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007 Codes and Gitches

These codes are entered in the mission selection screen.

Facility: L + R + c up R + c left L + left R + c up L + left R + c down L + c right R + right L + R + c up L + right

Runway: L + R + left R + left L + c up L + left R + c up R + c down R + c right R + right L + down L + right

Surface 1: R + c left L + R + c up L + left R + up R + left L + up R + c down L + right L + c right L + R + down

Bunker 1: L + c down R + right L + c right R + c left L + c down L + R + left L + c right L + R + up R + c right L + up

Silo: L + up R + c down L + left R + down L + c left L + R + c right L + c up R + right R + right R + c right

Frigate: R + c up L + down R + c right L + left L + R + up L + R + c down R + c right R + up L + R + c down R + up

Surface 2: L + c down L + R + c right R + c right R + c up R + c left L + right L + R + c up L + c up L + R + down L + c right

Bunker 2: L + down R + down L + R + c up L + left L + R + right L + c left R + right L + c up L + left L + c down

Statue Park: L + R + c down L + R + c down L + right L + R + left R + left R + c right L + R + left R + c up R + c down R + right

Archives: R + left L + R + up L + R + c down R + left L + R + c right L + left L + R + right L + R + c down L + up R + c down

Streets: L + R + c left L + c right L + up L + R + c down R + c right R + c down R + left R + c down R + c up L + down

Depot: L + down L + down R + c down L + c right L + R + right R + c left L + down L + c left L + c right L + up

Train: R + left R + c down R + c right L + R + left L + right R + c down L + left L + R + c left L + up L + c up

Jungle: R + c down R + left L + R + up R + right R + down R + down R + up R + c left R + c up L + R + left

Control Center: L + c down R + down L + right R + c right R + c down R + left R + left R + c up R + left L + R + c up

Caverns: L + down R + c down L + R + up L + right R + c up R + c left R + up L + c left L + up R + c left

Cradle: L + R + c up L + left R + down L + down L + c up L + down R + right R + c up L + c left R + right

The following cheat activation codes must be entered on the Cheat Menu. If you enter the code correctly, you will hear a beep. Exit the Cheat Menu, then return to the Cheat Menu for the new cheat to appear.


Activate Paintball Cheat: L Button + Up C-Up R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up L Button + C-Down


Activate Invincibility Cheat: R Button + Left L Button + Down Left Up Down R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Right L Button + C-Left


Activate DK Mode Cheat: L Button + R Button + Up C-Right R Button + Left R Button + Up Up R Button + Right Up L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + R + C-Left


Activate 2X Grenade Launcher Cheat: R Button + Down R Button + Up Right L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + Right R Button + Left Left Down Up R Button + C-Down


Activate 2X Rocket Launcher Cheat: R Button + Right L Button + Up Down Down R Button + C-Down L Button + Left L Button + C-Left R Button + Up R Button + Down R Button + C-Left


Activate Turbo Mode Cheat: L Button + Down L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up R Button + C-Down Left R Button + Down L Button + C-Down Up R Button + Down L Button + Right


Activate No Radar Cheat [Multi]: R Button + Up C-Down C-Left C-Up L Button + Down R Button + Up C-Left Right R Button + Left R Button + Right


Activate Tiny Bond Cheat: L Button + R Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + C-Down Left R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Down Right Down R Button + C-Down R Button + Right


Activate 2X Throwing Knives Cheat: R Button + C-Left L Button + Left Up L Button + R Button + Right Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Left R Button + Down R Button + Left R Button + C-Left


Activate Fast Animation Cheat: L Button + C-Down L Button + C-Left C-Down C-Right C-Left L Button + R Button +Right C-Right L Button + R Button +Up R Button +C-Left L Button +Left


Activate Bond Invisible Cheat: L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Left R Button + C-Left R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left L Button + Right Left L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Down


Activate Enemy Rockets Cheat: L Button + R Button + C-Down C-Left R Button + C-Down C-Down C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up C-Down R Button + Up L Button +Up


Activate Slow Animation Cheat: L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Down L Button + R Button + Left C-Right L Button + R Button +Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Down C-Left C-Up


Activate Silver PP7 Cheat: L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Right L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Down C-Down L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left


Activate 2X Hunting Knives Cheat: R Button + C-Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Left R Button + Right L Button + R Button +Right L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Down R Button + Left L Button + Right L Button + C-Left


Activate Infinite Ammo Cheat: L Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Right C-Right C-Left R Button + Left L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button +Left L Button + R Button +C-Down L Button +Up C-Right


Activate 2X RCP-90s Cheat: Up Right L Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + Up L Button + C-Left L Button + Left C-Right C-Up L Button + R Button + Down


Activate Gold PP7 Cheat: L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Up L Button + R Button + Down C-Up R Button + Up L Button + R Button + Right L Button + Left Down L Button + C-Down


Activate 2X Lasers Cheat: L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Down R Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + Right C-Up Right R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Up


Activate All Guns Cheat: Down Left C-Up Right L Button +Down L Button +Left L Button +Up C-Left Left C-Down

These cheats are entered during normal gameplay:

Invincibility: L Button + Down R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Up L Button + Right L Button + C-Down R Button + C-Up L Button + Right R Button + Down L Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Right


All Guns: L Button + R Button + Down L Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Down L Button + C-Down R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + C-Left


Maximum Ammunition (not infinite): L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up R Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Down R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Left


Line Mode: R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up


Invisibility: R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up R Button + Up L Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Right


Invisibility in Multiplayer: L Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + C-Left R Button + Up L Button + C-Right R Button + C-Left L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down

Gateway to Heaven Glitch: First put it on tiny bond mode. Then choose the Frigate stage. Now go to the right side of the bridge (from the front of the ship) and go up the stairs leading to to middle of the ship. When you open the door you will see a stairs on your left. Now crouch by holding L or R down and then holding down on the keypad.While you're down release the L or R button and you should stay crouched. Then walk off the stairs and look up. Keep on walking untill you see a door. Now you can go up to the door and open and close it and shoot it! Look around you can only see the sea and a small bit of the ship! This wierd floating thing happens when you go off of any stairs! It's kinda of a hard trick but once you get it you can do it over and over and over agian.

Floating Mine: When your playing and you see glass some, example: Go to the Facility and go where the glass is where Dr. Doak is, (sometimes hes not by the glass) but you know where the glass is. Go there and throw a mine on the glass, and then shoot the glass with the gun. Make sure you don't hit the mine. :) See it floats kewl huh?

Warping Natalya Glitch: This isnt very useful, but it's just a fun thing to do. Go to Statue Park play the level, once you get the flight recorder, run straight to the gate where Natalya is, turn around and look behind you. There's another Natalya. She's doing what you told her to do. That is go to the gate, but wait there's another one, look the other one has a gun to her head. Weird???żżż???

Truck Glitch: In the first level, when you open the security gates for the truck, if you walk too close to the car in front of it, it's possible to get stuck. The truck will then stop and trap you. You can still shoot and turn, but you can't move.

Weird Stuck-in-the-Wall Glitch: Once you get the Cougar Magnum code, play the Dam. When you get to the two guards inside a barrier shooting at you through a small hole, sneak up around them and shoot the one on the left with the Magnum. The guard will fall backwards and then jump right up the wall and slip through the hole where they were shooting you through! When I did it, I didn't get a fatal hit the first time, so he got up and came back down through the hole again. I shot him and he got stuck again but this time he stayed there!

Computer on Wall Glitch: First go to the first surface level, then kill the enemies in front of the two cabins (one to the right and left), go in the cabin on the right. Look through the window on the door and get out the sniper rifle. Then shoot out all the windows on the other cabin. Instantly a computer should show up on the wall of the cabin you shot the windows out of.

Floating mines everywhere!: This code allows you to float mines anywhere! First go to the bunker in multiplayer mode, make sure you have remote mines as your weapon. Plant eight mines on the TVs that hang from the ceiling. After every TV has a mine on it go to the detonator and blow them all up. Now refill on mines and toss one. Nothing happens, but if you back up you will see a mine floating! You can plant mines anywhere in the Bunker after the code has been done.

Archive Glitch: This is not useful but it`s pretty neto freto. In the Military Archive after you find Natalya and completed all the objectives, go to the library to escape. Blast the window, but don`t jump out. Instead, turn around and look at Natalya. Then quickly shoot and kill her then jump out the window. If you do it quickly and completed all the objectives you should see just yourself running down the alley, but no Natalya; and you will also still beat the level.

Super Fast Glitch: Turn on Fast Animation, Turbo, and invincibility helps. Anyway go to the Cradle and then go to the control console and blow it up. Then follow Trevelyan. It's funny!!, He runs all over the place REALLY fast. It's especially funny when he runs down a slope. He actually flies down it, literally. :)... Now kill him and then go to the last part (the antenae thingy that you kill Trevelyan on) then let James jump to the helicopter. He will fly off without it! Then he will stop in mid-air and wait for it.

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