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You're Welcome To What's Left

Check "Substance" on your left for all the writing. I haven't added anything in a while since I've been working on something longer. Here are a few links where new things show up: Blog Twitter Dream

I Can Hear You Creeping.

Sometimes, The Sludges will come to you. They'll claim to be your better, believing it so much they'll make up stationery and labels and memos that say it. They'll piss on shirts and hand you one. They'll take out a copyright on your eyes. They'll smash themselves into your bathroom mirror until a red trace of them stays in the lines. They'll use filters, throw water on fires, develop a relationship with your darkest violence. So long as you know the truth, just let them.

For those that come here, leave me a note on the guestbook. I write either way, it would just be good to know if I need to update.

Two new: "Case 42" and "A Gathering of Men".

Mouth Off

It's been a long time since an update, but I've been getting back to the writing. That Carlton Mellick interview has been up at for a while under Articles, and the feedback from Mellick himself was very positive. What a thought.

Now that I'm writing more you can be sure it won't be long until another update, in the meantime this is a poem-like substance I secreted titled "Burning Mouth Syndrome". Enjoy. See you soon.


A few years ago I went on a six week backpacking trip through Europe with Natalia, the soon-to-be-wife lady-of-my-life. Somewhere toward the end of our voyage we were met in Amsterdam by our friend Kim, where we rented a penthouse apartment over-looking a canal. That was the good idea. The bad idea: staying in Amsterdam for almost a week.

This, "AmsterDamnation", is a summary of sorts of our time there, written like it felt. If you're shocked and appalled by what you read, it's all one big make-believe story for your amusement. Everyone else, you know truth when you see it.

The Lime Light

Two updates, both on Wrank Music.

One, a little while back a second Jack Scatter piece went up. This one is a celebrity gossip column, just not the kind you've read before. Find it here:

Second, and far more exciting, it's confirmed I'll be interviewing a writer I admire, by the name of Carlton Mellick III. He's a cult/underground surrealist and his work is borderline insane. But his use of words is vivid and all his own. I highly suggest reading his material for something totally different. He's definitely not for everyone, but I'm a fan and excited to be interviewing him and hopefully turning a few people onto him. More when it happens.

Please insult me! Always feel free to use the guestbook for feedback on my writing. There's nothing I need more than criticism. Even if you hate something, I want to know about it. I especially want to know why. I mean I'll still make fun of something you did in return, but it'll be educational for me none-the-less.

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get this gear!

This is subconscious reconnaissance. Ticker-tape stock-quote-footage of the mind. You can add your own.

All content, including text and photography, is original work and copywritten property of Brian Martinez, 2004
