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Air Conditioning Modification

   I found this tar-like black stuff that comes rolled up in a big roll that is called "API Temp-Control" at Discount Auto Parts (now called O'Reiley Auto). Its made by a company called Four Seasons and comes in a 10"x10"x3" or white box. I just took it and wrapped the tape all around all the cold a/c lines (the metal ones), and sealed up where the cold lines go into the interior of the car, and I also wrapped the big silver accumulator (as shown below). I did not wrap the rubber hose sections, since they didn't sweat. Some of the pieces I later covered in rubber tape so that my arms wouldn't stick to them during oil changes. After doing this a year ago, my air conditioning has been awesome, a good 15-20degF drop from what I measured, a definite cold improvement.

   As far as performance is concerned, I imagine since the compressor has to run less to maintain a cold state it might have some affect on it, but I did it for cooling off the interior of the car, not for engine horsepower. If you wish to lower the overall running temp of your engine, run a 70% Distilled Water/30% Antifreeze mix during the summer... so long that the temps don't go below 30degF outside, you're fine... Water can carry the heat from the engine far more efficiently than antifreeze, so a higher water concentration keeps the engine cooler. I also changed my thermostat out to a 180 (stock 195), and I might go to 160... but 180 made a considerable difference in under hood temps... My temp gauge reads a little under the 210 mark, no matter if I am sitting at a light or cruising down the highway, but I am sure that it is cooler with the thermostat since now, when I pop the hood, I don't have a blast of heat flame off my eyebrows =).

   If you'd like me to ship you some of this A/C wrap, send an email to and I'll see what I can do. I weighed my box and it is rather heavy, so I imagine shipping isn't friendly, but I will be glad to do what I can.

FYI: This photo was taken on my previous Red 2000 Firebird.