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Doc . because life long learning persists .
Happy Harv . The sailor suit smile of age three anticipated what was recognized a decade and a half hence by a completely different  context.

   Other would-be nicknames but off the mark -- Mr.Thrifty, the expert worker --

In the 1950s, the anchor slot on the score sheet of the "kids" bowling team, which won the men's league championship, read "Happy Harv". My bowling ball and bag were identified with H2o, for Happy Harv Otto. An H2o, or water ball, has a special meaning in bowling circles. Water doesn't knock down bowling pins in an effective matter. Yet my average pushed the 200 mark.
   I pleasantly rediscovered a few saved notes about mine and my son's bowling. I had given him my bowling equipment for his birthday one year. He has saved the equipment along with my golf equipment which I also handed down. But his current golf equipment puts mine to shame.

   And there was another team of yester years, that of sand lot baseball. We made the front page of the state's largest paper.