Yuu Yuu Hakusho Fanfiction BookstoreArmageddon: World's End epilogue by Kristin Huntsman Armageddon: Worlds' End epilogue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Touchan, touchan!" I turn at the sound of my daughter's voice and smile, sweeping her up into my arms. She laughs delightedly, a sound that I once thought I would never hear again. "Kuwa-chan!" Botan says indignantly. "What do you think you're doing with Keiko? She's supposed to be having a bath!" "Don't want to!" Keiko objects, clutching my neck fiercely and sticking her tongue out at Botan. "Touchan loves me!" "Of course I do, sweetheart," I reassure her. "But your mother's right. You need a bath for your party." "Don't want to!" Keiko objects again, as I loosen her arms. "Don't make me, Touchan!" "If you take a bath, then you'll be all nice and pretty for your party," I point out. "And maybe I'll teach you some more fighting afterwards." "Promise, Touchan?" she inquires dubiously. "I promise, sweetheart," I say, setting her on the ground. "Now run along and take your bath." "'Kay!" she chirps brightly, then scampers off to the bathhouse. I sigh and step next to Botan, watching as Hatanaka-san escorts Keiko into the women's baths. I can't help but look around the village as I place my arm around Botan's shoulders. "I wonder how many of our friends are reborn as our children?" I ask quietly. "All of them, I hope," my wife answers quietly. I look down at her and smile. It has been six years since I freed everyone from the concentration camps, and we built our village in the wilderness. Here, we have built a haven of peace. The Makai has sealed itself off from the Ningenkai, and those few youkai who remain here are at peace with us. Many of the children that run barefoot about the village, mine included, are halfbreeds. I am proud of my children, who inherit both my powers and their mother's. Three sons and two daughters, named after dead friends in the hope that their spirits will be drawn to the bodies that carry their names. Yuusuke, our twins Hiei and Yukina, Keiko, and our youngest, Kurama. I still dream of them, sometimes, and I'm not sure if I truly dream, or if they visit me in my sleep. But I know things from the dreams that are true enough in waking life. Shortly before Kurama's death, he spoke of the legend of the Peacemakers. Visiting Genkai's temple, two years later, I found a book there which spoke of the legend, and confirmed my dreams. "In the time of the greatest darkness, four warriors shall fight for the freedom of all, though they come from both sides of the war. One shall die for love, one for longing, and one for friendship, yet all shall survive in the heart of the fourth, and bring the world once again into peace." "Once again into peace," I echo, as I look at my friends and family, playing and working in the golden light of the early summer sun. Yes, once again into peace. I hold my wife against my side, and watch the remainder of the human race as we rebuild our world, leaving behind the scars of the past. What happened once will never be repeated. Never again will the human race have to endure the tortures of another world. We carry the memories within us, and they are our children's to inherit and learn from. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Message: Yes, a philosophical ending. But it seemed appropriate. As for Kuwabara ending up with Botan... well, he did propose to her the first time they met. Anyhow, this is my happy ending after killing most of the cast off. As I am not up here (and able to post from this account) too often, I'll probably ask my friend Roy Rim (who you may know as the author of Ranma 1/2: Split Personalities) to post my stories to r.a.a.s. I hope you've enjoyed this story. And if my style seems familiar to any of you, my old UCSC account was named ranmafan. You may have read one of my postings from there. My new account is 71411.1046@compuserve.com. Please send your comments there. << chapter 6 back to Conflicts >> undefined undefined More... undefined [Close] undefined [Close] undefined