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Paris (AFP) June 20, 2002 - A football-field-sized asteroid capable of razing a major city came within a whisker of hitting the Earth on June 14, but was only spotted three days later, scientists said Thursday It is the closest recorded near-miss by any asteroid, they said.

The object, when questioned, stated, "Hey, I'm just passing by minding my own business, and I get the beatdown from everybody! Why's everyone so pissed off? I show up, and everyone's yelling about the flaming and the impacting and the craters-what's up with all that?!?!"
When asked for comment, the Sun replied, "You know, I'm here every day for you people, giving 110%, but I get accused of coasting through the week. But let some guy who puts the ASS in asteroid fly by, you people can't stop talking about it!"

The Corby Fan Page Space Links

NASA's Visable Earth
A searchable directory of images of the Earth

Jim Loy's Astronomy/Space Page

Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites

. Inconstant Moon
Explore the Moon... discover its dramatic features and phenomena - often beautiful, sometimes bizarre, always changing. Inconstant Moon will take you on a new tour each night, with maps, photos, explanations, animations, selected links and even music! 

A Space in Time 
A great new article from the Atlantic Online

Mars Exploration Homepage
Information about the planet and current exploratory missions. Posted by NASA.

Far Side of the Moon
A photo of the moon taken by Apollo 16. Posted by NASA.

Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
Photographs, reports, and general information about lunar missions. Posted by NASA.

The Project Apollo Archive
A privately maintained Web site that "serves as an online reference source and repository of digital images pertaining to the historic manned lunar landing program.

SOHO Exploring the Sun
The Web site of the joint NASA-European Space Agency solar observatory. Includes photographs and general information about the observatory.

Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan
Information about the Cassini spacecraft and its missions. Posted by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

View From the Viking 1 Lander
An image of the Martian surface, captured by the Viking 1 lander. Posted by The National Space Science Data Center.

Voyager: Celebrating 25 Years of Discovery
Information about Voyager's photography of Jupiter. Includes a time-lapse video of Voyager 1's approach to Jupiter.

NASA's Planetary Photojournal
A collection of images of planets, searchable both by planet and by spacecraft/instrument. Includes an extensive array of Voyager 1 and 2 photographs.

 NASA created J-Track so you could quickly and easily keep track of your favorite orbiting objects. J-Track lets you choose from a fairly large list of satellites, so we get you started by selecting a few for you

Black Holes
Website created by Michael W. Guidry, Physics Professor in Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Tennessee, which provides a simple explanation for "Black Holes" and their relationship to gravitational forces
Black Holes and Neutron Stars
"Black Holes and Neutron Stars offers a non-technical discussion about black holes and neutron stars. Topics include what they are, how they form, and how we detect them. There is also a Q&A section featuring answers to questions submitted by users, and a page of links to other sites on the Web."
Star Wars: Realities Beyond the Myth
This site "... explores the scientific possibilities of Star Wars. Wanna get a hold of a real-life lightsaber? Are sublight drives and hyperdrives in the future of real space travel? Can a planet really orbit twin stars?"
Great Images in NASA
Beautiful high resolution photos from throughout the history of the space program

NASA Homepage

Kennedy Space Center

Goddard Space Flight Center

Johnson Space Center

International Space Station

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

JPL Space Calendar

Chandra X-Ray Observatory

NASA Space Links
An Aeronautics and Space Resource for Education Since 1988


Latest Hubble Space Telescope Pictures

Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
Astronomy magazine's expanded site has the latest space news and star charts to check tonight's sky

Brian's Space Hotlist
Hundreds of categorized pointers to all sorts
of space related sites

European Space Agency

Leaping the Abyss
Stephen Hawking on black holes, unified field theory, and Marilyn Monroe. By Gregory Benford 
Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment

The Space Environment Center
The official source for space weather alerts, warnings, and forecasts 

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

US Air Force Museum 
Wright-Patterson AFB - Dayton, Ohio

Deep Cold
Using amazing 3D models, this site examines projects designed during the Space Race that never got a chance to fly
Space news, games, entertainment & science fiction

An Atlas of The Universe
Contains maps of the universe zooming out from the nearest stars to the entire visible universe

Space Adventures Ltd.
The world's premier space tourism company

Technology and Prosperity Through Knowledge of the Sky 

The Nine Planets
This fast-loading, well organized site gives an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system.

Mars Orbiter Camera
NASA posts the "single largest release of images for any planet" in the history of space exploration.

Constellations Index
The 88 officially-recognized constellations

Constellation Central
Type in your zip code and plot the changing course of stars above you on this fascinating site.

The Griffith Observatory

A great space portal

Stephen Hawkings Strange Stuff Explained
A really smart guy

Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku
another really smart guy

Kids Space
An educational learning site devoted to bringing out the creativity in kids of all ages 

Your Sky, the interactive planetarium of the Web
Your portal to space

the site for the weekly TV series on naked eye astronomy

The National Space Society's vision is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth. 

Welcome To Night Sky
Here you will find information about planets and constellations
that are visible this week......Happy Stargazing!

Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy
devoted to airing out myths and misconceptions in astronomy and related topics

Earth & Sky Homepage
site for the PBS radio series

Daniel Durda is a Planetary Scientist with Southwest Research Institute  and his space art is way cool

Bottomquark Science & Technology News

The Academy For Future Science is a non-profit corporation that examines new scientific ideas for the future

Satellite Imagery

Space Imaging
Commercial Satellite Photographs

Satellite Photos from Terraserver

National Reconnaissance Office

National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Digital Globe