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Dance With Me


When I close my eyes, I hear music soft and low

We're dancing really close, So slow

Holding each other as we sway

I feel your heart beat

As we whisper softly, Things we've longed to say

With so much love, words so sweet 

I lie my head on your shoulder, I feel free

I'm finally with you, where I've longed to be

There's nothing we can't share, nothing to hide

The closeness we have found, comes from inside

You've touched my heart, my soul

With you, I feel as if I could fly

Reach for the stars and touch the sky

What shall I do, with all this desire

You've set my heart, my world on fire

You turn to me, kiss my lips

You're hands slide down , to my hips

To the music we'll sway, hoping we'll both get our way

So take the chance, come to me and DANCE


                                      by: Patty

                                                 Copyright ©2001 Patricia Darlene Lachapelle          Nov19/01


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