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                                             Theory W  page 68
 Chapter for charts

 Figures                                                 Page
 Figure 1 - An unformal organization database              94
 Figure 2 - A poem of failure                              96
 Figure 3 - A whole hour organization database            100
 Figure 4 - A poem of work                                105
 Figure 5 - A poem about writing                          106
 Figure 6 - Formal versus functional organization         128
 Figure 7 - A performance evaluation example              131
 Figure 8 - Visual of a general aim chart                 161
 Figure 9 - Visual of a specific aim chart                162
 Figure 10 - Formal organization chart                    301
 Figure 11 - Matrix mgt positions                         302
 Figure 12 - Pure formal base of Fig.10                   302
 Figure 13 - Requisite abilities                          305
 Figure 14 - Functions each & all                         308
 Figure 15 - 1936 matrix chart                            310
 Figure 16 - Mature matrix                                312
 Figure 17 - Matrix formal bosses                         313
 Figure 18 - Matrix many bosses                           313
 Figure 19 - Beyond matrix                                314
 Figure 20 - Product structure                            314
 Figure 21 - Informal projects                            315
 Figure 22 - Operational islands                          316
 Figure 23 - Projects work flow                           318
 Figure 24 - People interfaces                            319
 Figure 25 - Work flow hierarchy                          320
 Figure 26 - Functional database                          323
 Figure 27 - Behavioral extinction                        372
 Figure 28 - Covert organizational aspects                373
 Figure 29 - A view of intervention                       375
 Figure 30 - Action research variables                    376
 Figure 31 - Change as outcome variables                  377
 Figure 32 - Outcome measurement                          379
 Figure 33 - Input and output variables                   380
 Figure 34 - Input-output terms                           381
 Figure 35 - Job change strategy                          382
 Figure 36 - Structured task fulfillment                  383
 Figure 37a - The OD realm                                384
 Figure 37b - The OD realm                                385
 Figure 38 - Structure versus work process                386
 Figure 39 - Perverse formal structure                    402
 Figure 40 - Thinking pyramid                             403
 Figure 41 - Organization approaches                      404
 Figure 42 - Organization types                           407
 Figure 43 - Dissertation's functional organization       483
 Figure 44 - The timeline of a lifetime                   510

 Charts                                          Theory W  69
 Figure 45 - Gandt chart functional task timekeeping      512
 Figure 46 - Database functional task timekeeping         513
 Figure 47 - Graphic of a catatonic self                  540
 Figure 48 - Graphic of a normal self                     541
 Figure 49 - Universal human needs as a life aim          543
 Figure 50 - ERG as the individual's org                  546
 Figure 51 - An independent self                          569
 Figure 52 - Waretime timekeeping                         624
 Figure 53a - 1960s Gandt, PERT & CPM applications        632
 Figure 53b - 1960s Gandt, PERT & CPM applications        633
 Figure 53c - 1960s Gandt, PERT & CPM applications        634
 Figure 54a - Computerized application                    635
 Figure 54b - Computerized application                    636
 Figure 55a - Flowchart examples                          637
 Figure 55b - Flowchart examples                          638
 Figure 56a - Project budget control                      639
 Figure 56b - Project budget control                      640
 Figure 56c - Project budget control                      640
 Figure 56d - Project budget control                      641
 Figure 57 - Project task time-dollar forecasts           642
 Figure 58 - Operations and projects                      643
 Figure 59a - Project time control                        644
 Figure 59b - Project time control                        645
 Figure 60 - Why flow charts                              646
 Figure 61 - Individual's life-work flow                  663
 Figure 62 - Non-detail-old structure                     671
 Figure 63a - Spiral notebook detail                      706
 Figure 63b - Small notebook detail                       708
 Figure 63c - Notepad detail                              709
 Figure 63d - Phone-o-gram detail                         710
 Figure 63e - Service billing detail                      711
 Figure 63f - Computer detail                             712
 Figure 63g - Activity detail                             713
 Figure 63h - Notebook detail                             714
 Figure 63i - Datebook detail                             715
 Figure 63j - Function detail                             717
 Figure 63k - Written detail                              719
 Figure 63l - History detail                              720
 Figure 63m - Flow of history detail                      721
 Figure 63n - Validity detail                             722
 Figure 63o - Clock detail                                723
 Figure 63p - Awareness detail                            725
 Figure 63q - Priority of detail                          726
 Figure 63r - Job detail                                  727
 Figure 64a - Department time                             729
 Figure 64b - SB time                                     730
 Figure 64c - OP time                                     731
 Figure 64d - SB time                                     732
 Figure 64e - HO time                                     733

 Charts                                          Theory W  70
 Figure 64f - No-progress list                            734
 Figure 65a - NW worktime                                 738
 Figure 65b - NW worktime self-review                     739
 Figure 66a - NW narrative job desc                       741
 Figure 66b - NW narrative job desc                       742
 Figure 67 - Dean's worknet                               746
 Figure 68a - Alice's worknet - before                    747
 Figure 68b - Alice's worknet - before                    748
 Figure 69a - Alice's worknet - after                     749
 Figure 69b - Alice's worknet - after                     750
 Figure 70a - Worktime database                           767
 Figure 70b - Worktime database                           768
 Figure 71 - Quarterly summary                            769
 Figure 71d - About member organizations                  760d
 Figure 72 - Identify individual work tasks               763d
 Figure 73 - Student as expert worker                     787
 Figure 74 - Bill of material                             792
 Figure 75 - Input mechanism                              793
 Figure 76 - Materials control chart                      794
 Figure 77 - Charts vs workweb                            795
 Figure 78 - Worktask database                            796
 Figure 79a - Position 400                                797
 Figure 79b - Position 400                                798
 Figure 79c - Position 400                                799
 Figure 79d - Position 400                                800
 Figure 79e - Position 400                                801
 Figure 79f - Position 400                                802
 Figure 79g - Position 400                                803
 Figure 80a - Plastics workweb                            804
 Figure 80b - Plastics workweb                            805
 Figure 80c - Plastics workweb                            806
 Figure 80d - Plastics workweb                            807
 Figure 80e - Plastics workweb                            808
 Figure 80f - Plastics workweb                            809
 Figure 80g - Plastics workweb                            810
 Figure 81 - UPS workweb                                  811
 Figure 82 - Network plan                                 812
 Figure 83 - Task network                                 813
 Figure 84a - Graphic complexity                          814
 Figure 84b - Graphic complexity                          815
 Figure 85 - Far reaching capacity                        816
 Figure 86 - Individualization capacity                   817
 Figure 87 - Performance from contact                     834
 Figure 88 - Tasking of adm files                         835
 Figure 89 - Research approaches                          873
 Figure 90 - Behavior training                            874
 Figure 91 - Worker resemblence?                          875
 Figure 92 - Another research approach                    877
 Figure 93 - Finding test instruments                     890

 Charts                                          Theory W  71
 Figure 94 - FIRO-B authorization                         894
 Figure 95 - FIRO-B materials                             895
 Figure 96a - FIRO-B trial                                896
 Figure 96b - FIRO-B trial                                897
 Figure 96c - FIRO-B trial                                898
 Tables                                                  Page
 Table 1 - Age of career usefulness                        15
 Table 2 - Tasks of different life philosophies            17
 Table 3 - A chosen philosophy of life                     19
 Table 4 - Author's business career                        26
 Table 5 - Author's non-employment activity                29
 Table 6 - Education career pursuits                       30
 Table 7 - Author's education career                       31
 Table 8 - Hierarchical purposes of this dissertation      36
 Table 9 - Chronoloogy of dissertation project             52
 Table 10 - Dissertation should-have-been periods          53
 Table 11 - Traditional vs non-traditional institutions    55
 Table 12 - Plan of Theory W presentation                 120
 Table 13 - Purposes of this paper                        120
 Table 14 - A Solomon-temple organization hierarchy       136
 Table 15 - Beginnings of administrative science          137
 Table 16 - Organization theories - phase 1               140
 Table 17 - Elements of the function administration       143
 Table 18 - Organization theories - phase 2               145
 Table 19 - Theory W versus quality circle                153
 Table 20 - Span of control geometric progression         155
 Table 21 - Organization theories - phase 3               159
 Table 23 - Boss expectations, worker achievement         172
 Table 24 - Chronology of administrative theory           173
 Table 25 - Organization theories - phase 5               178
 Table 26 - Organization theories - phase 6               180
 Table 27 - Organization theories - phase 7               200
 Table 28 - Organization theories - phase 8               221
 Table 29 - Administrative theorists                      224
 Table 30 - Theorists chronology                          228
 Table 31 - Early modern administrative literature        241
 Table 32 - Strategies of deliberate changing             242
 Table 33 - Nine inventions                               242
 Table 34 - OD variables                                  243
 Table 35 - A hierarchy of science                        262
 Table 36 - Fayol's work-life                             277
 Table 37 - The machine bureaucracy                       307
 Table 38 - Conflict resolution modes                     321
 Table 39 - Herzberg's factor theory                      321
 Table 40 - Functional structure in database format       328
 Table 41 - Strategy variables defined                    340
 Table 42 - Functional Greek strategy                     342

 Charts                                          Theory W  72
 Table 43 - Greek army-citizen's tasks                    342
 Table 44 - Greek general's work tasks                    342
 Table 45 - Theory W & MOGSA hierarchies                  349
 Table 46 - Structures of Theory W pyramid                364
 Table 47 - OD versus Theory W                            387
 Table 48 - Theory definition                             391
 Table 49 - Theory W definition?                          394
 Table 50 - Theory performance measurement                396
 Table 51 - A worker's worknet                            400
 Table 52 - Scholarly research whollism                   419
 Table 53 - OD areas of knowledge                         420
 Table 54 - Scientific method                             423
 Table 55 - Operations research method                    424
 Table 56 - Classification of models                      425
 Table 57 - Research study general steps                  427
 Table 58 - Tech report general outline                   427
 Table 59 - Popular report outline                        428
 Table 60 - Theory Z installation steps                   433
 Table 61 - Simplistic job goals                          462
 Table 62 - Knowledge of Theory W                         468
 Table 63 - Life-tasks & Maslow-tasks                     473
 Table 64 - Life-tasks validity statistics                474
 Table 65 - A philosophy of life and wholehour validity   493
 Table 66 - Dissertation's work & wholehour validity      494
 Table 67 - Positive non-syndrom characteristics          497
 Table 68 - Specific dissertation tasks                   508
 Table 69 - Examples of individual timekeeping            518
 Table 70 - Computerized timekeeping                      519
 Table 71 - Individual hours & personal effectiveness     521
 Table 72 - Summary of project spending                   522
 Table 73 - Student time-oriented learning contract       524
 Table 74 - Weekly time research                          525
 Table 75 - Time spending checkbook                       527
 Table 76 - Time Spending Checkbook in Whole Hours        531
 Table 77 - Week 4194 activity variance analysis          536
 Table 78 - Week 4294 activity variance analysis          537
 Table 79 - Week 4394 activity variance analysis          538
 Table 80 - Hierarchical loving action                    547
 Table 81 - Evaluation of career work                     561
 Table 82 - Workweb of time-data collected                570
 Table 83 - Hierarchical workweb of time-data collection  570
 Table 84 - Expert worker functions                       583
 Table 85 - Functional tasks from document 137            585
 Table 86 - Functional tasks from document 137            586
 Table 87 - Work tasks relatedness of 137                 587
 Table 88 - Task hours and effectiveness                  611
 Table 89 - Life philosophy tasks                         612
 Table 90 - Spirit and life philosophy                    613
 Table 91 - Spirit & whole-hours                          614

 Charts                                          Theory W  73
 Table 92 - Web of any organization                       647
 Table 93 - Early modern administrative literature        654
 Table 94a - Task hours and effectiveness                 659
 Table 94b - Task hours and effectiveness                 660
 Table 95a - Strategy in ranked order                     661
 Table 95b - Strategy in numeric order                    662
 Table 96a - Dissertation tasks                           664
 Table 96b - Time tracking                                664
 Table 96c - Timing, dissertation & strategy tasks        666
 Table 97 - Indent structure                              670
 Table 98 - FBC tasks                                     673
 Table 99 - FBC tasks                                     675
 Table 100 - FBC tasks structured                         676
 Table 101 - FBC tasks integrated                         682
 Table 102 - The expert worker's spirit                   687
 Table 103 - Functions of the expert worker               688
 Table 104 - Tasks of different life philosophies         689
 Table 105 - Ranked expert worker functions               690
 Table 106 - Bible spirit and life philosophy             691
 Table 107 - Spirit philosophy & whole-hour life-tasks    692
 Table 108 - FBC tasks integrated                         696
 Table 109 - Bible spirit and life philosophy             698
 Table 102 - Scheduled actions for the week               700
 Table 103 - An individual's task hours                   701
 Table 104 - BM worknet                                   736
 Table 105 - NW's Theory W job description                740
 Table 106 - NW's narr in Theory W format                 744
 Table 107 - Universal individual workweb?                755
 Table 108a - Personal card workweb                       755
 Table 108b - Personal card workweb                       757
 Table 109 - Quality of life worknet                      763
 Table 110 - An individual org evaluation                 766
 Table 111 - Work, tasks, and job assignment              764d
 Table 112a - HO SM weweb                                 776
 Table 112b - HO JF weweb                                 776
 Table 112c - HO C weweb                                  777
 Table 112d - HO N weweb                                  777
 Table 113a - College logic                               778
 Table 113b - College logic                               778
 Table 114 - College-student workers                      786
 Table 115 - Hi-tech teaching                             789
 Table 116 - ORSC annual report workweb                   812
 Table 117 - Bridge workweb                               818
 Table 118 - Tabor workweb                                821
 Table 119 - WC workweb                                   822
 Table 120 - Structuring while reading                    823
 Table 121 - Concord workweb                              825
 Table 122 - CC faculty handbook workweb                  827
 Table 123a - BA 483 workweb                              836

 Charts                                          Theory W  74
 Table 123b - BA 483 workweb                              837
 Table 123c - BA 483 workweb                              839
 Table 123d - BA 483 workweb                              840
 Table 123e - BA 483 workweb                              840
 Table 124 - BC handbook workweb                          842
 Table 125 - BC self-study workweb                        844
 Table 126 - BC catalog workweb                           845
 Table 127 - Evaluation form workweb                      847
 Table 128 - Early workweb structure                      852
 Table 129 - BC mission workweb                           853
 Table 130 - BC faculty handbook workweb                  857
 Table 131 - Otto's 8952 performance                      866
 Table 132 - Theory W research                            884
 Table 133 - Scientific vs artistic                       903
 Table 134 - Week 4294 activity variance analysis         920
 Table 135 - Week 4394 activity variance analysis         928
 Table 136 - Literature incongruities                     938
 Table 136 - Week 4194 activity variance analysis         950
 Table 137 - Age of career usefulness                     940
 Table 138 - The philosopher career appears in the resume 942
 Table 140 - Analysis of Harv's recent friends            960
 Table 141 - Relatedness and other hours                  961
 Table 142 - Theory W output file - phase 1               965
 Table 143 - Theory W output file - phase 2               965
 Table 144 - Theory W output file - phase 3               966
 Table 145 - Theory W output file - phase 4               966
 Table 146 - Theory W output file - phase 5               967
 Table 147 - Hours of writing                             972
 Table 148 - Improving volunteering rate                  972
 Table 149 - Harv-Sue work-web                            974
 Table A1 - Fielding HOD program                          a30
 Table A2 - Dissertation topic investigation              a42
 Table A3 - Sketch of dissertation                        a51
 Table B4 - PhD program entrance examination results      a58
 Table B5 - The birth of a writing life-component         a61
 Table B6 - Growing a writing life-component              a61
 Table B7 - A writing life-component time series          a62
 Table B8 - A writing life-component continued            a63
 Table B9 - A suggested writing process                   a64
 Table B10 - Third grade writing advice                   a80
 Table B11 - Where wisdom resides                         a81
 Table B12 - A pattern of ranked writing tasks            a87
 Table B13 - A LOCSH exploration of writing               a90
 Table B14 - Writing advice grows in complexity           a95
 Table B15 - Writing advice now needs structure           a99
 Table B16 - Title page with strategic aim               a105
 Table B17 - Initial dissertation outline                a108
 Table B18 - Writing process as a sequenced list         a113
 Table B19 - More structured writing advice              a114

 Charts                                          Theory W  75
 Table B20 - Essence of study-reading preparation-notes  a121
 Table B21 - Theory W version of prep-notes essence      a122
 Table B23 - Contents                                    a139
 Table B24 - Heading levels                              a140
 Table B25 - List of possible headings                   a140
 Table B26 - Table and figure format                     a142
 Table B27 - Footnote format                             a143
 Table B28 - An individual's critical path for writing   a155
 Table B29 - A checklist for revision                    a160
 Table B30 - Paragraph contents                          a161
 Table B31 - Contents of personal library                a190
 Table B32 - An example of a personal library poem       a202
 Table B33 - An example of a personal library poem       a202
 Table B34 - Creation of positive-feeling tasks          a223
 Table B35 - Wholeness day by day                        a234
 Table B36 - Basis of daily wholeness                    a234
 Table B37 - Subject heading topic search                a237
 Table E38 - Limits of the family system measurement     a261
 Table E39 - Syndrome characteristics by group           a263
 Table E40 - Positive non-syndrome characteristics       a264
 Table E41 - Personal list of eustressors                a267
 Table F42 - Schelling's time hierarchy                  a282
 Table F43 - Hegel's time hierarchy                      a283
 Table F44 - Holderlin's time hierarchy                  a284
 Table F45 - Lingering - a poem                          a288
 Table G46 - The logic of bridge in Theory W language    a295
 Table G47 - Point counting                              a296
 Table G48 - Opener bids                                 a297
 Table G49 - Responder to opener bids                    a298
 Table G50 - Overcaller bids                             a299
 Table H51 - The attractiveness of individuals           a303
 Table H52 - Categories of the spirit                    a305
 Table I53 - Tabor College mission in database form      a313
 Table I54 - Church service                              a315
 Table I55 - Civic service                               a315
 Table I56 - Performance evaluation to Tabor tasks       a316
 Table I57 - A worker's task hours & effectiveness       a318

                                            Theory W  page 76
Chapter for contents
 Part for front materials                                   2
       Chapter for summary                                  3
             Brief contents                                 6
             Accreditation                                  7
       Chapter for acknowledgements                         9
             Respect                                       12
             Time                                          13
             Challenge                                     14
             Philosophy of life                            16
       Chapter for preface                                 21
             Dissertation context                          23
             Personal functioning                          24
             Dissertation purpose                          35
             Case study motivation                         37
             Traditional dysfunction                       38
             Learning pathways                             48
             Independent scholarship                       55
             The external dissertation                     57
             Style distinctiveness                         63
             Administrative topic                          66
       Chapter for charts                                  68
       Chapter for contents                                73
       Chapter for glossary                                78
             Dictionary/encyclopedia definitions           78
             Thesaurus definitions                         88
             Theory W words                                92
             Other W words                                 93
             Abbreviations                                107
             Key research words                           107
       Chapter for introduction                           108
             Organization importance                      109
             Organization validity                        117
             Theory W presentation                        119
             Organization overview                        121
             The challenge of research                    123
             Quantify administration strategy             125
 Part 1 - Theories of organization                        127
       Chapter 1 - Industrial administration              134
             Pre-1900                                     134
             Post-1900                                    136
             Formal was functional                        140
             Early behavioral path                        143
             Informal organization                        145
             The worker and tasks in history              153
             Summary of industrial organization theories  158
             History and Theory W                         159
             Barnard revisited                            162

 Contents                                        Theory W  77

       Chapter 2 - Educational administration             169
             PhD study                                    169
             College teaching                             201
             The young child                              211
             Continued worker learning                    212
       Chapter 3 - Organization scholarship               223
             Organization theorists                       223
             Ideology structures                          233
             Ponderousness                                240
             Organization development                     241
             Organization philosophy                      245
             Faculty function                             248
             Education and the economy                    249
             Productivity in higher ed                    251
             Science for management                       260
             Matrix                                       290
             OF over matrix                               296
       Chapter 4 - Organization structures                298
             Organization defined                         298
             Formal organization                          299
             Matrix organization                          301
             First matrix                                 310
             Other structures                             312
             Matrix summary                               322
             The unit of organization                     324
 Part 2 - Theory W essentials                             328
       Chapter 5 - A 3-sided pyramid                      330
             Strategy                                     330
             Strategy as a process                        348
             Elementary visualization                     358
             A proposition about work                     366
             Organization development                     368
       Chapter 6 - Propositions and hypotheses            390
             A new theory?                                390
             Proposition seeds                            396
             Propositions                                 405
             Hypotheses                                   409
       Chapter 7 - Entrances to Theory W structure        414
             Scholarly research                           417
             Literature delimitation                      428
             Case study                                   428
             Comparative theories                         431
             Philosophic foundation                       439
             What is a theory?                            450
             In-de-duction a-priori                       456
             Definition of self                           459
             Job effectiveness                            461
             Relating to empirical reality                465
             Gandt, PERT, and CPM                         469

 Contents                                        Theory W  78

             Life's natural regeneration                  471
             Widget words                                 481
 Part 3 - The individual as an organization               482
       Chapter 8 - Time as one essence of life            485
             Life is -                                    485
             Functional life                              492
             Thought control                              499
             Tasks are self-action                        514
             Simple weekly timekeeping                    517
             Routine and project difference               521
             Spending control                             526
       Chapter 9 - The expert worker                      538
             Self as an organization                      538
             Work defined                                 550
             Individual identity                          562
             Individual work responsibility               570
             The expert worker                            578
             Job description                              583
             Productivity                                 588
             Individual performance evaluation            591
       Chapter 10 - The form of Theory W                  630
             Theory W development                         631
             Graphic difficulty                           650
             Scholars revisited                           651
             A final rationale                            654
       Chapter 11 - Individual case studies               656
             Author's own case study                      656
             A church experience                          672
             Functional bible summary                     683
             Other individual organizations               699
             Master of our own time?                      761
             Self- vs member- evaluation                  763
             Dynamic provision                            766
 Part 4 - Multiple member organizations                   760d
       Chapter 12 - The challenge of Theory W             762d
             Division of work                             762d
             Sociotechnical life                          766d
             Work enrichment                              767d
             Getting and giving                           769d
             The we workweb                               775
             Scientific management                        777
             Worker effectiveness                         784
       Chapter 13 - Business case studies                 791
             Industrial study                             791
             Transportation study                         810
             Government study                             811
             General exposure                             812
       Chapter 14 - Education case studies                819
             Control by another name                      819

 Contents                                        Theory W  79

             Tabor mission                                820
             Wesley college                               821
             Concord college                              822
             Benedictine organization                     833
 Part 5 - Measuring Theory W's treatment                  871
       Chapter 15 - Experimental modeling                 871
             Texts viewed                                 872
             Other literature                             880
             The testing instrument                       884
             Work-unit validity                           885
       Chapter 16 - FIRO-B test instrument                889
             Locating instruments                         889
             Ordering                                     893
             Trial                                        896
             Manual specifics                             898
       Chapter 17 - Recommendation and conclusion         901
             A post-view                                  901
             Scientific or artistic?                      903
             Student defficiencies                        904
             Wisdom realizations                          906
             So what and now what?                        939
             Function view                                946
             Postmortem                                   946
       Chapter 18 - Functional church                     973
             Work-web for Harv-Sue                        973
             Theology and church                          974
 Part for back materials
       Chapter for works cited                            984
       Chapter for index                                 1012
 Part for appendicies                                      a1
       APPENDIX A - DISSERTATION PROPOSALS                 a2
          Section for foreword                             a2
             Works cited                                   a3
          Section for BGSU - beginning December 1984       a3
             BGSU course EDFI 797 - Spring 1986            a6
             Fielding workshop - Spring 1987              a29
             Kensington course M698 - 1988-1993           a31
       APPENDIX B - ELECTRONIC WORDING                    a55
          Section for foreword                            a55
             Works cited                                  a68
          Section B1 - A subject out of failure           a69
             Failure                                      a69
             Motivation                                   a78
             Subject                                      a88
          Section B2 - A chosen strategy                  a96
             Theory W waxes strategy                      a96
             Notes                                       a117
             Some mechanics before style                 a125
          Section B3 - Writing as a life style           a129

 Contents                                        Theory W  80

             Writing style                               a129
             Composition with a stated style             a134
             Insertion files                             a144
             Use natural learning                        a149
             Editing the first draft                     a156
          Section B4 - Wisdom stands as arguable         a164
             Wisdom                                      a164
             Argument                                    a172
             Refute the opposing view                    a184
          Section B5 - A personal-life library           a188
             Self-communication                          a201
             Post-morteum                                a203
          Section B6 - Journaling                        a211
             Works cited                                 a211
             Journaling course                           a211
             Second week                                 a226
             Retirement                                  a232
             Notes about death                           a232
             Third week                                  a233
             Fourth week                                 a234
          Section for foreword                           a236
       APPENDIX D - THE MYTH MASTER                      a243
             Works cited                                 a244
             Religions have reason                       a244
             West and East always separate?              a244
             Why the weight on this subject?             a245
             The individual's wisdom                     a248
             Input into Theory W                         a249
             Christian male against female               a250
             Abstract                                    a253
             Detailed contents                           a253
             Positive activities                         a262
             Well-stress or eustress                     a266
             Works cited                                 a269
       APPENDIX F - MY SWABIAN NEIGHBOR                  a270
             Dedication                                  a270
             Challenge                                   a270
             Preface                                     a270
             Contents                                    a271
          Section F1 - My swabian neighbor               a271
          Section F2 - A beauty to behold                a285
          Section F3 - The future reality                a287
             Works Cited with annotations                a290
       APPENDIX G - BRIDGE IN A WHOLE LIFE               a291
             Works referenced                            a294
       APPENDIX H - A PURPOSEFUL LIFE                    a300
             Thinking with words                         a300

 Contents                                        Theory W  81

             Resultant principles                        a302
       APPENDIX I - A PURPOSEFUL JOB                     a306
             Job application & employer mission          a307
             The expert worker                           a307
             Theory W investigation of Tabor College     a309