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The three most asked questions on breeding.very important if you are hoping to breed-

Again there are pictures here and it is from another site that was NOT copyrighted. You may use it and the information that follows only if you contact me via e-mail and tell me what your using it for.

Most asked question- When are gerbils able to breed and produce offspring?

Well, thats actually preety easy to answer. Gerbils become sexually mature at the age of 8-12(2-3 months) weeks of age.There is the chance that they will mate as soon as they are ready, or it may take a while. Young gerbils paired with gerbils of the oppisite sex who are already to breed may be ready sooner than normal. After becoming sexually mature, male gerbils are able to mate and produce offspring until the remainder of their lives. While, feamales generally only give birth to an average of 12-14 litters(may be more or less). They also only reproduce unitil the age of two years. However, there are exceptions to this.

Second most asked question- When does mating occur and how can I tell if it's happened?

Another question that can be answered easily. Generally, mating will occur during the evening and nite-time. But mating can occur anytime during the day.When the two are ready the male will mount the feamale from behind, shall the feamale except, she will raise her back-end if she does. The mating lasts only a few seconds but can occur all day. For ejaculation to occur it may take up to ten times of mating! If ejaculation does occur you can tell by that both gerbils will "wash themselves" afterwards.

Third most asked question- How can I tell if my gerbil is pregnant?

Easy, around the 10-15 day of pregnancy it is possible to tell if she is pregnant. Her nipples will be easier to see, her belly will feel like a sack of potatoes, and there could be a redish brown color dishcharge from her vagina. When she looks similar to a pear from abouve, she is nearing giving birth. Other singhns to look for if she is acting lethargic- meaning not running playing or she may become very pre-occupied from nest-building. The gestation period of a non-nursing female is 21-25 days, for a nursing female 25-42 days.The gestation period will range. Note that pair will mate again after birth, but the implatation of the egg will be delayed(so that mo won't have to nurse two litters). The average litter is 4-5 pups. But up to 12 have been recorded!! Sometimes the egg will split so that there ar eidentical twins. That happended to me before!