball would occur, and what better place to have it than their new home?

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The weeks passed and the Jellicles settled into their new homes, pausing in the unpacking and settling in long enough to celebrate with a raucous Jellicle Ball. Many cats paired up with new mates and old couples rekindled their romances. Gus's father, Lonzopoly, was chosen to be reborn and journey to the mysterious Heaviside Layer. Jellylorum and Gus began courting, JennyAnyDots and Bustopher Jones fell deeply in love, but Grizabella was sorely disappointed. She had so expected Deuteronomy to choose her for his mate, but instead, she found herself wooed by the biggest playboy of the whole tribe, Mainard. Sure he was handsome and romantic and mannerly, but he wasn't the one she loved. Nevertheless, she knew that once a couple was paired under the Jellicle Moon, which only happened once a year, that couple was together for life. Already talk was circulating that Mainard's and Griz's mothers were planning a June wedding. Griz sighed and faced her fate. After all, Mainard was very handsome. Perhaps she could learn to love him yet…

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Macavity slapped Mainard sharply. "You did what?" he exclaimed.

"I can't help it," Mainard said, his paw going up to cover his sore cheek. "I love her…and I am going to marry her."

"Well," Macavity growled. "I did so hope you would marry my sister, Railina, and we could truly be brothers. I guess you don't care about my friendship as much as I thought you did."

"No Mac!" Mainard exclaimed, his paw going out to comfort his friend. "You know I love you just like a brother. But…I'm a Jellicle…and I have to marry a Jellicle. Besides Mac, if you ever saw her, you would totally understand."

"Well, whatever," Macavity said, his voice sounding miffed. "Just don't let your love for those Jellicles" he spat the word "get in the way of the plan."

"Oh I won't," Mainard reassured him. "I won't."

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