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Welcome to my world!

If you're reading this, then you're probably either myself or my teacher. I had to create this website for my web mastering class so I could upload my web pages to the internet. It's super easy, just a couple clicks of the mouse. I'm done with the assignment, so I decided to work on my home page a little...

I've collected some interesting graphics over the duration of this course. We've done numerous PowerPoint presentations on a variety of topics, and most of them required graphics. I'll include the coolest ones here, just so this web page isn't completely boring to any unfortunate soul who might stumble upon it.

This is Caissie Levy, who plays Maureen in the Collins Touring Cast of RENT.

This is Kevin Spencer, who plays Roger in the same cast of RENT.

This is Kevin Spencer and Krystal Washington... Krystal plays Mimi in RENT.

In case you can't tell, RENT is my favorite musical ;)

I actually love a variety of Broadway musicals.

Click here for my journal/updates!

Click here to visit some websites far groovier than mine!

Click here to take random quizzes and stuff!

Click here to visit my shrine!

Click here to download my resume!

Click here to see my Broadway Frontpage webpage!

Click here to visit my Java page!

Feel the least bit of interest in me? How about emailing me?

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