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     So, this is my Rent site.  (Well, duh.  10 out of 10 for my observation skills there).  It's about Rent in general, although I suppose there's more emphasis on the final London cast than any other.
     If you have any suggestions, questions, complaints or anything like that then please email me.  I'll either reply, put them up on the site, or ignore them completely.
     Anyway, that's all I can think of to say about this site.  If you want to find out more about what's here, you'll have to take a look around...

Questions/Plot Inconsistencies
My Reviews
Links and Webrings

Disclaimer, please read:
I am in no way connected to Rent or to anyone involved with Rent. This site is for entertainment and informative purposes only.

I also have to credit my brother, William, my "technical adviser" who basically showed me how to do this site.