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A Cat With A Lot to Hide: Part 1 and 2

A Cat With a Lot to Hide: Part One

by Faline


 A figure slowly moved through the junkyard. It was dark. No one was moving. All the other cats were asleep. Slowly, the cat curled into the corner and fell asleep. She didn't want to wake the others.
* * *

Munkustrap was on the prowl. He knew he had heard something over in this area last night. What had it been?

A soft meow caught his attention. Slowly, he crept over to the area where the meowing was coming from.

A black kitten was there, rummaging through a nearby trash can.

The kitten turned to look at Munkustrap. It wasn't exactly a kitten. It was more like a full-sized adult cat. Around her green eyes, white was spread out, creating the illusion of a mask. A small white patch ran down her stomach.

The cat wound around Munkustrap's legs.

"Hey! Slow down!" Munkustrap told the cat. "You'll knock me over!"

Munkustrap saved the cat the trouble and sat, inspecting the cat. She wasn't bad at all, really.

"Do you have a name?" Munkustrap asked.

"Faline," the cat responded. (She pronounced it fay-LEEN.)

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't know," Faline told him.

"How did you get here?"

The cat didn't answer.

"Looks like I'm stuck baby-sitting for today," Munkustrap sighed.

"I don't need a baby-sitter," the cat responded. "I'm old enough to take care of myself. Besides, I don't even know who YOU are."

"I'm Munkustrap, part of the Jellicle Tribe."

"You mean the tribe with Old Deuteronomy as the leader? You mean the one that had Grizabella in it, but she got sent to the Heavyside Layer? THAT Jellicle Tribe?" Faline asked, eyes wide.

"That's the one. Why?"

"Do you think maybe-------I could come into the tribe?" She looked really hopeful.

"Well, we'll see. Right now, I think I should show you to Old Deuteronomy. Are you up for a trip to the vicarage?"

With a nod, Faline followed Munkustrap.
* * *

The two cats slipped in unnoticed by anyone. As they climbed the stairs to the roof, they passed by humans who took no notice of them.

"Old Deuteronomy?" Munkustrap called.

Faline spotted him first. She raced over to the pile of fluff that was the Jellicle leader. The cat rubbed her head against his fur.

Startled, Old Deuteronomy looked up. Faline was gazing into his eyes.

"I found her in the junkyard," Munkustrap explained, after walking over and licking the Jellicle leader's paw. "Do you think we could keep her?"

"She isn't a human, Munkustrap." Old Deuteronomy looked Faline over before giving a nod of approval. "I like her."

Faline smiled and wound around Old Deuteronomy.

"Can I join the tribe?" Faline wondered, looking up at the Jellicle leader

Faline knew Old Deuteronomy wanted to say yes (him being her father and all), but he had obligations to the Jellicle Tribe. He couldn't just let a stranger come into the tribe without clearing it with the others first.

"I have to talk it over with the others first," Old Deuteronomy told her. "In the meantime, we had better get over to the junkyard."
* * *

Faline kept behind them as Munkustrap helped Old Deuteronomy into the junkyard.

Several voices joined together. Faline could barely make out the words.

Munkustrap directed with his head to a pipe. Faline hid in there.

Skimbleshanks made a leap off the car. He sniffed the air. A new smell! Slowly, he made his way over to the pipe where the scent ended.

"Hey!" Skimbleshanks shouted.

"Go away," Faline mumbled. She accidentally smacked Skimble with her paw. He flew head over paws in the other direction.

Jemima raced over to the pipe. She stuck her head inside. Faline's green eyes stared at her.

"The pipe's alive!" Jemima screeched. She raced to the protective paws of Jennyanydots and Jellyorum.

"I'm not a pipe!" Faline protested. She walked out of the pipe. "I'm a cat! At least I was the last time I checked."

The Rum Tum Tugger eyed Faline. She was kinda pretty. He actually had found something for himself that he wasn't about to change his mind about.

"Don't even think about it, playboy," Faline told him.

"I didn't say anything!" Tugger protested.

"Well don't," Faline snapped. "Come near me, and I'll tear off that fur of yours."

"Touchy," Tugger grinned. "I like her."

"I thought I was your favorite," Etcetera told him, only slightly annoyed.

"And you still are," Tugger assured her.

Faline rolled her eyes and walked up to the Jellicle leader.

"This is Faline, everyone," Munkustrap told them. "She's a friend. Don't worry."

"She looks scary!" Jemima said, her voice tinted with fear.

"She looks kinda like me, except for the mask," Mistoffelees added, purring.

"Not you, too!" Faline groaned. Was she going to be booted out like the last tribe? "If I'm not wanted, then I'll leave!"

"No! You can't!" Victoria shouted. The white kitten raced in between her and the way out. "Macavity's out there! He's dangerous!"

"Yeah?" Faline looked doubtful. "So am I!"

"You don't look like you could last a day out there," Rum Tum Tugger told her. "I could teach you."

"The day I accept help from you, playboy," Faline commented, turning around to face him, "is the day I grow wings and fly."
* * *

Rumpleteazer was watching from a safe distance. This cat looked all right. Maybe, with a little persuading, she would work for Macavity.

Nah. She didn't seem like the type to do that. Now, if only Rumpleteazer could figure out why she looked so familiar.

"Rumpleteazer!" Mungojerrie hissed.

Rumpleteazer looked at her companion. "Look! A new cat!"

"What?" Mungojerrie raced over to look. "Maybe we could make her work for Macavity."

"Nope. I mean, look at her. She's the protective type!"

"I have an idea. We'd have to run it by Macavity first."

"Well, come on! What are we waiting for!"
* * *

"Catch me if you can!" Pouncival called to Faline.

"Shouldn't be that hard," Faline told him. With a playful growl, the chase was on.

Faline chased him over broken cars, boxes, pipes and the Jellicle Throne. Finally, in one leap, Faline pinned Pouncival.

"Gotcha!" Faline crowed. She got off him. "Isn't this the fiftieth time we've played 'Chase and Pin'? And isn't it the forty-eighth time I've won?"

"Sure is!" Pouncival said proudly. "Can we play again?"

"Sorry, Pouncival," Faline sighed. "I promised Jellyorum I'd go talk to Gus today."

//And I also promised Jennyanydots I'd watch the kittens. Why does she have to go train those cockroach boy-scouts of hers today? These kittens are a pawful!//

"Can we come?" Victoria asked. "I want to see Uncle Gus!"

"Uncle? He's old enough to be your great grandfather!" Faline laughed.

"He tells the best stories!" Jemima said happily.

The other kittens walked in front of Faline.

"Please?" they asked simultaneously, with big grins on their faces (think Simba's grin in The Lion King).

"Come on," Faline said.

Cheering, the kittens either raced ahead or followed Faline on their quest to find Gus.
* * *

"Gus?" Faline called.

"Uncle Gus?" Jemima echoed. "Are you here?"

"I think we had better turn around and head back to the junkyard," Tumblebrutus said.

"You scared?" Pouncival demanded.

"No," came the quick response. "I'm just worried about the others."

"Sure you are."

"I think Tumblebrutus is right." Faline turned around to leave. "Come on, kittens. Let's head home."

"Going my way?" a raspy voice demanded.

Screeching, the female kittens hid behind Faline.

"Who's there?" Faline demanded, claws popping out.

"Who I am is none of your concern," the voice insisted.

"He's one of Macavity's men!" Jemima hissed. "I'll bet my whiskers on it!"

"Maybe it's Macavity himself!" Tumblebrutus whispered. "Don't worry, Faline. Pounce and I will take care of him!"

"You most certainly will not," Faline ordered. "And you had better hope it ISN'T Macavity."

"Why?" Pouncival asked.

"I'll kick his sorry furry little excuse for a tail from here to the Heavyside Layer. THAT'S why not!"

"Pity. I rather like my tail."

Faline whirled around. Behind her was none other than Macavity.

Slowly, she began to remember what Bombalurina and Demeter had told her.

"Macavity's a mystery cat. He's called the Hidden Paw; for he's a master criminal who can defy the law. He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad's despair for when they reach the scene of crime, Macavity's not there."

"Macavity, Macavity. There's no one like Macavity. There never was a cat of such deceitfulness and suavity. He always has an alibi and one or two to spare. Whatever time the deed took place, Macavity wasn't there," Victoria, Jemima and Faline sang.

Tumblebrutus and Pouncival hurried to the female kittens.

"Guard them!" Faline ordered.

"Why does this scene seem so familiar?" Macavity circled Faline. "Now I remember. This happened when I fought your mother. And now I'm going to correct the mistake I made a long time ago."

"What would that be? Letting me live?"

"Something along those lines."

With a growl, Faline leapt at him. Her silver claws gleamed in the light of the street lamp.

The fight raged on for quite some time. Faline managed to trick Macavity once by making him ram into a trash can, but could she pull it off again?


"I'm surprised you haven't gone running to your father by now," Macavity commented.

"He's more of a father then you ever were to me!" Faline shot back.

Swiping a clawed paw into his face, she backed up.

Her white patches of fur was showing traces of blood, both hers and Macavity's. Macavity was actually starting to weaken.

She leaped on him. Macavity threw her off. Faline went flying in the other direction. The kittens raced over to her. "Faline?"

The kittens nudged her with their heads.

Suddenly, Munkustrap jumped out.

"Leave them alone!" Munkustrap growled. "They mean nothing to you!"

"But they seem to mean something to you," Macavity noted.

"You're darn right they do. So lay off!" Munkustrap hissed.

"I don't think so," Macavity told the other cat, circling him. "I won the last time we fought."

"No you didn't," Pouncival shouted at him. "You were scared, so you left!"

"Pounce!" Jemima scolded.

"Next time, Jellicle freaks," Macavity shouted as he left. "Next time!"

"We are NOT freaks!" Victoria and Tumblebrutus shouted after him.

Faline moaned slightly, shaking her head. "Anyone get the number of the truck that hit me?"

Munkustrap got her onto her feet. "Are you all right?"

"Fine," Faline responded. "Even though I feel like a ton of bricks fell on me."

"Come on. We're heading back NOW."

As Munkustrap helped Faline back to the junkyard with the kittens racing behind, he thought he spotted a twinge of hate for Macavity in her eyes. As quickly as he spotted it, it was gone. What was Faline hiding?


A Cat With A Lot to Hide: Part Two

by Faline

Disclaimer: Great Heavyside I hate these things. Okay. This part of the story has been practically MEOWING to get on the page. If any poems are used in here, they belong to me. Faline and Matisha (or any characters you don't recognize) belong to me. Any other characters belong to Andrew Lloyd Webber and the Really Useful Theater Company (Group?) (Brief note: 7 *'s means one of the characters memories. When we switch from memory to present time, you'll see this: @-->----)


Munkustrap walked into the junkyard extremely slowly. Faline was almost draped over him, limping along with his help. The kittens followed behind them guiltily, as if it was their fault Faline had gotten hurt.

Jellyorum spotted them first and waved a paw in their direction. When she realized a member of the party was hurt, she trotted over to them.

"What happened?" Jelly asked, reaching them.

"Faline and the kittens were going to talk to Gus," Munkustrap explained. "Macavity was waiting for them."

"Oh!" Jelly looked annoyed. "Just wait until I get my paws on him-----"

"Jellyorum," Faline protested, "this isn't your fight."

"What makes it your fight all of a sudden?" Munkustrap demanded, looking at Faline.

"It's me he wants, not you," Faline retorted. She swung her paw down from Munkustrap's back. "Thank you very much for your assistance, Munkustrap, but I think I know the way from here." With that, she stalked off.

"Sheesh!" the Rum Tum Tugger commented from a junk pile. "They should call HER the Queen of Ice!"

"What would YOU know?" Munkustrap shouted at him. "Look, she's had a rough time, all right?"

"Oh, and I haven't?" the Tugger demanded. With that, he disappeared.

"What's HIS problem, anyway?" Munkustrap wondered.

Jemima turned her head to glance down the way Faline had turned. Munkustrap hurried in the opposite direction. He just remembered something he had to tell Old Deuteronomy.

It was about Faline.
* * *

Faline lounged on top of the Jellicle Throne.

"Hi, Faline!" a voice shouted.

Surprised, Faline tumbled off the throne and landed on the ground. At the foot of the throne was Victoria. The white kitten gazed at Faline.

"Oops," Victoria said, looking sheepish. "I scared you, didn't I?"

"Something like that, yeah," Faline told Victoria, smoothing her fur. "If you're coming from Pouncival's, tell him I absolutely REFUSE to play 'Chase and Pin' with him again."

"There's nothing to do," Victoria complained.

"Go play with Pouncival. OR you could find the Rum Tum Tugger. I'm sure HE would keep you busy for an hour or so," Faline suggested, a tired look creeping onto her face.

"Pounce is off somewhere with Tumblebrutus The Rum Tum Tugger is being swooned over by the other cats. Old Deuteronomy and Munkustrap wanted me to find you."

Faline looked stunned. "What do THEY want me for?"

"I don't know," Victoria confessed. "What did you do?"

"Who knows?" Faline demanded. "Maybe they're giving me a citation for playing 'Chase and Pin' one time too many."

Suddenly, Coricopat's head jerked up in unison with the rising of Tantomile's head. "Old Deuteronomy," the twins said as one.

"Here? NOW?!" Faline asked. Her tone was shocked. "Oh no!"

"Faline, what's the matter?" Victoria wondered.

"I can't talk to them right now!" Faline practically shouted.

"Can't talk to us about what?" Munkustrap asked, entering the junkyard with Old Deuteronomy.

Old Deuteronomy looked at Victoria, Coricopat, and Tantomile. "Tell the other cats to leave this area of the junkyard."

The three cats looked startled, but nodded and left.

"I can't talk to you about my past. I refuse to," Faline said stubbornly.

"How did you know THAT'S what we wanted to talk to you about?" Munkustrap wondered. "You're right, by the way."

"It was----I mean----" Faline tried to say. She couldn't let them know about what Macavity had done to her. "I don't know."

"Munkustrap, find Mistoffelees," Old Deuteronomy commanded. A little startled at the command, Munkustrap bowed and left.

When Munkustrap was safely out of sight, Old Deuteronomy moved forward to Faline. She shrank away from him.

"You were never there for me when I needed you!" Faline snapped at him. "I'm finally re-excepted into the tribe after what happened, and you're STILL treating me like dirt."

Old Deuteronomy looked shocked. He took a breath before saying: "You must understand------"

"Understand?" Faline demanded. "I understand this!" Faline gestured to a paw that had gotten slashed at during her last Macavity encounter. "I understand years of denial. I understand hatred-----YOUR hatred. That's all I NEED to understand!"

"Faline, my daughter------" Old Deuteronomy tried again.

"Don't get all sentimental on me," Faline cut in, her voice harsh and mocking at the same time. "I should have-------"

"I found him, Old Deuteronomy," Munkustrap called. He trotted over with Mistoffelees.

"You sent for me?" Mistoffelees asked.

Old Deuteronomy nodded.

"Hey!" a new female voice shouted. "Wait up, you two!"

"Matisha," Mistoffelees groaned. "She insisted on following us."

"That's all right. We'll need her here anyway," Old D commented.

A Siamese cat raced over the car and jumped, landing by Munkustrap.

"Mistoffelees, when Munkustrap and I entered the junkyard, Faline instantly started saying she refused to talk to us about her past. That was exactly what we wanted to speak with her about," Old Deuteronomy explained.

Faline tried to hide a shocked expression.

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Mistoffelees told the leader of the Jellicles. "What do you want ME to do?"

"Well, we'd settle for how she knew what we wanted to talk to her about," Munkustrap interjected. "We know Coricopat and Tantomile didn't tell her."

Mistoffelees looked at Faline as if to say "You never mentioned any special abilities to me."

Mistoffelees put a paw on top of Faline's slashed (and healed) paw. His eyes closed, as they so often did when he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, images flew through Faline's head. It took her a moment to realize that Misto was probing her mind.

"Get out of my head," Faline ordered Mistoffelees, enforcing the order with her mind.

Misto stumbled back a few paces. Munkustrap, the protective cat that he was, hurried to Misto to steady him.

"I wasn't able to get very much, before she blocked me out," Misto stated. He looked like he was about to fall over.

"Sit, Misto," Matisha ordered, helping Munkustrap. Together, they forced Mistoffelees to sit.

"Great Heavyside!" Misto complained, giving Faline an odd look. "You didn't have to do it THAT hard!"

"If I pushed gently, you wouldn't have responded!" Faline retorted.

"It was Macavity. He tampered with her mind somehow," Misto explained, trying to form the images he has seen into words for him to explain. "I wasn't very clear on that part."

"But how?" Munkustrap wondered. "Macavity never came close enough to Faline for him to do ANYTHING to her mind."

"That's where you're wrong, Munkustrap," Matisha said. "Macavity WAS close enough to her on several occasions. I would know."

"Maybe I should start," Old Deuteronomy cut in.

"What IS this?" Misto demanded. "One of those human Round Robins where everyone contributes a little to the story?"

"Actually," Matisha said, grinning, "it may turn out to be just that. Only you two boys will have to listen."

The five cats sat in a circle.

Old Deuteronomy cleared his throat.

"Whatever is mentioned in this circle must STAY between us. Is that understood?" Old D asked. The group nodded. "In that case, I'll begin.

"I suppose I should start by saying Faline is, indeed, my daughter. A month after she was born, Macavity arrived. He demanded that we, my wife and I, turn Faline over to him. We refused. Macavity killed my wife in the struggle over possession of Faline." Old Deuteronomy looked almost regretful.

"I'll take over, father," Faline cut in. "That is, if you want me to." Old D nodded.

Faline sorted through her memories before continuing the story.

"Macavity knocked my father and me out, I guess. I don't really know what happened. All I really remember is waking up in some kind of cell……"


"Let me go!" I shouted, clawing at the door. "You can't keep me here!"

"Faline," a voice cut in. "Stop. There's nothing you can do."

"Daddy!" I raced over to him. "That bad cat got you, too!"

"Yes, that grandson of mine got me," Daddy confessed.

("Try to show some more respect," Munkustrap insisted. "He may be your father, but he's still the Jellicle leader!" Faline rolled her eyes. "Who is telling this part of the story, anyway? You or me?" Faline demanded.)

"Do you think he's gonna hurt us?" I asked. I remember being frightened then.

"No," my father said. "I managed to overhear some of his plans. He's going to releasing me. You he wants to keep."

"Me? Why?"

"Who knows?" He looked at me. "Don't give in to him, Faline."

"Why would I? He's an amateur," I bragged.


Several years later, I remember looking back on my kitten years and laughing at them.

I had gone from innocent kitten to dangerous cat in a matter of weeks. Macavity had trained me right after he released Daddy.

You pretty much couldn't tell I had ever been a kitten. My ears had sharper points to them. The dull gray claws I had used to scrape the door had turned into silver killing tools. My fur was nowhere near the neat way I keep it now.

I secretly believed that Macavity was training me for his own use. He claimed it was for my own good, but I didn't believe him.

That day, I was in a warehouse waiting for Macavity's henchcats to return. See, they were sent to capture Daddy. I was to make sure they had done the job.

When they slunk into the warehouse, each cat had a prisoner. The prisoners were Matisha, Demeter, Bombalurina, and the Rum Tum Tugger.

When I realized none of them were Daddy, I started to get slightly irritated. Macavity had given them specific orders to get Old Deuteronomy.

("At this point," Faline explained, "I had stopped thinking of Old Deuteronomy as Daddy. Macavity has this idea that the Jellicles are evil." The other Jellicles looked at each other. "I'll bet," Munkustrap commented.)

I recognized the Tugger right away. Matisha I didn't even know at that point. Bombi and Demeter took me some time to remember.

"You were told to find Old Deuteronomy. These can't ALL be him." I glared at them. "Well? Where is he?"

"You see, miss," one of the cats spoke up, "the boss DID say to come back with prisoners------"

"HE MEANT WITH OLD DEUTERONOMY!" I tackled the cat that had spoken. One of the other cats held onto Matisha.

"We're sorry, ma'am," the cat apologized.

"Apologies get nowhere with me. Do you understand?"

The cat nodded. I walked over to the Tugger.

"I know you," I said. He was just a kitten at the time, and he STILL had the queens pouring over him. "You're used to having females falling at your paws, right?"

Tugger struggled against the cat that held him, but said nothing.

"Guess what? Here you fall at MY feet!" To prove my point, I swung my back legs around. My claws raked at his eyes. I missed purposely.

Tugger shouted in surprise and fell to the cement floor of the warehouse. I grinned in pleasure.

"Leave him alone!" Matisha shouted.

"SILENCE!" I shouted. Everything was silent. Not even a mouse squeaked. "You'll get your chance soon, you inconsiderate fool."

I proceeded over to Bombi and Demeter.

Demeter hissed and swiped at me. I ducked, but I wasn't fast enough. (Faline paused and gestured the area to the right of nose. There were claw marks, just faintly showing.) Mentally cursing at myself for being so slow, I glared at Demeter.

"You know," I said, my words practically oozing out of my mouth, "Macavity really hates it when previously catnapped cats are catnapped again."

"Not my problem," Demeter told me.

Bombi glanced at Matisha. "Don't hurt Matisha," Bombi ordered.

I slunk over to Matisha.

"Traitor," Matisha threw at me. "You were a Jellicle once. You betrayed your tribe!"

I was young at the time I captured, so I didn't remember a word of what Matisha had told me. Macavity had always told me that he had found me and took me in.

"What are you talking about?" I demanded. "I never was with your blasted tribe."

"Old Deuteronomy------"

I had had enough. Feeling rage building up, I lunged at Matisha, clawed at her. ("She got me pretty good, too," Matisha admitted. "She knocked me out.")

"Lock them up," I said, pushing off Matisha. "Same cell. The Jellicles are stupid. They can't plan anything big."

The cats led their prisoners away.

"You did well," Macavity's voice slunk through the darkness like a knife slicing bread. I knew he wasn't there.

//Then why do I feel awful?//


"So then what?" Mistoffelees asked. He looked rather intrigued by the entire thing.

"Whose turn is it?" Faline asked.

"Mine," Matisha said. "After Faline knocked me out, I remember seeing the other cats in a cell with me….."


Bombi and Demeter were next to each other. Demeter looked like she was going to fall over, she was so scared.

The Tugger was next to me, trying to wake me up.

"Wake up, Matisha," Tugger begged.

"I'm up!" I protested. "Thanks for your concern, big boy."

I rolled onto my paws and glanced at our surroundings.

"Cramped, isn't it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Bombi, Demeter, you two know Macavity better then we do," Tugger put in. "Do you know Faline? What's she like?"

"Well," Bombalurina commented, "Macavity has only catnapped us once before. Faline wasn't around then. From what I've heard, she just as fierce as Macavity."

"Twice as bad," Demeter put in. "I've heard Faline is worse than a tornado when you get her angry."

"And I thought Macavity was mean!" Tugger added.

("Mean?" Faline demanded. "Playboy said MEAN?" Matisha nodded. "I always said the moron had no way with words," Faline chuckled. "Faline," Old Deuteronomy scolded. "You may not like him, but he's still a Jellicle." Matisha looked exasperated. "Can I continue?")

"I've heard," I cut in, "that Faline was once a Jellicle like us."

"Who told you that?" the others wanted to know.

"Old Deuteronomy did," I responded. "Faline was a kitten when she just disappeared."

"You're making it up," Tugger accused.

"Am not," I retorted, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Well, we can't get out of here by arguing," Demeter put in, trying to be cheerful.

"What makes you think you're leaving?" Faline's voice demanded.

We all turned to find Faline standing in the doorway.

"Don't get all excited," Faline hissed. "I'm just giving you food. I can't do anything about your fate, only Macavity can. Don't expect him to rule in your favor, though. He wasn't in a good mood when I went to talk to him about how those bozos messed up."

"Was that before you told him or after you told him?" I wondered.

"What difference does it make?" Faline wanted to know. "All I know is I have to get somewhere. Enjoy your visit while you can, Jellicle freaks." She tossed the meat at us and left.

"Yeesh!" Tugger commented as the door slammed shut. "I guess that rules out the welcoming committee."


"It's hard to believe," Munkustrap commented. "You once ACTED like that, Faline?"

"Yes," Faline snapped. "I did, and if I had to do it over again, I would!"

"Faline," Matisha cut in quietly. "Your turn again."

"Okay," Faline snarled. She thought again, trying to put the images to words.

Suddenly, a searing slash of pain cut through Faline's mind. With a yelp of surprise, horror, and pain, Faline fell from her sitting position.

The other cats crowded around Faline.

"Back up!" Munkustrap commanded. "Give her air!"

"Munkustrap----" Faline said softly. Her green eyes glanced at the future Jellicle leader.

"I'm here, Faline," Munkustrap told her. He crouched beside her.

"He's coming," Faline warned. "I can't stop him! No one can!"

"Who is?" Munkustrap wondered.

"Macavity," came the soft reply. There was silence as Faline fully collapsed on the junkyard floor.
* * *

"Mistoffelees, can't you DO something?" Munkustrap demanded.

"There is absolutely nothing I can do with you shouting at me ever two minutes," Mistoffelees retorted. "Besides, how can you expect me to do anything if you don't give me enough time!"

"Munkustrap, there is nothing you can do," Matisha told the tom.

"I know that," Munkustrap replied, eyes glinting in fury. "If Macavity has done ANYTHING to her-------"

"Why would you be worried about her?" the Tugger's voice demanded.

The cats looked up to spot the Rum Tum Tugger on top of the car.

"I thought I gave clear orders that no other cats were allowed in this area," Old Deuteronomy told the Tugger.

"I know," Tugger drawled. He slid off the car. "You forget I also had a part in her past. I could help."

"The heck you could," Misto threw at him.

"No!" Matisha protested. "He could. Let him tell some more of the story."

"I heard when you left off," Tugger said as Matisha cuddled against him. "Let's see where I can pick up."

"Tell them what happened when you-know-who sent for you," Matisha insisted. "You never told US!"

Tugger grinned and began.


Like Matisha said, Faline and Macavity sent for me. I had my eye on her then. She was one of the most----well, that isn't important. I always wondered where she hid her female side. If you asked me, she was acting a little TOO much like Macavity.

I could hear them fighting as one of Macavity's henchcats guided me to the door.

"You have absolutely NO right to give commands unless you clear them with me first!" That was probably Macavity.

"You always told me to follow my instincts. Are you asking me to forget EVERYTHING you taught me?" Faline demanded. "I'm in now. ALL the way. And that includes ME giving the orders every once in awhile. I have my own mind, Macavity. You don't own it OR me."

"If I may interject," a new voice with a thick Scottish accent started to say.

The henchcat opened the door. Faline and Macavity in the center of the room, looking like they were about to jump at the others throat. A cat that resembled Skimbleshanks was pretty much behind them. He was pretty thin and had an odd looking mark around his front paws.

("No," the Tugger said to the others, "that wasn't Skimble. The idea of Skimble working for Macavity is-----how would Faline have put it-----inconceivable.")

The room was a large one. Pretty wide. No windows were in the room. The only door I could see was the one we had just come through. I thought there may have been another door behind a pile of junk that rested in the corner, but I wasn't sure.

Faline and Macavity turned to the Scottish cat. "NO," they said at the same time.

"Zarion, how many times do we have to tell you?" Faline demanded. "NO INTERRUPTING OUR CONVERSATIONS!"

"I call that arguing," Zarion retorted.

"We," Macavity snapped with as much dignity as he could muster, "are discussing. There is a difference!"

"Then you discuss pretty loudly," Zarion stated.

"Just SHUT UP!" Faline snarled.

"I brought the tom," the henchcat cut in. He shoved me forward.

Faline and Macavity both turned to see who dared to interrupt them. When they saw it was one of their own, Faline put on a snake-like grin as Macavity advanced on us.

"Good," Macavity hissed, circling us. "You can go. HE stays."

The henchcat tried to hide a relieved look as he left.

Faline's eyes narrowed. "He isn't much, is he? I say we drown him and get it over with."

"What did I just tell you?"

Faline hissed, but said nothing else.

("That's it?" Matisha said, a little disappointed. "No," Tugger retorted. "Of COURSE that's not it. I'm not done yet.")

Macavity signaled to a waiting cat. "Take her below," Macavity ordered.

The cat jumped forward and put a paw around Faline. "Come on."

He dragged her off to another room and I could hear the sounds of some unknown machine. Yelps of pain reached out from another room.

"Stop it!" I ordered. "You're hurting her!"

"She understands the punishment," Macavity retorted. "She disobeys orders; she pays the price."

"That's not being fair to her!"

"Who said I was fair?"

"You're a disgrace to Old Deuteronomy!" I retorted, lunging at him. I was angry with him.

Macavity dodged quickly. I sailed over his head and landed on Zarion. It was a pretty soft landing.

(Old Deuteronomy looked worriedly at Faline. "Hey, it's all right," Tugger tried to assure him. "Wait till you hear what she did in a few seconds!")

Zarion left out a whoosh of air and I bounced off him onto the throne of Macavity's room. Macavity whirled and spotted me. That I hadn't counted on.

"Get off there!" Zarion scolded me, leaping for me. I jumped over him and landed near Macavity.

Suddenly, Faline burst from the other room. I had no idea where she had come from, but right now I don't care. She jumped over me, landing between Macavity and me.

"Macavity! He's just a kitten! Great Heavyside, leave him alone!" Faline hissed. Silver claws extended and retracted.

Macavity looked even more annoyed than he had been a few minutes ago. "I thought I warned you-------"

"Yeah," Faline retorted. "You did. I've had it with you, Macavity. Come on, Tugger. Let's get the others and head back to the junkyard."

"I'll still need you," Macavity protested.

"I'm through, Macavity," Faline snarled. "Find someone else to do your dirty work."


"Oh yeah!" Matisha grinned. "I forgot she let us out and brought us back. That was the year Grizabella left us."

"Speaking of that, does anyone remember what happened when she came back? I sure don't," Tugger said. Matisha purred and rubbed her head against him.

"Mistoffelees and I would," Munkustrap said slowly. "So would Old Deuteronomy. Who was the first cat she had contact with out of the three of us?"

"I spoke with her shortly after the ball was under way," Old Deuteronomy commented. "But, then again, I always come in late."

"I was with her after you spotted her, Munkustrap," Misto added, licking a paw. "You tell it."

"All right, then. I will," Munkustrap stated. "It was the night of the Jellicle Ball when Grizabella left us……"


I was with Gus and Skimbleshanks, or Grandpa Gus and Uncle Skimble as I called them then. Faline must have been a teenage cat by then.

Gus was telling me stories with Jellyorum and Jennyanydots. Uncle Skimble was keeping some of the other rowdier kittens in line.

"Tell us another one, Grandpa Gus," Jelly and Jenny chorused.

"Please?" I added. Before Grandpa Gus could respond, HE had to show up.

"Grandpa Gus! Uncle Skimble!" Tugger shouted, barreling over a junk pile with Bombi, Demeter, and Matisha racing after him.

"I was wonderin' where you four disappeared to," Uncle Skimble said, glancing at them. "Xenophon and Zipporah are lookin' for someone to play with."

All of us looked at each other and groaned. Xenophon and Zipporah, another pair of Jellicle twins, were friends with Coricopat and Tantomile when they were just little kittens. ("Munkustrap, Coricopat and Tantomile were REALLY little at the time. This was their first Jellicle Ball," Misto reminded him. "Remember how they used to reach out their paws when Old Deuteronomy appeared, even before we saw him?" Matisha grinned. "They were so CUTE!")

Anyway, no one really wanted to play with Xenophon and Zipporah. They were alienating us and sticking around Grizabella all the time. We could never see what they saw in Griz. ("By the way," Munkustrap said, "I have a story to tell you about them later." Matisha's face perked up. "The kittens too, right?" Munkustrap nodded and continued.)

"We have someone to show you, Uncle Skimble, Grandpa Gus," Matisha said, her voice happy.

A dark cat slunk on top of a nearby junk pile. It was then I got a good look at Faline for the first time. She looked like she was around my age, maybe three or four years older. Silver claws glinted from black paws. White fur made her green eyes stand out.

"My name is Faline. I'm returning these four from captivity. Macavity got at them."

"Macavity!" Jelly exclaimed, glancing around as if looking for Macavity. Jenny hid behind Gus, scared.

"No, he isn't here," Faline retorted, jumping down. She walked over to us, claws retracting.

"I should hope not," Grandpa Gus told Jelly.

I jumped in front of the others, glaring at her. I recognized Macavity's scent from a previous appearance that morning. She leapt back, claws extending, ready for a fight.

"Munkustrap!" Skimble chided. "You'll have to excuse Munkustrap, my dear. He thinks anyone with Macavity's scent is bad."

"It's all right. I wasn't expecting much of a homecoming party, anyway," Faline responded.

"Homecoming party?" Matisha wondered, eyes confused. I hate to admit it, but I was just as confused.

"Hi everyone," Mistoffelees called, walking in. Seeing Faline, he jumped back, hissing. Suddenly his expression softened into an expression of shock. "That's impossible. You're supposed to be dead!"

"What are you babbling about?" Faline demanded. "I'm alive."

Uncle Skimble and Grandpa Gus slowly grinned, a look of recognition spreading across their faces.

"Misto, who IS that?" I demanded.

"That's Faline," Uncle Skimble explained. "You were too young to know her, Munkustrap, but she's probably around your age."

"Maybe a year or two older," Grandpa Gus added. "It's good to see you again, Faline."

That's when Grizabella entered the junkyard. Faline pulled back, not knowing who she was.

"Hi, Griz," Misto said, voice lacking enthusiasm.

Slowly, twin kittens moved around from behind Griz: Xenophon and Zipporah. They acted like she was their mother.

"Hello," the twins said in unison. They spotted Faline and walked over to her curiously. Twin sets of eyes looked at Faline with interest. They pounced on her. Suddenly, they were playing together. This was their way of saying, "We except you, now PLAY WITH US!"

"Hello, Mistoffelees," Grizabella responded, "Gus, Skimbleshanks, Munkustrap, Matisha, Tugger. That wouldn't be Faline, would it?"

"Yep," Misto said proudly, deciding to go join the twins in their game with Faline.

"After she's done playing, I want to have a word with her," Griz told Gus. "Tell her that for me, will you?" She left.

I noticed Matisha sticking her tongue out at Griz as she left.

"Oh that's VERY mature, Tisha," I piped up, using Skimble's old nickname for her.

"Aw, come on," Matisha retorted, leaping down gracefully. "You wanted to do it, too."

"No, I didn't," I replied.





Gus gave us a Stop-It-Before-I-Jump-In-And-Do-Something-I'll-Probably-Regret look.


"Can I take over now?" Misto asked.

"Be my guest," Munkustrap responded, grinning. His grin turned to a frown of worry as he looked at Faline.

"Don't worry, Munkustrap," Matisha said, reaching a paw across the circle to touch Munkustrap's shoulder. "She'll be fine. She always is."


After Faline had finished playing with us, the twins and I dragged Faline over to the center of the junkyard, where the Jellicle Throne lay.

"This is where Old Deuteronomy, just before dawn….," I started.

"…through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife….," Xenophon chimed in.

"…announces the cat who can now be reborn….," Zipporah continued.

"…and come back to a different Jellicle life," they finished in unison.

"They didn't drill this into you, right?" Faline wondered.

"EVERY Jellicle knows that," I responded.

"Old Deuteronomy…." Faline seemed quiet about that.

"What about him?" Xenophon wondered.

"That name seems so familiar to me! I don't see HOW it could. I've never heard it before."

Grizabella was crumpled up into a corner. Worried, Faline hurried over to talk to Griz.

I cautioned the kittens to keep at a safe distance from Griz.

"Is something wrong?" Faline asked.

"No. Nothing's wrong," Griz responded, sniffing. She had been crying.

"Come on. You can tell me," Faline insisted. She sat next to Griz.

"I don't feel loved enough here," Griz complained.

"Are you crazy? There are enough cats that are here that CAN love you!"

"Faline, do you know what's out there? Beyond the junkyard walls?"

"Of COURSE I know. I've lived outside them long enough. The road, a bunch of sewers, buildings…."

"I mean BEYOND that."

"I've never been outside the city! Sorry. You gonna be all right?"

With a nod, Griz stood.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know your name," Faline said before Griz walked off.

"I'm Grizabella. And you would be?" Griz told her.

"Faline. It's a pleasure," Faline responded.

Griz left.

Slowly, cats began to fill the junkyard. The Jellicle Ball was going to begin.


"Someone else take over," Misto said. "I'll listen while I try to figure out what happened to Faline."

"I'll go again," Munkustrap cut in, before any other cat could respond.

"And I will take over after Munkustrap," Old Deuteronomy put in.


"The Jellicle Moon is shining bright. Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball!" we sang.

Faline grinned and looked around. She was becoming quite friendly with the rest of us by then.

I walked over to her.

"Come on, Faline. Don't you want to dance with us?" I asked.

"I don't dance," she retorted. "Besides, I don't know the steps!"

"A Jellicle knows the steps," I told her.

The Rum Tum Tugger made his first wild entrance that night. Of course, most of the queens went crazy. Okay, ALL of them. All except Faline. She made these disgusted faces. When the Tugger moved over to her, she clawed him.

Suddenly, I noticed Coricopat and Tantomile. They were playing with Xenophon, Zipporah, and Jellyorum. They looked around. "Old Deuteronomy," the twins said, raising a paw in the direction they were looking in.

"You have GOT to meet Old Deuteronomy!" I told her. I started pushing her with my head.

Old Deuteronomy entered the junkyard.

("You can take over now," Munkustrap told Old Deuteronomy. With a nod, Old D continued.)


As I entered the junkyard, the other cats swarmed around me. Skimbleshanks had mentioned a surprise to me earlier that day. I wondered what it was. As I glanced around the junkyard, I knew.

A new cat was being pushed by Munkustrap. I made my way over to them.

"And who would this be?" I asked Munkustrap.

"This is Faline. She's being stubborn," Munkustrap told me.

"Faline?" I looked her over. "I thought Macavity killed you!"

A looked of realization swarmed over Faline. "FATHER!" She wound around me.

"You two are related?" Munkustrap wondered.

I nodded. "Come. We must get back to the Ball."


Before any of the other cats could say any more, a familiar laugh wound through the junkyard.

"Demeter isn't here, so I'll say it for her," Matisha told them. "Macavity!"

He appeared on top of a car.

"Hello, Jellicles," Macavity hissed.

Munkustrap took up a protective stance in front of the cats.

"Buy me some time!" Misto ordered.

"Look, all I want is Faline. You can either surrender her peacefully NOW, or we can do this the hard way," Macavity told them.

"Then you're gonna have to do this the hard way, Macavity!" Matisha told him. "We aren't going to give her up that easily."

"What she said," Munkustrap snarled.

"I didn't think you would." He signaled to some henchcats behind him. "Get her."

A fight began, giving Old Deuteronomy enough time to hide and Mistoffelees enough time to work on Faline. Slowly, the masked Jellicle stood and leapt straight for Macavity.

The Mystery Cat grabbed her. "You're mine again, Faline," Macavity purred into her ear, "and this time, I'm not going to let you go that easily. Come on!" he shouted to the henchcats. "We have what we came for! Move out!"

The group slipped away.

"Curse it all!" Matisha snarled, pounding the ground with her paw. "They got away with Faline!"

"Don't worry. We'll get her back," Munkustrap told her. "I hope."

"Um, guys?" Misto tried to cut in. "It's too late."

"What do you mean too late?" the Tugger demanded.

"When I was trying to help Faline, I think I may have hit on that darkness I found in her mind earlier. She can't escape it now. She's an enemy now. Permanently," Misto explained.
* * *

Faline slunk into Macavity's main lair.

"What is it?" Macavity demanded.

"You wanted me to let you know if I was gonna come back," Faline told him, tearing off the purple collar she was wearing. Macavity had a spiked collar next to him. "I'm back and this time, I'm gonna stay."

Slowly, she took up the spiked collar that had once belonged to her and put it on. She felt that old sense of evil slink back into her mind.

Faline was home again. Home in evil.

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