Daly, Tim;Daly, Tyne: Siblings who creepily do not look alike. Are they even related? I thought I read that somewhere. Anyway, Tim and I were both in the Seattle earthquake, though not together...
Damian, Michael: Known much more to be as the singer of that '80s song "Rock On," but I know he acts in soaps and got beat up once.
Damon, Matt(hew Paige): I made an anti-page about M. Paige Damon, so that must say something about my opinion about him. Basically, Matt is very, very overhyped, or he at least was, and still is a little. He takes really stupid pictures and his quotes are...not the greatest. I hate when he's treated like some All American Boy, and when he dates a string of "bimboes" and he and Ben act all...bizarre. But I can't really say I hate Paige "Matt" Damon himself, because I don't know him, so that would be mean.
Daniel, Brittany; Daniel, Cynthia: Spare me. They played the Wakefield twins in a Sweet Valley High tv show, so you know they're really, really distinguished actresses.
Danner, Blythe: A Quaker and a Liberal. I am pointedly leaving out another obvious factoid I could say about a ...certain family member of hers.
Davidson, Jaye: Has acted in about two films, the last one being in about 1994. Some might call him queeny.
Davis, Hope: Dear Hope Davis: Please don't act in an overhyped film that would result in everybody acting like you're some genius. I might really get to not like you(or your hype, that is) if this were to happen. Please don't. Thank you.
Day-Lewis, Daniel: A method actor to the point of utter oddess...but even he never ate a bug!
De Niro, Robert: Dear "Bob" DeNiro: Please petition to all of the press and critics and general public to stop acting like you are the greatest actor to walk the Earth. I don't think anybody can be worthy of that title unless all acting stopped, or something. And, bud, I'm not sure if it would be you, since I am noticing the rather limited range of roles you have been taking. I don't think this marks a genius. Thanks.
De Rossi, Portia: "Skinny" Ally McBeal co-star who is "gaining weight." I really hate having to actually know this junk about people. Who cares. By the way, Portia De Rossi is some stupid stage name. Her real name is Mandy, something-or-other.
Dern, Laura: Maybe it is because I have only seen her in mockeries, except for a little of Rambling Rose, which I found so boring I turned the channel, but why is Laura treated like she is some screen great? What exactly was she even in that made her get so gushed about? It's really puzzling. So is, with due respect, the fact that she is in her "early thirties" and looks ...older.
De Schanel, Zooey: Okay, I wouldn't even know who this was, except I happened to read some silly article about Oscar fashions that for some reason mentioned her. I guess she is in Almost Famous. Is she in anything else? I guess Daddy is a Cinematographer. I bet it was really, really hard for her to get into acting because of that. By the way, WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS ZOOEY?
Detten, Eric von: Has-been former child star, but it's Von Detten, Eric. Learn how to file, whomever submitted this to Yahoo.
De Vito, Danny: Very short actor married to Rhea Perlman(sp?). Ate at the Oscars. "Cool."
Dewhurst, Colleen: Talented actress of the Anne movies, she was also the mother of Campbell Scott. AUGH! He's so sexy! I'm sure he was a nice son, too. Colleen passed away in the early 1990's.
Diamond, Dustin: Ugh. Screech Powers from awful Saved By the Bell. With the exception of the occasional guest stint, has he played anything else? I never liked "Screech."
Diaz, Cameron: My sister once heard from somebody who loathed Cameron Diaz's very presence. I haven't really heard much about her, but she's been in about 0 movies I like, unless I am forgetting something she had a bit part in.
Dicaprio, Leonardo: Oh, groan. "Leo" who gave an over-rated performance in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Leo of Titanic... he was not deprived of an Oscar. Leo, who's kind of withered away from stardom since then. Leo, who has stupid articles about his "club-hopping" and "models." Leo, who may or may not have incited a round of violence against an actor. Leo...the list of his inanity goes on and on, but I will spare the readers.
Dick, Andy: Ick. Bad attitude rumors. He told bad jokes in front of a college crowd that got him in a lot of trouble. He was also really irritating in Inspector Gadget.
Diesel, Vin: I heard something about HIS bad attitude getting him thrown off of a movie set, but maybe it was all a rumor.
Diller, Phyllis: I don't even know what she looks like, but she must think she's ugly, because she's supposed to joke about it and make "inspiring" speeches, telling girls that looks aren't everything. They're not, but that sounds a little...insecure.
Dillon, Kevin; Dillon, Matt: WEHT, Kevin. B-movies? That's too bad. He was alright. Matt's sort of in WEHT-ville, but he comes out with something every now and then.
Diskin, Ben: Not only is he a former child actor, who is probably beyond working in some office, but Ben is a vaugely obscure former child actor, whom I am only putting for the fact that I always see him in some movie called Just Like Dad because it is always on.
Divine: Transvestite or transexual or something. ..
DMX: See musicians, as I do not consider DMX an actor.
Doherty, Shannen: Very much said to have had some bad attitude during 90210. I think she hated the Dylan-Kelly-Brenda love triangle. I didn't really like it either. I don't really know what else led to her getting kicked off or quitting, or whatever ("the people at the London drama department liked Brenda so much that they asked her to stay"), but it made her co-star Ian Ziering say oh-so-kindly that he was glad she left.
Donovan, Elisa: Actresses of such masterpieces as a guest stint on 90210 and I don't even know what else. I guess she was all anorexic at least around the time of her 90210 work. I didn't know that, either.
Douglas, Michael: He married Catherine Zeta-Jones and all that junk that I'm too tired of hearing about to write anything more about it. Once he was supposed to have confessed to being a sex addict, or something in the ranks. Ew.
Downey, Robert Jr: I don't think that's the correct way to write that. He's Robert Downey Jr., not Robert Jr. Downey, AND HE'S VERY SEXY, TALENTED, and...troubled. Poor Robert. I have been hearing about his drug problems for years, because it's been going on for years, which makes sense considering he was first exposed to drugs when he was about six by his father, who at least regrets doing that. I don't blame him. That's a good way to create an addict. Hopefully, Robert will one day be able to get past these troubles.
Draper, Courtnee: Some kiddie actress on a Disney show. Actually, she's probably in her twenties or something, or at least looks it. Anyway, I wouldn't even give her a thought, but she made some comment on the Disney Channel that involved her parents, and while I can't recall what she said, I remember thinking it was really weird.
Drescher, Fran: What a grating voice she has, but I was sorry to her she had cancer.
Dreyfuss, Richard: A huge Liberal.
Driver, Minnie: One of Paige "Matt" Damon's girls, as well as the little date of many actors. I guess she is linked with Josh Brolin, though. She's supposed to have her share of bad publicity, but I haven't read any of it, since I usually skip articles about her.
Duchovny, David: He kind of reminds me of Alec Socialist, except he's not political. He certainly seems demanding enough. Prima Donna(or whatever you call demanding, "spoiled," actors.)
Dunaway, Faye: Hollywood veteren of such classics as Bonnie and Clyde, and such "classics" as Mommie Dearest. Still...trying to look young.
Duff, Hilary: One of the zillions of cutesy child stars out right now... but will they last, or should you be brushing up on your other skills, Hilary?
Duke, Patty: Whoops! I mean, Dukas: Anna Marie, or whatever. If she wanted to be called Anna so much, why does she have a stage name? Even if she had it when she was a teen actress, it's not like it's against the law to change your billing name when you are older. I guess that would have been pretty stupid, though.
Easton, Sheena: QUIT PUTTING MUSICIANS IN THE "ACTORS" CATAGORY, even though I do recall Sheena having some guest stint on Miami Vice, or something. I hardly think that qualifies her as an "actress."
Eisenberg, Hallie Kate: Some call her the Pepsi Brat. Her antics may be "cute" now to Hollywood, but what are they going to do when Hallie Kate gets just a little bit older. Another former child star bites the dust, I'll bet. I hope she doesn't turn to drugs, or something.
Eleniak, Erica: Star of many B-movies. One of the few women I can think of with a unibrow.
Elfman, Jenna: $trong advocate for the "church" of $cientology. $howed off when $he won $ome award for unfunny Dharma and Greg.
Elizabeth, Shannon: Oh, sure. Like her name is not really Shannon Elizabeth Smith, or something. Did you think "Shannon Elizabeth" was "prettier" than Shannon whatever your last name really is, Ms. "Elizabeth?"
Elwes, Cary: WEHT? He looked like he had a strong career going for awhile, but is suddenly Mr. TV Movie. Not that that's bad, but he's capable of more than that.
Embry, Ethan: In some stupid thing called All I Want For Christmas, he was Ethan Randall. Why the change?
Emerson, Douglas: Beyond, beyond WEHT the former teen star who played Scott Scanlon on 90210? He's seriously been the topic of such rumors as him "dying in a car accident" shortly after Scott died, and him "committing suicide." I'm sure "Doug" would like to read these rumors that make him out to be some James Dean type. He can read them at the computer in his office, or wherever he is, whatever he is doing.
Everett, Rupert: Openly gay, openly anti-religious actor. SHUT UP, RUPERT EVERETT!!!
Falco, Edie: Sorry, but don't even try to convince me she's under forty, or if she is, she needs better make-up and lighting people around her.
Farnsworth, Richard: He died about four days after I rented The Straight Story, which was a little weird. I've only really seen him in that and the Anne movies, but I liked his work, and I would have liked to have seen more.
Farrell, Colin: How many people have seen Tigerland? Not many, I am sure, so quit acting like Colin Farrell is the next "hot star," Entertainment Industry. I am not against small, independent films, like Tigerland(even though I have never seen it, and don't really want to), but I am against too much hype!
Fawcett, Farrah: Hollywood veteren of television and TV movies, still ...trying to look young.
Feldman, Corey: He and Corey Haim are both notorious for being "has-beens." Was this Corey the one with the glasses? I think so. I didn't care much for either of them, but the Corey with the glasses in Stand By Me especially wore on my nerves.
Feldshuh, Tovah: I am not 100% positive I even know what she looks like or what she has been in, but she was supposed to make some exceedingly obnoxious-sounding speech for ...some cause(the SAG commercial-actors strike?) that featured the "f-word." Ugh.
Ferrell, Will: Former teen star who--at least at a time--had very annyoing "girl hair" and was linked to Jennifer "Love" Hewitt.
Fierstein, Harvey: Openly gay comedian.
Fiorentino, Linda: She's in movies like The Last Seduction, yet occasionally garners star treatment, as if she were some huge asset to the business. Made some icky comment about doing the quirky film Kicked in the Head "only as a favor" to Martin Scorsese. Gee, thanks, St. Linda. That's so BIG of you.
Flockhart, Calista: "Wasting away," "anorexic" star of annoying Ally McBeal. I hold her responsible for all of the stupid articles about actresses who are "too thin." She's somewhere in her thirties, but comes off as very childish in some of her articles. I am proud to say I have never watched awful looking Ally McBeal, even though Robert Downey Jr. is in it, and is beyond supposed to be some "saving grace."
Follows, Megan: Anne of Avolea, and Green Gables, and all of that. Besides those movies, she hasn't been in much, has she? I last saw her in The Fugitive, sporting very short blonde hair and trying to speak in a "Maine accent."
Fonda, Bridget: Fonda, Jane; Fonda, Peter: They all don't have much to do with each other, but who cares. Basically, Bridget's the little B-actress off-spring of Peter, the more-or-less B-actor who made an icky, mean, pointless comment about Amy Irving while he was presenting some for her ex, Mr. Spielberg. Jane's the former Mrs. Turner, and fitness buff and liberal. I may as well throw in Henry: he was a legendary actor of many classic films and an odd play called The Oldest Living Graduate, among other things.
Fox, Michael J: That's Fox, Michael A(ndrew). I'm glad he admires Michael J. Pollard and all of that, but why did he change his middle initial? Oh well. Cheesily short, and once complained that he hated being called "diminuative." It is sort of nauseating. I've never been a huge FAN of Michael's films and shows (I liked Family Ties as a child, but thought Alex P. was "boring," since I was a child), but he seems okay, and I was sorry to hear about his having Parkinson's disease.
Fraser, Brendan: He went to school in my state, and I'm beyond surprised the silly local news does not make a big deal about that. Anyway, I've seen Brendan about 1,000 times, and am kind annoyed by this.
Friedle, Will: Former teen star, who... WHOOPS! I CONFUSED WILL'S FERRELL AND FRIEDLE! Will Ferrell is some "bore" on Saturday Night Live and the other is the one with the girl hair. Whatever.
Frey, Stephen: Openly gay British actor who once DISAPPEARED(!) because he got a bad review in some play. I don't mean to make light of Mr. Fry's obvious insecurities, but CALM DOWN!
Furlong, Edward: I was subjected to the mispleasure of reading some article all about Eddo's "troubles" with drugs, girls, his mother, and a bunch of other stuff. You're an adult now, Ed...
Gallo, Vincent: Oddball dujour to some, but he seems kind...interesting.An outspoken Republican, Gallo can be a bit "mean," but he's kind of funny, too. Buffalo 66 wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't bad. About three years after it was made, Vincent suddenly had some article complaining about Christina Ricci. I wonder what sparked that.
Garofolo, Janeane: To me, she comes off as being more obnoxious than funny...
Garth, Jennie: I have heard certainly more than one complaint about the 90210 cast... Besides that, she suffers from migraines and married Peter Facinelli, who'd also fathered her daughter, Luca Bella ("glamerous.")
Gedrick, Jason: Star of more than one failed TV series. I happened to catch a couple of episodes of one of them, Falcone, and all I can say is, it's no wonder a show gets cancelled when the GUEST STARS have about ten times more charisma than the cast!
Geller, Sarah Michelle: Ho hum... Sure, she's in a "hot" show now, but Sarah is one of the "hip" stars I most imagine fading to nothingness...
Gere, Richard: Very outspoken Buddhist who fathered some child with actress Carey Lowell(I neither know...nore care, if they are married or not) with some weird name I can't think of. I扉e never cared for Rich.
Gibson, Mel: Cool Republican actor, who also seems like a nice family man. Mel's also a strict Roman Catholic with a cathedral(sp?) in his back yard(?)
Gibson, Thomas: It may be an office terminal for this actor of Dharma and Greg and icky Love and Human Remains, since he has a voice flat as cardboard, and just strikes me as someone who would not be capable of portraying many characters. Maybe he can keep working, and just be typecast. Who knows?
Gilbert, Jonathan; Gilbert, Melissa; Gilbert, Sara: Actor siblings. Sara's in dull projects I don't care about like Roseanne, but I see Jonathan and Melissa all the time on Little House reruns. Jon-Jon is the epitome of some former child star working in an office, but at least it's an "impressive" one on Wall Street, and Melissa acts in cheesy TV movies and I heard had some ...surgery.
Gilpin, Peri: Named after Peri the Flying Squirell(I can't spell today), a cartoon character, of all things. I heard a dumb lesbian rumor about her, but it was on the internet, and I give those rumors the least credit for being true.
Gish, Annabeth: Has been some late "twenty-something" and in her "early thirties" for what seems like forever. Her frown literally looks like the letter U.
Gold, Tracy: Became anorexic during her run on Growing Pains. I remember jokes about Carol's "baby fat." Creepy.
Golino, Valeria: Italian actress who occasionally takes on the American film role. I guess in Italy her voice is, for some reason, occasionally dubbed. I don't know why, but that's what it said in the IMDB.
Gooding, Cuba Jr Or however the filing of "jr" goes. I don't know. Anyway, Academy Awards show-off during his win. How come he's more-or-less done B-movies ever since? I didn't care for Jerry McGuire.
Gordon-Leavitt, Joseph: Good riddance, Third Rock From the Sun = goodbye, "Joey's" acting career, I bet.
Gosselaar, Mark-Paul: Ugh, I am using a public computer, and I had to make sure that nobody was peering over my shoulder as I typed that name! I shudder when I think of Saved By the Bell... I groan at the absurdity of Mark-Paul getting a role on NYPD Blue. He will be nothing more than an actor in a stupid kiddie show to me.
Gottfried, Gilbert: Screechy-voiced "actor" who plays nothing but screechy-voiced characters. Oh, the wonders of typecasting.
Grace, Topher: It's short for Christopher, he probably thinks "Topher" makes him sound "unique." Being in a generic, ridiculous mess of a series like That '70s Show only makes ChrisTopher a bland, stereotypical young actor, however. The fact that he is in that "masterpiece" Traffic changes nothing.
Graham, Lauren: I would like to get to somebody or something that I didn't have to complain about, but it's looks like it won't happen just yet, as I really, really, really hate hearing about Gilmore Girls, and since Lauren is the star, I don't love hearing about her, either.
Grammer, Kelsey: Dr. Frasier Crane for 11 + ...well, he'd like it to be another 11 years. I've always liked the character, and I didn't even like Cheers. Kelsey's had some past troubled life, but currently seems alright.
Grant, Hugh: Pastey, cheesy, self-proclaimed, queen"ie" actor that I am so sick of hearing about. I know I have read stupid articles about Hugh wanting to have kids. I THINK I even read something about him wanting to retire?! Get it over with, Hugh.
Green, Brian "A(ustin)" : What a dumb stage name, considering it's really Brian Peter Green. Whatever. BAG is a 90210 cast member, and they've been rumored (except for the more recent additions) to have had bad attitudes. BAG-man also complained a great deal about the show he appeared on for all ten of its seasons, the last two (or so) of which he took part in producing, saying he "swallowed his pride every day he went to work." So, why didn't you quit, BAG-gy? Nobody MADE you stay for the whole run.
Green, Seth: Short, younger actor who's actually been around since he was a little kid. His movies are usually stupid, with the occasional exception ( It) , but he's not so bad.
Green, Tom: Freddy Got Fingered = Why are movies like this allowed to be made? Why was sexy Anthony Michael Hall IN that awful mess? Besides that, I don't feel like talking about Tom Green, and especially not Tom and Drew, as I could care less if they are married, pregnant, etc. or not.
Grey, Jennifer: I LOVE Matthew Broderick, but one of the (many) reasons I do not care for Ferris Bueller's Day Off is because Jennifer is in it, playing a young high school student, and practically looks like she could be the PARENT of one! That was pre her stupid nose job, where I heard that after she got one, she considered changing her name to the stage name of Wanda ... Something, because she "looked so different." Spare me.
Gross, Arye: WEHT? Office work or B movies? I'm sure it's one of the two, which is too bad, I guess. He was alright.