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^^+Michelle+^^*Arabian Helper*

***Coming Soon***

Michelle is Jack's Enemy, and Jack is Michelle's enemy.Michelle actually grew up on a farm, like Jack. He lived down the road from her. And like I said,he loves horses, but just for him. He doesn't respect them at all. Ok, on about Michelle.

Michelle's Stats:

  • Name:Michelle A.
  • Age:14
  • Hair Color:Blond(Yes, in the picture, it looks black BUT her hat is making a shadow)
  • Eyes:Blue
  • Hair length:Long
  • Horses:A mare name Fiasco, and a Stallion named Sure Fire


  • Gender:Mare
  • Color:Palimino
  • Age:10
  • Breed:Arabian
  • Height:15.7
  • Loyal to Michelle, enjoys a good roll. Likes water.

    Sure Fire:

  • Gender:Stallion
  • Color:Black
  • Age:2
  • Breed:Egyption Arab
  • Height:16.7
  • Very strong. Not completely trained. A master at opening gates, will escpae every now and then into herds. Not usually a threat to herds, but has sired a few (7)when he has escaped. He likes Michelle, would never hurt her. But, sometimes he doesn't realize his own strength...

    If you see any of these horses, don't worry, much. Ok course, your instincts, stallions, would be to claim Fiasco. But, whether you do it or not, your decision.

    Michelle will sometimes ride out on Fiasco or Sure Fire just to check and make sure Jack isn't messing things up. Just, remember, stallions and mares, this is a realistic game so play realistic. You're not going to gallop up to her. Ok?

    She will sometimes rescue horses that are going to slaughter from Jack, or maybe sometimes let loose a stallion, mare, filly, or colt he has caught to train. She has raised 27 arabians in her life. 3 of those were stolen by Jack and killed for money. Michelle takes alot of sick foals from the herds if they are abandoned and nurses them back to life here, and sets them free if they are a filly at 1 year (1 month RL) and colts at 2 years(2 months rl). Don't be surprised if you see her around w/ her horses.

    She moved here five weeks ago when she heard about this Hidden Desert from a listen-in on one of Jack's conversations. She followed him, because she knew this place was the only last place on earth where arabians run free. She knew if she didn't do something, Jack would spoil it.


    Please follow all these rules. There's not many.. just read them, ok?

  • If you are caught by jack, that is the only place on the whole game you can post. Not even here.
  • Michelle will help all the arabs she can. That means she can't get to every one of them.
  • Play reaslitically. Wild arabs won't gallops up to Michelle. They are wild.
  • If you are caught by Michelle, don't freak. She will either train you and keep you, or nurse you back to health.
  • If you are caught by Michelle, you must post only here, and nowhere else on the game. (Unless, I tell you if you are a mare, Sure Fire got hold of you..then I'll tell you where to go)
  • No other humans in this game. Only Jack and Michelle, who are played by me.
  • Go along with what Michelle wants to do. You cannot say:"She jumps the fence, runing out to be free again". No, no, no! LOL
  • Have fun! If you are caught by Michelle, it's mostly a good thing!

    +Michelle's Barn+

    When captured, you live here.


    Testing out