
unconventional and unapologetic in my creative efforts.
Performance Art is...
Definition:Art in which the medium is the artist's own
body and the artwork takes the form of actions performed by the artist.
Words in form of spoken word, poetry, monologue or just words can be utilized. Performance art has origins in Futurism and Dada,can be seen as a branch of Conceptual art.
A form of theatrical art featuring the activity of
the performer and works presented in a variety of media.

(field of Performing Arts:definition is arts or skills that require public
performance, as acting, singing, or dancing/arts, such as dance, drama, and music,
that are performed before an audience.) Which is the whole enchilada, Performance Art is a part of Performing Arts.

Larger Screen Version

here I am experimenting with dance
and movement to some Lankan drama songs. I really
love the rain. As a little kid I remember wanting
to bathe in the rain and did. In this piece dancing
in the rain is a symbol "kumata the sobaniye kandulu salaney"
-why do you cry-
rain then is the symbol of tears and cleansing.
utilized free movement just facing the rain
facing life and depicts the character waiting
where the line between the rain and tears blur where the sad song begins,
there is no resolution. this is just is
i also like water. mermaid in the desert is the picture player--i did this the art work for that imagery and capricon is a mountain goat with a fish tail(my face and bust is from a pic taken by Hiranjan Rodrigo--other than that artwork surroundings-mertail etc are mine)


This is combined with a doodle art piece that i made sometime ago
i titled it "con mucho gusto"