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Sign my guestbook

It's 10 PM, do you know where your children are?

Hey! Welcome to my photo’s! I have been making my site easier to navigate.  If you have any suggestions or comments or anything, please don’t hesitate to send them!   If there are pictures that you’ve been wanting to see that aren’t yet available, please send me a mail and those will go up on my page next!   Any broken links, messed up files, please let me know!


To get started with my pictures, choose a catagory on the left, and enjoy!

I need YOUR help! I’m aware that there are often weird pictures that are out of place, such as a picture from Stalag 17 in the middle of the prom.  If you find one of these occurances, please let me know! Either e-mail me, of when you sign the guestbook, put it in there. Thank you! and SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!

I added an entire new website.  It’s called My World, and includes funny pictures, jokes, Theater stuff, Simpsons and more.  Check it out!

View my guestbook

You have visited 1 times! Thanks for coming!

        Last Updated: 3/23/03 13:21

Recently Added: Stage Crew Birthday Party

Please take my poll
April 2003
Help Me with Time Management!
What do you think should be my first priority while relocating my website?

Get all the pictures up and running on the new server
Be sure the new server is good and reliable before pictures go up
Put up a Flash movie up on the homesite, with links to my photos and to my world
Create a homesite with links to my photos and my world
Create a new logo
Other: Please e-mail me to let me know

View Results


Free webhosting disclaimer:

*** is my webserver for the pictures is a bandwith limit of 12 MB a day.  Therefore, if anyone views more than 60 pictures a day on a single server, the page goes down.  The page will function again after midnight.   This is a warning, and If anyone wants to help fix the problem feel free to give me $60 for a year of my own domain name and webservice with no bandwith limit.  Thank you and have a great day!
If the page doesn’t work, and it says that the page doesn’t exist, or a dozen pop-up windows come up, that means that I made a mistake with the site, and please let me know

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