The Theatre Guild is a place where magic and
imagination come to life! We produce spectacles,
dramas, musicals, and comedies that blow everyone
away! We have been around for seven years and have
a track record of nearly seventy hit shows. Shows
that include "A Thousand and One Arabian Nights",
"The Crucible," and "Oklahoma"These are shows that the whole family can
enjoy. Where the kids are swept away to mystical
lands and parents can enjoy the tounge-in-cheek
We pride ourselves on our fine actors and
performers, our creative ventures, and our ability
to put on the best show in town.
There are many ways to get involved here at the
Guild. If you are a big ham and would like to try
your hand at performing, please feel free to call us
at (714) 827-9141.
We are always looking for new talent to spotlight
and who knows? You may become the next great star!
We have a brand-new orchestral department
starting up, so if you love 'fiddle around' or if
you want to 'toot your own horn', come on down and
march to the beat of a different drum. Call Steve
Fox at (310) 373 9098. Upcoming Auditions.
We also have a terrific dance department so
call us at (714) 827-9141.
If you wish to participate in our crew, come
onboard! We are currently looking for people
interested in the following fields: Scenery
construction, Stage crew, Costume
design/seamstress, and Stage Management. You may
call the above number, or just come on down to our
rehearsal venue.
If you wish to participate in more of a business
way, let us tell you about our greatest and newest
endeavor: The John Price Theater Foundation.
John Price Award
Index of Performances
Upcoming Auditions and Performance Dates