words of wisdom....cries for help...and other weird shit

Okay...I have this habit of collecting quotes, and I figured I might as well keep them all here rather than the ninety million notebooks and shit I keep laying around. There are wise men, madmen, and my friends all here. You might even find something from me and the mrs. You never know....

A Quote

"Oh! You're a loon aren't you? Where've you escaped from and i'll take you back."-Lord Bravery, Freakazoid

"...one of those people I'd just as soon hit with a boat paddle than look at."-brian the loss prevention guy at work

"That vile looking concoction looks as though it would poison your body as well as your soul."-also brian the loss prevention guy

"Let's go inside before the lightning strikes you and bits of you mess up my nice shoes."-Jane Lane, daria

"If I don't get this painting out of my head, I'll sure go crazy."-Clementine Hunter

"The illusion of all art is that it's formed by magic."-Sarah Charlesworth

"What in tarnation stole your bucket of happy?"-stupid column in stupid local paper...but it's cute idn't it

"I wish that I could count to ten and make everything wonderful again."-"Wonderful", Everclear

"and I thought, well, yes, camels."-Eugene Walter

"My mind works like god--in mysterious ways but not as pure."-relda

"Keep knocking and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who's there."-Rumi

"White men come and white men go, but we will be here forever."-Hopi saying

"The Indians and the black folks need to get together and have one big ghetto pow wow and show these white folks what its about."-Jason Dixon

"The function of freedom is to free someone else."-Toni Morrison

"Thus I live in the world rather as a spectator of mankind than as one of the species."-Joseph Addison

"Had I been present at the creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the Universe."-Alfonso the Wise, King of Castile

"Be happy while y'er leevin, for y'er a lang time deid."-Scottish motto for a house

"Here's tae us, wha's like us? Gey few and they're deid."-Scottish toast

"The world is full of fools, and he who should not see it should live alone and smash his mirror."-French anon.

Vox et praetera nihil.(A voice and nothing more.)-Plutarch

Liberavi animam meam.(I have freed my soul.)-St. Bernard

"Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole."-written in sidewalk

"There is always something rather absurd about the past."-Max Beerbohm

"Who knows but the world may end tonight?"-Robert Browning

"I am ashes where I once was fire."-Lord Byron

"For the Snark was a Boojum, you see."-Lewis Carroll

"If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you."-Lewis Carroll

"listen: there's a hell of a good Universe next door; let's go."-e.e.cummings

"It was the Rainbow gave thee birth, and left thee all her lovely hues."-W.H. Davies

"I found god in myself and I loved her. I loved her fiercely."-Ntozake Shange

"How can I live my life without committing an act with giant scissors?"-Joyce Carol Oates, "An Interior Monologue"

"Beautiful, beautiful magnificent desolation."-Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., on the moon

"I done seen better days, but I'm puttin up with these."-"James Alley Blues", David Johansen and the Harry Smiths

"Sometimes I think you're too sweet to die, and other time I think you oughta be buried alive."-"James Alley Blues", David Johansen and the Harry Smiths

"Tell me is something eluding you sunshine?/Is this not what you expected to see?/If you'd like to find out what's behind these cold eyes/You will just have to blow your way through the disguise."-Pink Floyd

Oderint, dum metuant (May they hate me, if only they fear me.)-Anton LeVey (i think)

Exoriare aliquis nostris exassibus ultor. (May an avenger one day rise from my bones.)-Anton LeVey (again...i think)

"You don't need pants for the visctory dance."-I.M. Weasel

"Medoc/are you here?/I've been sleepwalking again my dear./The plants are moving under the rug"-Stephen King, The Shining

"Curiosity killed the cat and it was the hope of satisfaction that brought him back."-Stephen King, The Shining

"I'm on the outside/I'm lookin in/I can see through you/see your true colors/and inside you're ugly/you're ugly like me"-Staind

"This inhuman place makes human monsters."-Stephen King, The Shining

"If brains was black powder, he couldn't blow his own nose. It's a pity the things you see when you ain't got a gun."-Stephen King, The Shining

"The sleep of reason breeds monsters."-Goya

"Darkling, I listen."-Anne Rice, Memnoch the Devil

"Blessed are the broken"-Courtney Love (Hole)

"We got a brand new dance...it's called we got to overcome."-Sublime

"If you want us to be nonviolent, why do you kill us?"-Malcolm X

"No matter what happens to your body, madame, if your heart is free, then you are free."-ex-political prisoner

"I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake."-jenniboo's favorite quote, adapted from the fight club

"I never really hated the "one true God" but the God of the people I hated."-Marilyn Manson

"I am the god of fuck."-Marilyn Manson

Quotes from George Orwell's 1984

"Orthodoxy means not thinking-not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconciousness."

"One day he will disappear. It is written in his face."

"Until they become concious, they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become concious."

"Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one."

"We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness."

"You're only a rebel from the waist downwards." (quoted by Marilyn Manson in "disposable teens")

"The end was contained in the beginning."

"If they could make me stop loving you-that would be the real betrayal."

"It is not easy to become sane."

"Shall I tell you why we have brought you here? To cure you! To make you sane!"

"Nothing will remain of you: not a name in a register, not a memory in a living brain. You will be annihilated in the past as well as in the future. You will never have existed."

"I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane."

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping a human face-forever."

"You are a difficult case. But don't give up hope. Everything is cured sooner or later. In the end we shall shoot you."

"To die hating them, that was freedom."

"Anyway, I'm sort of glad they've got the atomic bomb invented. If there's ever another war, I'm going to sit right the hell on top of it. I'll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will."-J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye

"put on your red shoes and dance the blues"-David Bowie

"Give me one generation of youth, and I will transform the entire world."-Lenin

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."-J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

"My mind and I are no longer getting around in the same circles."-Ralph Ellison

"If it was God that saved the miracle child from the peril of the fiery flame, well then it musta been Him killed the 200 others just to glorify His name."-Jim White

"Twenty-five years ago, being crazy meant something. Now everybody's crazy."-Charles Manson

"Much madness is divinest sense."-Emily Dickinson

"Elves are one of the things they give you
When you go mad
They come on the Welcome Wagon,
Sit in your mind,
And tell you what the sane people are up to." -sign on Emma O's door in Sharyn McCrumb's The PMS Outlaws

"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."-Carl Jung

"A paranoid-schizophrenic is a guy who has just found out what's going on."-William Burroughs

"I can't help it. I was born sneering."-W.S. Gilbert

"I never met anybody who learned by talking."-Elvis Presley

"Tell the truth, but tell it slant."-Emily Dickinson

"You are all fellow travelers in neurosis."-Sharyn McCrumb, The PMS Outlaws

"I have been bull goose loony on this ward for nigh onto two years, and I'm crazier than any man alive."-Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

"I am el chupacabra. I want to suck your blood."-DeeDee while attached to Dexter's head

"We need to go incognito. We will take the flying sombrero."-Dexter

"Cease upon the midnight with no pain"-John Keats

"But the government can't just take people's lands for no reason, and leave them homeless!"
The old woman's smile was grim. "Mister," she said,"have you ever heard tell of Indians?"-Sharyn McCrumb, She Walks These Hills

"I'd cross hell on a rotten log before I'd say a word against the man who killed him."-Sharyn McCrumb, She Walks These Hills

"Their names are graven on the stone,
Their bones are in the clay;
And ere another day is gone,
Ourselves may be as they."-Tennessee Methodist Hymnal (1885), #670 "Dwelling Among the Tombs" by Reginald Heber...as quoted in She Walks These Hills

"Come on my partners in distress,
My comrades through the wilderness,
Who still your bodies feel:
Awhile forget your griefs and fears,
And look beyond this vale of tears..."-Tennessee Methodist Hymnal(1885), #663 "Come On My Partners in Distress" by Charles Wesley...as quoted in She Walks These Hills

"In the wilderness I stray;
My foolish heart is blind;
Nothing do I know: the way
Of peace I cannot find."-Tennessee Methodist Hymnal (1885), #400 "Wretched, Helpless, and Distressed" by Charles Wesley...as quoted in She Walks These Hills

"Being a woman is dangerous. I'm just asking you to give me a gun, and more money to make up for it."-Sharyn McCrumb, She Walks These Hills

"I have lived in the darkness for so long,
I am waitin' for the light to shine,
Far beyond horizons I have seen,
Beyond the things I've been,
Beyond the dreams I've dreamed...
I am waitin' for the light to shine."-"Waitin' For the Light to Shine", unknown...as quoted in She Walks These Hills

"The world can never give
The bliss for which we sigh:
T'is not the whole of life to live,
Nor all of death to die."-Tennessee Methodist Hymnal(1885), #676 "O, Where Shall Rest Be Found" by Montgomery...as quoted in She Walks These Hills

"We, while the stars from heaven shall fall,
And mountains are on mountains hurled,
Shall stand unmoved amidst them all,
And smile to see a burning world."-Tennessee Methodist Hymnal(1885), #690 "The Great Archangel's Trump" by Charles Wesley...as quoted in She Walks These Hills

"Some days look better upside down."-Eeyore

"Water is my real religion."-Jimmy Buffet

"It's not close quarters that would make me snap
It's just dealing with the daily unadulterated crap."-Jimmy Buffet, "Landfall"

"Her heart is in the kitchen, but her soul is in the stars."-Jimmy Buffet

"I was like holy omg jesus fuck."-jenni, on meeting Aaron Lewis of Staind

"you're the bottom of every bottle."-nickelback, "how you remind me"

"i said i love you and i still do, and it must have been so bad, cause livin with must have damn near killed you."-nickelback, "how you remind me"

"If you wanna stop war and stuff, you gotta sing loud."-arlo guthrie, "alice's retaurant"

"And I said, I wanna kill."-arlo guthrie, "alice's restaurant"

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