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                                                 Theory W 819

 Chapter 14 - Education case studies

       Control by another name
       Tabor college
       Wesley college
       Concord college
       Benedictine college
       Summary.  Chapter 14 uses Theory W methodology to
 communicate the documentation of several education
 organization functional structures.
       Next.  Chapter 15 looks at the topic of experimental
 modeling, the design of a Theory W case model, and the

 testing of such a model.
 Control by another name
       In the education industry the word control or
 controller gives way to the idea of functional authority of
 mission or vision.  Thus one does not apply spending control
 or mission control, but rather performs a spending report
 function tied to the vision or mission of the organization.
 Control comes to the fore only in one-on-one meetings with
 the boss or spender.
       Formal org role. Most individuals rely on the formal
 organization for structure - they are told what to do.  But
 what happens if the formal organization does not take
 administrative responsibility for the organization
 functions?  Productivity and synergism may be found at a
 lowered level.  For the amount of input, output may be low -
 like the previous chapter's table on freshman attrition.

 Education                                       Theory W 820
       Thus to enhance productivity and synergism, the formal
 organization may promote responsibility for the
 organization's functions.
       Peer facilitation. Orientation texts and courses
 guide the college student to spend two hours of study
 outside of class for each hour of class time - usually a 50
 minute class hour.
       Simply by focusing student attention on study and
 cooperation, the author raised student study time by 15%.
 Tabor mission
       Tabor College invited the author to interview for a
 faculty position.  He was curious about their functional

 structure and his performance to fit same.

 Education                                       Theory W 821

 Table 118 - Tabor workweb

        Work task description             Performance?
     ________________________________ Way ____________
 Act                                  act
 no.    Verb Descriptor Noun          no.     Reference
 ___ _______ __________ _____________ ___     _________

 1  minister people     needs           3     (4)
 2  match    MBbiblical understanding  20 no  (4)
 3  raise    persons'   JCservice       5     (4)
 4  support  Christian  context       2 7     (4)
 5  offer    LA-P/C     education  6 9 21     (4)
 6  understd LPHLAs-AS  knowledge   10 11 yes (5.1)
 7  understd webbed     knowledge      12 yes (5.2)
 8  understd worth      systems           yes (5.3)
 9  choose   viable     career         15 yes
 10 understd inquiry    methods           yes (6.4)
 11 understd creative   arts              yes (6.5)
 12 practice independt  scholarship    14 yes (6.6)
 13 practice            fourRs            yes (6.7)
 14 use      personal   resource       17 yes (6.8)
 15 raise    healthy    relatedness    16 yes (6.1)
 16 seek     student    views             yes (6.2)
 17 balance  self       activity    24 25 yes (6.3)
 18 understd Jesus      love              yes (6.4)
 19 choose   life       responsibility 22 yes (6.5)
 20 mold     MBchurch   workers         5     (7.1)
 21 provide  career     skills       6 13 yes (7.2)
 22 show     self       organization    6 yes (7.3)
 23 show     lifelong   learning       18 yes (7.1)
 24 fulfill  teaching   function       23 yes
 25 enrich   personal   lives          19 yes (7.2)
 Note: () = Tabor 1990 catalog page and item number.
       JC = Jesus Christ
       LA = Liberal Arts
       MB = Mennonite Brethern
 In review years later, evidence of scholarship was not
 sufficient to pass faculty query.
 Wesley college

 Education                                       Theory W 822

 Table 119 - WC workweb

 Act Verb      Descriptor Noun         Why Who Writ  Whrs
 __ __________ __________ _____________ __ __ ______ ____
 1  realize    wesley     purpose          Ot 1.4.3b n
 2  prepare    career     students      1  Ot 1.4.1a
 3  prepare    graduate   students      1  Ot 1.4.1a
 4  prepare    life-long  students      1  Ot 1.4.1a
 5  provide    continuing education     1  Ot 1.4.1b
 6  concern    individual student       1  Ot 1.4.1c
 7  ensure     teaching   excellence    1  Ot 1.4.1d
 8  support    wellness   program       1  Ot 1.4.1e
 9  acclimate  entering   student       1  Ot 1.4.2a
 10 facilitate each       student       1  Ot 1.4.2b
 11 create     academic   environment   1  Ot 1.4.2d
 12 encourage  individual student       1  Ot 1.4.2e
 13 offer      organized  leadership    1  Ot 1.4.2f
 14 experience education  benefit       15 St 1.4.3b
 15 organize   public     relations     16 De 1.4.4a
 16 raise      wesley     friends       1  Di 1.4.4b
 17 promote    internal   communication 1  Di 1.4.4d
 18 write                 syllabi       22 Ot
 19 decode                materials     20 St
 20 encode                evidence      14 St
 21 accomplish knowledge  sequence      19 St
 22 receive               assignment    21 St
 Source: Wesley college (1987) Programs of study.  In
 BULLETIN 1987-88.  Dover DE: WC.  Pages 48-9,58-9.
 Concord college

 Education                                       Theory W 823

 Table 120 - Structuring while reading

 Act       Verb   Descriptor   Noun            Page Item
 ___ __________ ______________ _______________ ____ ____

 1      provide   curriculum   opportunity     2    1.1
 2         meet   admission    requirements    2    1.2
 3    structure     course     sequence        2    1.3
 4    methodize  research and  problem solving 2    1.5
 5      develop   knowledge    synthesis       2    1.6
 6         hold  performance   standards       2    1.7
 7    introduce    advanced    academics       2    1.8
 8      instill    lifelong    learning        2    1.9
 9      instill self directed  learning        2    1.10
 10    identify    personal    goals/means     2    2.1
 11      expand  open/honest   relationships   2    2.2
 12        help  student self worth/confidence 2    2.3
 13      assist      self      understanding   2    2.4
 14       model   effective    conduct         2    2.5
 15     respect                others          2    2.6
 16   encourage                others          2    2.7
 17     provide     civil      heritage        2    2.8
 18     develop      arts      appreciation    2    2.9
 19      advise    careers     development     3    3.1
 20  contribute     course     content         3    3.2
 21   implement      new       programs        3    3.3
 22     provide   out reach    courses         3    4.1
 23      serve business public organizations   3    4.2
 24     provide  consultative  service         3    4.3
 25 communicate      new       developments    3    4.4
 26      access    college     facilities      3    4.5
 27    maintain                trust/respect   3    5.1
 28    maintain  open/candid   communication   3    5.2
 29    maintain      goal      congruence      3    5.4
 30      create     campus     government      3    5.5
 31       teach    decision    effectees       3    5.6
 32     explore      all       facets          4    5.7
 33        hear   differing    viewpoints      4    5.8
 34   encourage  responsible   participation   4    5.9
 35      create    free est    atmosphere      4    5.10
 36     sponsor   curricular   innovation      4    6.1
 37   encourage   off-campus   learning        4    6.2
 38   recognize                bosses          4    7.1
 39     balance                cost/quality    4    7.2
 40       apply  fin.analysis  techniques      4    7.3
 41   encourage  professional  integrity       4    7.4
 42        view    graduate    success         4    7.5

 Education                                       Theory W 824
 Source: Concord catalog? Perhaps BC, BGSU, Terra, or Wesley.
       Colleges attract residential and continuing education
 students from their market.  When students as consumers from
 the marketplace enroll, many become part of the community.
 Many communities, however, are formal organization oriented
 thus the students lose their consumer marketplace status in
 the eyes of the should-be strategist who should witness the

 organization's product grow to completion.

 Education                                       Theory W 825

 Table 121 - Concord workweb

 Act      Verb  Descriptor Noun   Source Way         Who When
 __ __________ ___________ __________ __ ___________ ___ ____

  1 foster     individual  growth     c5 2           fac w
  2 provide                education  c5 4 5 6 12 34 adm
  3 follow     WV          constitut  c5 2           adm
  4 accommodate 121        fac/staff  c5             adm y
  5 encourage  individual  achieve       2           fac r
  6 view                   world      c5 7 8 9 10 11 fac w
  7 view                   people     c5             fac w
  8 view                   problems   c5             fac w
  9 view                   beauties   c5             fac w
 10 view                   opportun   c5             fac w
 11 view       physical    features   c5             fac w
 12 challenge              students   c5 4 13        fac r
 13 provide    degree      opportun   c5 14 15 16 17 cha y
 14 provide    deficiency  remedies   c5             adm y
 15 ensure     humanities  knowledg   c5             fac w
 16 ensure     social.sci  knowledg   c5             fac w
 17 help       knowledge   depth      c5 18          fac w
 18 provide    academic    discipli   c5 20          cha y
 19 provide    two         faculty    a  19          cha y
 20 follow     No.Central  guidelin   a              cha y
 21 introduce  research    methods    c5             fac w
 22 introduce  prob.solve  methods    c5             fac w
 23 synthesize knowledge   sources    c5             fac w
 24 hold       performance standard   c5             fac w
 25 instill    life long   learning   c5             fac w
 26 promote learning   c5             fac w
 27 assure     personized  educatio   c5             fac w
 28 give       achievement opportun   c5             fac w
 29 measure    fulfillment success    c5             fac w
 30 attain     individual  achievem   c5 30          stu w
 31 maintain   phy.mental  health        32          fac r
 32 choose     pointed     action        33          fac r
 33 know       your        self          2           fac r
 34 form       evaluation  team       t3 32          dea t
 35 attain     NC          accredit   t3 34          dea
 Source: Concord catalog and The concordian.
       Interesting to note that the priority scheme of the
 database was of seven divisions - Routine, Weekly, Monthly,

 Education                                       Theory W 826
 Quarterly, Half year, Yearly, Ten years.
       Specificity search. The performance of tasks by any
 worker toward the actualization of organization goals
 depends upon and, in large measure, is caused by the
 visibility of the work to be accomplished.  The worker must
 know the organization's expectations in order to perform.
       Faculty workers are no exception, in fact, due to the
 independence and the academic freedom of faculty, the
 visibility of work can be seen as more important.  The
 complexity brought about by accelerating knowledge in the
 area of business, economics, teaching method, and
 administration is a certain challenge.  Students, in a
 sense, are controlled by syllabi.  And assembly line workers
 are controlled by the speed and demands of the line.  For a
 faculty also, it is all too easy to be controlled by the
 chronological flow of textbook lessons.  But the
 U.S.Constitution and Concord's philosophy statement provide
 a adequate mission.  The U.S.Constitution provides a clear
       Theory W's functional verb-noun scheme attempts to
 enhance the visibility of work in all of our organizations,
 including our self.  Delimiting, fo now, to the faculty
 arena, the visibility of work is hypothetically enhanced by
 combining database technology with the Theory W functional
 approach and using the data gleaned from Concord's Faculty

 Education                                       Theory W 827
 Handbook (reference number 137, 1981) obtained 8/17/87.  A
 last-in first-out (LIFO) work implementation scheme
 prevented the presentation of evidence until long after the
 1987 holiday break of this analysis.
       The Theory W approach gleans the what of strategy,
 policy, and implementation from the indicated references and
 re organizes that what (or those tasks) into a why-how(way)
 relationship.  The result provides 1) the logic of why work
 is done, 2) who is to do the work, and 3) a yes or no
 performance evaluation checklist.  Thus we know why the work
 is necessary, who is assigned what, and the way in which the

 work is accomplished.

 Table 122 - CC faculty handbook workweb

 Act Verb       Descriptor  Noun         Way      Who Writ
 ___ __________ ___________ ____________ ________ __ _______

 1   provide    curriculum  opportunity  27       Ot 137.2a1
 2   meet       admission   requirements 28       Ot 137.2a2
 3   structure  course      sequence     4  5  7  Ot 137.2a3
 4   methodize  research &  problem solv 0        Ot 137.2a5
 5   develop    knowledge   synthesis    17 18 20 Ot 137.2a6
 6   hold       performance standards    30 58    Ot 137.2a7
 7   introduce  advanced    academics    25 56 59 Ot 137.2a8
 8   instill    lifelong    learning     9  37    Ot 137.2a9
 9   instill    self direct learning     10 14    Ot 137.2a10
 10  identify   personal    goals/means  11       Ot 137.2b1
 11  expand     open/honest relationship 28       Ot 137.2b2
 12  help       student/sel worth/confide2  20    Ot 137.2b3
 13  assist     self        understandin 6  12    Ot 137.2b4
 14  model      effective   conduct      38 56 57 Ot 137.2b5
 15  respect                others       52       Ot 137.2b6
 16  encourage              others       0        Ot 137.2b7
 17  provide    world       heritage     0        Ot 137.2b8
 18  develop    arts        appreciation 0        Ot 137.2b9
 19  advise     careers     development  27       Ot 137.3c1

 Education                                       Theory W 828

 20  contribute course      content      14       Ot 137.3c2
 21  implement  new         programs     3  36    Ot 137.3c3
 22  provide    out reach   courses      37       Ot 137.3d1
 23  serve      bus./public organization 22       Ot 137.3d2
 24  provide    consultativ service      23       Ot 137.3d3
 25  communicat new         developments 26 32    Ot 137.3d4
 26  access     college     facilities   0        Ot 137.3d5
 27  maintain               trust/respec 15 27    Ot 137.3e1
 28  maintain   open/candid communicatio 16 33    Ot 137.3e2
 29  maintain   goal        congruence   11 28    Ch 137.3e4
 30  create     campus      government   34       Ot 137.3e5
 31  communicat decision/cheimpact       24 20    Ot 137.3e6
 32  explore    all         facets       28 33    Ot 137.4e7
 33  hear       differing   viewpoints   0        Ot 137.4e8
 34  encourage  responsible participatio 35 38    Ot 137.4e9
 35  create     most free   atmosphere   53       Ot 137.4e10
 36  sponsor    curricular  innovation   38       Ot 137.4f1
 37  encourage  off-campus  learning     54       Ot 137.4f2
 38  recognize              leadership   31       Ot 137.4g1
 39  balance                cost/quality          Ot 137.4g2
 40  apply      finan. anal techniques            Ot 137.4g3
 41  encourage  professiona integrity             Ot 137.4g4
 42  view       graduate    success               Ot 137.4g5
 43  identify   course      subject               Ot 137
 44  assign     scheduled   classes               Ot 137
 45  report     advisor     non contact           Ot 137
 46  define     choosing    self         60       Ot 137
 47  define     continuous  learning              Ot 137
 48  attend     student     functions             Ot 137
 49  assign     function    attendance            Ot 137
 50  research   student     attention             Ot 137
 51  propose                hypothesis            Ot 137
 52  respect                self         6        Ot 137
 53  develop    open        system       28       Ot 137
 54  assemble   ed services plan         55       Ot 137
 55  limit      25% release time         0        Ot
 56  pursue     PhD         degree       0        Ot
 57  spend      music       time         0        Ot
 58  organize               work         0        Ot
 59  structure  advanced    learning     0        Ot
 60  fortify                self        61 62 211
 61  experience             emotions     0
 62  ask                    why          0
 63  study      faculty     handbook                 1.1A
 64  provide    faculty     duties                   1.1A
 65  suggest    handbook    improvement              1.1A
 66  direct     individual  education                1.1B
 67  enhance    personal    worth                     .1B
 68  enhance    potential   function                  .1B

 Education                                       Theory W 829

 69  enhance    benefit     ability                   .1B
 70  offer      career      program                   .1B
 71  offer      graduate    program                   .1B
 72  measure    program     demand                    .1B
 73  offer      needed      program                   .1B
 74  acquire                resources                 .1B
 75  develop    student     academics                 .1B
 76  develop    student     career                    .1B
 77  develop    student     intellect                 .1B
 78  develop    student     personal                  .1B
 79  develop    student     socials                   .1B
 80  pursue                 scholastics               .1B
 81  maintain   curriculum  innovation                .1B
 82  help       discipline  choice                    .2b4
 83  meet       career      needs                     .3c3
 84  operate    resource    center                    .3d4
 85  seek       faculty     advice                Pr  .6
 86  manage     academic    affairs      87 91    De  .6
 87  seek       faculty     recommendati 115      De  .6
 88  allocate               funds                 De  .6
 89  lead       academic    review                De  .6
 90  direct     advisor     program               De  .6
 91  encourage  faculty     improvement  92       De  .6
 92  supervise              chairs       117      De  .6
 93  maximize   teaching    effectivenes          Ch  .6c.a
 94  coordinate department  programs              Ch  .6c.b
 95  lead       improvement seeking               Ch  .6c.c
 96  write      faculty     effectivenes          Ch  .6c.d
 97  arrange    chair       evaluation            Ch  .7e
 98  recommend              termination           Ch  .7f
 99  recommend              salaries              Ch  .7g
 100 recommend              budget                Ch  .7h
 101 administer             spending              Ch  .7h
 102 recommend              promotions            Ch  .7i
 103 coordinate class       schedule              Ch  .7j
 104 assign                 facilities            Ch  .7k
 105 hold       monthly     meetings              Ch  .7l
 106 invite                 input                 Ch  .7l
 107 represent              division              Ch  .7m
 108 forward    majority    opinion               Ch  .7m
 109 initiate   academic    functions             Ot  .7Da
 110 review                                       Ot  .7Da
 111 implement                                    Ot  .7Da
 112 narrow     faculty     discipline            Ot  .8b
 113 coordinate policy      recommendati          Ot  .8b
 114 supervise  policy      implementati          Ot  .8b
 115 perform    4 listed    obligations  196      Ot  .8c
 116 shape      chair       decisions    115      Ot  .8c
 117 represent              faculty      118      Ot  .8c

 Education                                       Theory W 830

 118 reflect    division    faculty      116      Ot  .8c
 119 coordinate policy      recommendati          Ot  .8c
 120 integrate  policy      implementati          Ot  .8c
 121 consult    professiona faculty               Ot  .8c
 122 maintain   professiona standards                 .10pre
 123 facilitate effective   operation                 .10pre
 124 recommend              courses                   .10.3.1
 125 review     existing    curriculum                .10.3.1
 126 meet       student     needs                     .10.3.1
 127 direct     division    program                   .10.3.2
 128 communicat unit        work                      .11.3.2
 129 encourage  professiona growth                    .11.3.2
 130 call       confidence  vote                      .11.3.2
 131 choose     reasonable  participatio              .25
 132 track      professiona time                  Ot
 133 track      professiona documents             Ot
 134 provide    learning    opportunity           Ot  .25A
 135 avoid      unfair      appearance            Ot  .25A
 136 prohibit   factional   cause                 Ot  .25A
 137 encourage  individual  consultation          Ot  .26A
 138 accept     course      questions             Ot  .26A
 139 confirm    learning    situation             Ot  .26A
 140 provide    work        opportunity           Ot  .27A
 141 report     academic    dishonesty            Ot  .27A
 142 report     midsemester unsatisfactos         Ot  .27aA
 143 explain    numerical   grade                 Ot  .27aA
 144 keep       semester    tests                 Ot  .30A
 145 grow                   professional          Ot  .30B
 146 earn                   doctorate             Ot  .30B
 147 read       current     literature            Ot  .30B
 148 do                     research              Ot  .30B
 149 write                  documents             Ot  .30B
 150 exchange               ideas                 Ot  .30B
 151 associate              professional          Ot  .30B
 152 free       orientation days                  Ot  .30B
 153 free       registratio days                  Ot  .30B
 154 attend     commencemen exercises             Ot  .30B
 155 apportion  office      hours                 Ot  .30B
 156 verify     academic    exception             Ot  .30aB
 157 assign     major       field                 Ot  .31B
 158 record     advice      deviation             Ot  .31B
 159 question   service     obligation            Ot  .31B
 160 request    commencemen absence               Ot  .31B
 161 establish  meaningful  exchange              Ot  .32B
 162 participat community   activities            Ot  .32B
 163 leave      12 listed   items                 Ot  .33
 164 improve    teaching    ability               Ot  .35.4.0
 165 emphasize  faculty     attraction            Ot  .35.4.0
 166 represent  intense     foundation            Ot  .35.4.1

 Education                                       Theory W 831

 167 expect     doctorate   requirement           Ot  .35.4.2
 168 represent  broad       experience            Ot  .35.4.3
 169 evidence   scholarly   activity              Ot  .35.4.4
 170 evidence   subject     communicatin          Ot  .36.4.5
 171 evidence   positive    response              Ot  .36.4.5
 172 accept     correct     assignment            Ot  .36.4.6
 173 protect    constitutio freedom      195      Ot  .36A
 174 exercise   academic    freedom      176      Ot  .36A
 175 speak      respectful  accuracy              Ot  .36A
 176 evidence   6 listed    activities            Ot  .36A
 177 search                 truth                 Ot  .37A
 178 publish    findings    expression            Ot  .37A
 179 relate     subject     taught                Ot  .37A
 180 recognize  good        taste                 Ot  .37A
 181 render     full-time   service               Ot  .39C3a
 182 evidence   17 listed   promotables           Ot  .40E1a
 183 earn       terminal    degree                Ot  .41P3
 184 equate     professiona experience            Ot  .41P3
 185 indicate   clear       growth                Ot  .41P
 186 submit     6 listed    evidences             Ot  .41M1
 187 consider   full-completneed                  Ot  .42F
 188 address    chair       resignation           Ot  .42F
 189 inform     looking     chair                 Ot  .43
 190 communicat peer        evaluation            Ot  .43G1
 191 maintain               office       219      Ot
 192 prep                   classes   216 220 221 Ot
 192                                     222 223  Ot
 193 track      notecard    individuals           Ot
 194 commit     strong      career                Ot  .1.3.e4
 195 view       U.S.        constitution          Ot
 196 submit     written     recommendati          Ot  .1.8.Db
 200 communicat administrat evaluation            Ot  .43G1
 201 continue   self        evaluation            Ot  .43G1  Y
 202 attract    profession  ability      213      Ot  .43G1  Y
 203 project    division    mission               Ot  .43G2
 204 judge      permanent   needed                Ot  .44
 205 evidence   imminent    completion            Ot  .44
 206 seek       tenure      recommendati          Ot  .44
 207 consider   21 listed   criteria              Ot  .44
 208 evaluate   responsibil performance           Ot  .47I
 209 abide      reasonable  directions            Ot  .48J1c
 210 complete   full        statements            Ot  .48J2a Y
 211 question   individual  salaries              Ot  .55A   y
 212 merit      salary      increase     201 213  Ot  .55A
 213 perform    above       average      210      Ot  .55A   y
 214 teach      COGS        courses               Ot  .55C
 215 recommend  amounts     allowed               Ot  .60F1  y
 216 make       vehicle     reservations          Ot  .61F2  y
 217 expect     30 day      settlement            Ot  .62F7  y

 Education                                        Theory W 832

 218 request                purchases             Ot  .62G
 219 submit     movement    form                  Ot  .63G   y
 220 reserve    student     material              Ot  .64J1b y
 221 recommend  new         materials             Ot  .64J1d y
 222 make       overhead    transparenci              .66J2d y
 223 follow     4 listed    priorities                .25    y
 Source: Faculty handbook (137 page/item above) provided with
 employment contract.  A "brutally criptic" database - see
 Tmaker Manual (1986) p.DB20.  Early 1988 development.  Also
 document 141.
       Brutally criptic. In a previous chapter reports were
 written more for human consumption.  However, educators must

 face some challenges.

       Between 50 percent and 70 percent of adults have not
    achieved fourth level thought.  (32 5-6)

       Fourth level thought was first described by Piaget
 (34 156-64) and is critical in the high-tech workplace
 (30 19).  A classical education model called the "thinking
 pyramid" (30 20) encourages the mind to transcend to the
 higher levels for more effective problem solving by the


       In problem solving we move upward from concrete data
    to work out procedures, form theories, and draw abstract
    conclusions.  We move back down to more concrete thinking
    when we consolidate information, apply it to a problem,
    and test our solution.  When we teach people these
    analytic skills along with, and applied to, technical
    information, they learn to solve existing, as well as
    new, problems by using their own internal problem-solving
    resources.  By graduating workers who are comfortable
    with moving up and down this learning pyramid, you are
    graduating workers who can digest facts and require
    significantly less on-the-job training each time
    new...processes are introduced.  (30 20)

 Education                                        Theory W 833
 Benedictine organization
       The democratic worker. From the author's 2pm personal

 notes 01 Dec 1989 entitled, "The claim of democracy."

        Today I plugged into an informal organization leader.
    To use the plug-in analogy connotates a good electrical
    connection or a good clean conduit for the flow of
       Leadership works with ideas, whereas managers work
    with resource allocation and performance - an academic
       Thus my leader has challenged me with concern over
    clarity of Benedictine vision.
       After a half dozen years have pasted, the author
 concludes that the democratic citizen must be observed as
 proactive in some evidential yet non-volatile way.  The
 Theory W functional structure of strategy provides a way to
 link the aim, purpose, vision, or mission of any
 organization, with the expert-worker democratic-citizen
 time-validated job description.
       Organization purpose. Reference Benedictine
 Self-study, specifically Appendix B.  In terms of functional
 organization this statement represents the mission and major
 objectives of Benedictine College.
       The statement of purpose takes the form of artful
 English narrative.  But to explore the statement with more
 rigor, some more-scientific concept can be used.
       Informal organization. In the Benedictine setting,
 informal organization may best be characterized as the
 Hawthorne Effect - taught in General Psychology courses.

 Education                                        Theory W 834
       In short, the Hawthorne Effect tells managers and
 leaders that they must talk to their workers.  In the
 context of Theory W, this means weekly evidence.  The formal

 organization enforces this relatedness responsibility.

 Figure 87 - Performance from contact
 Source: (163 23).  Originally D.C.Pelz (1957) Motivation of
 the engineering and research specialist.  New York: American
 Management Association.  In General Management Series
       Action files. At Terra Technical College an attempt
 was made to organize the administrative department files for

 the director of 1100 students and 50 faculty.

 Education                                        Theory W 835

 Figure 88 - Tasking of adm files
 Note: TTC Director of Business Technologies 1984-6.
       Course worknets. There came a time that Theory W was
 applied to college classroom teaching.  A set of chalkboard
 notes from an 31 August 1989 class can be seen as beginning

 the process.

       lesson zero
       have one page for each prerequisite
       communication translated from lesson 0

 Education                                        Theory W 836

       Then the students were challenged with the task of
 constructing a logic diagram - a Theory W workweb of why

 they were here in this class.  Their response follows.

 Table 123a - BA 483 workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Act
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ ___

     meet       student        schedule      1
  1  learn      marketing      research      2
  2  get        business       degree        3
  3  be         this world     successful    4
  4  esteem     [ERG]          self          5
 Note: Class organization member construction.

 Education                                        Theory W 837

 Table 123b - BA 483 workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Act Writ
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ ___ ___________

     see        research       industry      1   28
  1  see        1910s          history       2   29
  2  link       1927           Hawthorne     3
  3  see        3 1960s        periodicals   4   30
  1  see        research       GNP           5   31
  5  link       total          GNP           6
  1  see        44 US          researchers   7   32
  1  see        10 world       researchers   8   33
  7  see        12 research    sources       9   34
  8  see        12 research    sources       9   34
  9  see        79 BC          periodicals   10  KAS
  10 see        BC             monographs    11  KAS
  11 see        BC             interloans    12  KAS
  9  know       trade          associations  13  34 37 59
  15 identify   research       opportunities 14  34
  16 visit                     Otto          15
  17 sign       office         schedule      16
  18 practice   self           choice        17
  19 recognize  universal      ERG needs     18
  20 reinforce  psychology     essentials    19
     reference  psychology     research      20
  14 identify   management     alternatives  21  37
  21 marshall                  evidence      22
  23 marshall                  evidence      22
  17 practice   notebook       evidence      23
  22 close      information    gaps          24  37
  27 close      information    gaps          24  37
  24 achieve    research       payoff        25  37
  25 implicate  research       findings      26  37
     test       new            product       27  38
     design     survey         questionnaire 28  38
     setup      test           market        29  38
     define     new            study         30  38
     handle     field          work          31  38
     write                     report        32  38
     analyze    computer       data          33  38
     interview  industry       users         34  38
     design     turnover       study         35  39
     source     DOC industry   data          36  39
     calculate  target mkt     estimate      37  39
     source     trade          data          38  39
     orient     new            employee      39  39

 Education                                        Theory W 838

     give       oral           presentation  40  39
     prepare    study          bid           41  39
     sell       research       services      42  39
     design     taste test     study         43  39
     train      questionnaire  interviewers  44  39
     survey     industrial     wants         45  41
     see        survey         validity      46  301-4 333-4
     see        survey         reliability   47  301-5
     see        GNP            sectors       48  43
     deliver    advertizing    claims        49  43
     survey     consumer       wants         50  43
     survey     employee       competence    51  43
     see        (de)central    org +-s       52  42-7
     see        specific       org           53  46
     survey     mkt            research      54  47
     calculate  internal       researchers   55  47
     see        6 external     advantages    56  49
     see        4 external     disadvantages 57  49
     use        7 mgt          checks        58  50
     use        8 research     checks        59  49 51
     use        Theory W       org check     60
     improve    9 research     qualities     61  52
     see        prohibition    alternative   62  53
     see        2 non-mkt      ethic sets    63  53
     see        2 mkt          ethic sets    64  53
     see        3 respondent   rights        65  53
     see        5 legal        pressures     66  58-9
     weaken     internal       surveys       67  60
 Note: Chapter 2 - The market research industry.  Source
 pages shown above.

 Education                                        Theory W 839

 Table 123c - BA 483 workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Act Writ
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ ___ ___________

     ask        certain        questions      1  87-109
     control                   techniques     2  289-305
     lead       management     action         3  574-84
     see        3 research     classes        4  88
     research   strategy       [mission]      5  93,99,106
  15 analyze    ranked         variance       6  90-3
  5  recognize  choice         [objectives]   7  94
     see        5 exploratory  approaches     8  88
  6  id         act            courses        9  88
  7  id         act            courses        9  88
  8  id         act            courses        9  88
  9  evaluate   act            courses        10 88
  11 evaluate   act            courses        10 88
     see        4 conclusive   approaches     11 88,90
  10 select     action         course         12 88
  13 select     action         course         12 88
     contemplate research      reports        13
  12 implement  [notebook]     plan           14 88
  16 feedback   actual         performance    15 88
  14 research   sample/census  performance    16 88
     analyze    situational    proforma       17 95
     create     optimum        alternate      18 97
     experience judgement      input          19 97
     avail      research       system         20 97
     value      cost & time    offset         21 97
     understand chooser        perspective    22 98
     probe      Theory W       causes         23 99
     attain     management     approval       24 99-100
     state      specific       objective(s)   25 100
  25 3 mock     research       findings       26 101
  26 ensure     chooser        fit            27 101
     develop    "if then"      statements     28 102
     see        3 value        relationships  29 103
     refine     user/doer      relatedness    30 104,5,7-9
     document   research       worktime       31 104
     contract   field          interviews     32 105
 Note: Chapter 4 - Undertaking marketing research. Source
 pages shown above.

 Education                                        Theory W 840

 Table 123d - BA 483 workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Act Writ
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ ___ ___________

  2  present    research       findings       1  574
  7  present    research       findings       1  574
  4  clear an   interesting    manner         2  574-83
  6  clear an   interesting    manner         2  574-83
  1  relate     management     objectives     3  575
  5  write      [Theory W]     concise        4  575
  0  outline    report         format         5  575-9
  0  present    data           graphics       6  579-83
  0  check      oral           presentation   7  584
  3  achieve    organization   mission        8
 Note: Chapter 21 - Report research findings.  Source pages
 shown above.

 Table 123e - BA 483 workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Act Writ
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ ___ ___________

     see        3 use          reasons        1  111
  1  use        8 bayesian     steps          2  112
  3  use        8 bayesian     steps          2  112
     see        4+ & 4-        attributes     3  121-2
  2  use        computer       solution       4
  4  ease       executive      decision       5
 Note: Chapter 25 - Decision theory marketing research.
 Source pages shown above.
       Formal organization. The military and the church
 provided early development of organization theory - the
 earliest form being formal authority mainly based upon
 existence and relatedness fears.  "Unless you obey your
 bridges are burned," said President James to worker Otto.

 Education                                        Theory W 841
 Note that functional performance does not become confused
 with the blinded leadership of the pure authoritarian.
       The challenge then, for the expert worker, comes to be
 fit, and find a fit, with a more functionally oriented
       Organization base. For Benedictine the base was only
 a hint of business management.  For Otto the base was only a
 hint of retirement from uncooperative business management -
 on both the enterprise and academic facets.  Any faceted
 jewel rests on a foundation of technical prowess - the
 ability to provide a whyfully competent what product, in a
 competent way.  Technically competent administrators must
 know their product - preferably as a set of standards.

       Some ideas about Otto's technical course-standards:

    teach to the text, not to the test,
    test based on national standards,
    directly measure student study time,
    provide study methodology,
    require study evidence in stand-alone English sentences,
    weight short-term test learning as half the grade,
    weight long-term learning-by-doing as half the grade,
    challenge why individual & course organizations exist,
    talk to student workers on a regular basis,
    provide for their daily study responsibility,
    have students plan the elements of earning their grade,
    facilitate exploration of all text leads,
    fill office hours with student interaction,
    extend learning beyond classroom and office,
    facilitate campus-wide computer literacy,
    hold 100% of scheduled classes for the full period,
    integrate joint Economic/Business activities,
    submit a specific plan of Business Manager action,
    grasp community courses relative to assigned courses,
    activate student participation in class,...

 Education                                        Theory W 842

       These standards of operation affect the way in which
 Otto implements his work tasks.  The authority of the

 functional organization solidifies.

 Table 124 - BC handbook workweb

 Act Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Where page
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ __________

 50     acquire                knowledge       2
 51     acquire                skill           2
 52  (re)define      one's     self            2
 53        join                community       2
 55     develop                ideas           2
 56     develop                attitudes       2
 57    maintain                GPA             6
 58         use                library         7
 43  experience                education       i
 44      follow                guidelines      i
 45        read                handbook        i
 46  experience                learning        i
 48        seek                assistance      i
 49        grow    personal    self            i
 Source: Student handbook.
       By way of contrast, a formal organization typically
 takes the form of a triangle of boxes - each box
 representing a position.  Thus the president tops the
 triangle, the vice presidents widen the next lower level,
 more numerous middle managers follow, and the bulk of the
 remaining workers providing the real product and service
 quality.  Some graphers have even reversed the triangle,
 putting the product quality workers on top, with the layers
 of management supporting the structure as opposed to
 management sitting on the workers and thus creating

 Education                                        Theory W 843
 frustration rather than infusing product/service enthusiasm.
       Spending control. The control of organization
 spending using individual checkbook theory requires a level
 of will by the organization's formal organization.  The
 control of time spending requires will power at the dollar
 or time spending level.
       Unless formally demanded, responsible spending control
 does not happen.  However, properly implemented, bottom-line
 results fulfill basic psychological relatedness need - the
 organization must want and will it through implementation.
 Many organization will not successfully confront the
 bottom-line issue.  Eventually, the free enterprise system
 appropriately cleanses itself of nonproductive
 organizations.  This type of circumstances makes for
 uncomfortable confrontation.  Some managers choose not to
 confront bottom-line ineffectiveness.  Eventually, the issue
 slips from their level of control.  Another administrative
 level takes control.

       BC self-study aims.

       Clear and publicly stated purposes, consistent with
    its mission and appropriate to a postsecondary
    educational institution.
       Effectively organized [and] adequate human, financial
    and physical accomplish its purposes.
       Accomplishing its purposes...can continue...(118 ii)
       The NCA 1984 Advisory Visit "brought to light the need
 for the College to review its mission statement and to

 Education                                        Theory W 844
 identify more specific goals that follow from the mission

 statement."(118 4)

        With the renewed understanding comes a renewed
    conviction about the worthiness of such a college an a
    revitalized commitment to its future.  (118 14)
       So the author began an attempt to structure a BC

 functional organization into which he could fit.

 Table 125 - BC self-study workweb

 Pre Verb      Descriptor   Noun         Act Source
 ___ _________ ____________ ____________ ___ ________

 1 14 expect   the          best         0
 2 3 achieve   academic     excellence   1   (118 B1)
 4   integrate liberal      studies      2   (118 B1)
 10  integrate professional development  3   (118 B1)
 6   orient    value        education    4   (118 B1)
 5   dedicate  Catholic     tradition    5   (118 B2)
 9   develop   Catholic     leadership   6   (118 B2)
 0   stress    ecumenical   hospitality  7   (118 B2)
 7   emphasize Benedictine  tasks        8   (118 B2)
 8   emphasize Benedictine  ideals       9   (118 B2)
 0   maintain  residential  living       10  (118 B3)
 13  grow      spiritual    students     11  (118 B3)
 0   grow      physical     students     12  (118 B3)
 12  grow      emotional    students     13  (118 B3)
 11  grow      intellectual students     14  (118 B3)
 Note: The Pre-Act methodology has been changed since this

 Education                                        Theory W 845

 Table 126 - BC catalog workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun          Act Citation
 ___ __________ ______________ _____________ ___ ________

     expect                    excellence    1   cover
 3   abstract   logical        instruments   2   128
 1   evaluate   logic PH101    procedures    3   128

 1   achieve    academic       excellence    2   113 I
 4   integrate  liberal/prof   studies       1   113 I
 2   orient     educational    value         3   113 I
 3   quote      Benedict       tradition     0   112p1
 5   satisfy    general        requirements  4   113 I1
 6   reference  catalog        requirements  5   113 I1a
 6   reference  catalog        requirements  5   113 I1b
 6   reference  catalog        requirements  5   113 I1c
 8   remediate  data computing skills        6   113 I1d
 8   remediate  major          foundation    7   113 I1e
 9   perform    regular        evaluation    8   113 I1f
 10  perform    regular        evaluation    8   113 I1f
 11  query      student        personals     9
 12  query      student        personals     9
 11  query      GS faculty     personals     10
 0   talk to    student        workers       11
 11  pursue     freshman       work          12  113 I1g
 Note: The Pre-Act methodology has been changed since this
       Evidence of act 12 - 08 Oct 1989 sunday 11:30am in the

 cafeteria.  A personal notation follows.

       Lisa, an education major freshman, voluntarily
    introduced herself to me.  At a followup conversation I
    challenged her to query about the educational ILP
    (individualized learning plan) concept and challenged her
    to inquire whether BC provides an ILP structure for its
    majors.  The upper classman sitting next to her agreed
    that BC should stress the ILP.  Lisa will follow my lead
    if she chooses, and I will followup as appropriate.
       The work to structure BC's functional structure

 Education                                        Theory W 846
 continued.  The faculty handbook was structured using an
 early version of Theory W structure.  And a performance
 reading was taken using the faculty handbook job description
 as expressed in Theory W structure.
       Teaching to the evaluation. Although Otto structures
 courses to avoid teaching to the test, as a worker for an
 employer, he seeks the job tasks definition toward which he
 can direct his time and creativity - effecting performance
 and productivity.  Teaching to the test and working to the
 job description are not analogous situations.
       Part of a professor's job description resides in
 expression of student needs - not only each class period and
 office period, but also in summary over the semester.  Thus
 Otto seeks to fulfill the student needs as expressed by the

 Benedictine Course Evaluation.

 Education                                        Theory W 847

 Table 127 - Evaluation form workweb

 Act Verb     Descriptor  Noun          Frequency and comment
 __ _________ ___________ _____________ _____________________

 1  help      student     solutions
    identify  student     problems
    query     student     thoughts      each class period
    payFor    office      visits        Student choice with
                     limitations by syllabus and office hours
 2  respondTo student     feelings      through semester per
           1 above within the lesson 0 objective of the class
          organization being a joyful-loving human experience
 3  encourage individual  choice        syllabus offers task
                         diversity toward attainment of grade
 4  encourage student     ideas         all lessons draw out
                         student thoughts via student inquiry
                                          facilitated by Otto
 5  provide   impartial   grading       points are earned on
               a yes or no basis thus confronting the student
                        with the choice to do the task or not
    Otto assists the student in removing obstacles to success
 6  provide   adequate    communication with constant inquiry
                          topic and study issues become clear
                         Otto students track their study time
                               as they earn their point tasks
 7 respect student individuals Otto's love of people follows
 the lead of Jesuit John Powell - a three level process:  (1)
 respect level where all in the world can be loved, (2) time
 and encouragement where Otto's 24 hours per day limits love,
 and (3) challenge where tradition or specifically writing in
 Otto's case can provide a lasting love beyond Otto's time
 8 reinforce student success The office visit reinforcement
 steps through (1) good feelings about the course since last
 meet, (2) concerns related to performance in the course, and
 (3) the future in terms of understanding of life process
 rather than deadlines or promises
 9 introduce interesting ideas The thoughts pulled out of
 students afford the best synergistic experiences - a
 characteristic of which only the organization can provide
 and only administrators can realize
 10 integrate other topics Bring reserve items into class
 11 draw out student examples Lesson topics apply to the
 students lives
 12 organize learning experience Notebook system (1)
 encompasses the syllabus, (2) documents student choice, (3)

 Education                                        Theory W 848

 plans the desired grade, (4) evidences the student work, and
 (5) documents shaping by Otto
 13 Follow course syllabus KAS reserve documents the flow of
 lesson topics and each lesson outline
 14  Stimulate student thinking  See six above
 15  Find student interest  See nine above
 16 State teaching philosophy The mind never stops learning
 as in curiosity killed the cat Otto structures work to feed
 the feelings of joy-love, facilitated by the motivators of
 existence, relatedness, and growth The administrator
 facilitates organized synergistic work Otto administers the
 classroom THe same principles apply to Business
 Administration, Educational Administration, and other
 Administration Otto lives Theory W
 17 Evidence individual excellence Otto aspires to get people
 caught up in the best feelings - computers, video, covering
 the whole text, national testing, are examples
 21  Reinforce catalog objectives  Reinforce text objectives
 22  Measure student work
 23 Facilitate student reading Otto identifies student
 reading difficulties and provides solution assistance
 24 Administer fair tests Otto's tests with national data
 bank hard questions - Otto stands with the students, being
 measured as to the performance of inquiry into the subject
 matter as represented by the text Benedictine policy of the
 text being supplementary in the course, supports text test
 results being only one part of the grade earning process KAS
 reserve provides insight into the range of student choices
 in Otto's courses
 25 Assign fair grades Otto chooses to avoid quality
 judgements which results in letter grades placed on course
 study tasks See five above Otto does not accept (zero points
 earned) a task until satisfactory Students incur point
 penalty for class absences no matter what the reason - if
 absent from class participation points are not earned Other
 points can be earned by the student choosing another earning
 26 Optimize textbook contribution Improved text friendliness
 as a continuing department objective, receives yearly review
 First, by critiquing publisher catalogs Second, by
 critiquing desk copies provided by the publishers The
 department places the critiques, the catalogs, and the
 rejected textbook (s) on KAS reserve for student and faculty
 use - instructor materials are destroyed The critiques
 address the inadequateness of the reserved texts relative to
 the department curriculum A strong curriculum justification
 can thus be argued by combining the specific inadequacy
 narratives and then describing the complement
 27 Maximize student contribution Many students experience

 Education                                        Theory W 849

 completing the course text for the first time Some students
 appreciate the expansion of study work in the direction of
 student choice Students liken the course work to real work -
 their pay amounts add points instead of dollars Some
 students are encouraged to backoff of their 120% plan when
 90% earns an A grade
 28 Offer library resources Just as the Otto course tests to
 the maximum national standard, so too are the maximum
 library resources are referenced by the syllabus The student
 chooses the extent and direction of library envolvement
 under exacting review by Otto - all study work and review
 evidences are in the student notebook The student knows
 their position at all times Otto also knows where his
 students are at all times - the quality of a good
 29 Evidence individual excellence The course cannot be
 separated from the instructor methodology Via academic
 freedom, Otto can provide an excellent learning experience
 regardless of the catalog course description - the class as
 an organization provides its unique focus on the mission and
 objectives skeleton Again, the student notebooks provide the
 smattering of the intended joy-love synergistic learning
 Source: Benedictine Evaluation Form.
       Functional structure. Functional organization, like a
 balance sheet, PERT chart, CPM chart, Gandt chart, formal
 organization chart, or policy/procedure manual, suffers from
 instant obsolesence - improvements never end.  The Theory W
 approach, although equally suseptible, does offer, not only
 strategic logic, but also timely control of work tasks from
 the individual performance perspective - a fully implemented
 Theory W (c)125 system undergoes continual audit via the

 individual performance sort of the database.


       125 Reflects concern over copyright integrity.

 Education                                        Theory W 850

       Theory W supports strategic individual and
 organization performance.  Organization performance comes
 from individual performance.  Organizations are unproductive
 because of unproductive individuals.  Thus successful
 organizations find that individual performance measurement
 against strategic standards are of paramount import.  Theory
 W provides such a tool.
       Reading from the next four tables provides an academic
 flow of conceptual thought - (1) a key to the terms, (2) a
 mission statement (118), (3) a faculty job description (75),
 and (4) a performance report reconciled to 168 whole hours
 per week for validity.  Another year-end report compares
 performance over all the semester weeks for reliability.
       Weekly work discussion provides for the prompt removal
 of performance blocks - an essential administrative
 responsibility.  Even if the member removes from the
 organization, the member can be seen as reconciling with the
 needs of the individual's organization.
       Managerial insight. Reading from the fourth table
 provides the direct managerial perspective - the why or way
 of unblocking better performance can be traced by exception
 throught the specific logic of the foregoing two tables.
 Visible mission traceability of every organization task
 provides validity.  Thus the academic concepts of validity
 and reliability are brought to bare directly - called

 Education                                        Theory W 851

 scientific management if you will, or Theory W (c).

 Education                                        Theory W 852

 Table 128 - Early workweb structure

 A  [Task 1] --> [Task 2] --> [Task 3] PERT/CPM flowchart
 translates into a three record precedence-network database
 (WN for worknet) as follows:

 Pre Verb       Descriptor    Noun         Act Citation  YNM
 --- ---------- ------------- ------------ --- --------- ---
     v1         d1            n1      Task 1   See notea,
 1   v2         d2            n2      Task 2   and noteb.
 2   v3         d3            n3      Task 3

 Graphic flowcharts have limitations but the worknet (WN)
 offers a computer database tool which can extend to
 considerable length yet provide why/how functional
 organization logic.  To practice network cause and effect
 logic, read the following as sentences:
 1   ----is-the-why-of------------------------> 2.
 2   ----is-the-why-of------------------------> 3.
 1   <---is-the-how-of------------------------- 2.
 2   <---is-the-how-of------------------------- 3.

 Theory W maintains the same why/way direction of PERT/CPM
 and time lines in general practice - future to the right.

 Task  = the v-d-n expression of the functional work element,
         using exact source-words whenever possible.
 Act   = the  of the functional work task expression.
 Pre   =  of the preceding task described by the Act  line.
 Act 0 = strategic origin task (mission) of the organization.
 Pre 0 = a path of work logic beyond interest of the worknet.
 Cita- = the source of the task definition, or
  tion   the person responsible for task performance, or
 Writ    the reference of performance evidence.
 YNM   = INDIVIDUAL performance evaluation, Yes, No, Mu.
 Yes   = Task performed and complete.
  No   = Task not performed and incomplete.
   Mu  = Matter unrelated to measurement of task performance.
 Source: IBM project software concept of the 1960s
 extensively modified for Theory W (c).
        a See Preface Style Comments.
        b The database provides all three citations but
 only the appropriate citation prints for each purpose - (1)
 source reference, (2) responsibility assignment, and (3)
 INDIVIDUAL performance evaluation.

 Education                                        Theory W 853

 Table 129 - BC mission workweb

 Pre Verb        Descriptor     Noun          Act Citation
 ___ ___________ ______________ _____________ ___ ________

 2   achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 23  achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 26  achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 62  achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 184 achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 185 achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 221 achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 307 achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 314 achieve     academic       excellence     1  118.B.I
 4   integrate   liberal        studies        2  118.B.I
 11  integrate   liberal        studies        2  118.B.I
 92  integrate   liberal        studies        2  118.B.I
 166 integrate   liberal        studies        2  118.B.I
 218 integrate   liberal        studies        2  118.B.I
 4   integrate   professional   development    3  118.B.I
 8   orient      education      value          4  118.B.I
 23  orient      education      value          4  118.B.I
 65  orient      education      value          4  118.B.I
 314 orient      education      value          4  118.B.I
 6   dedicate    Catholic       tradition      5  118.B.II
 7   develop     Catholic       leadership     6  118.B.II
 9   stress      ecumenical     hospitality    7  118.B.II
 35  stress      ecumenical     hospitality    7  118.B.II
 214 stress      ecumenical     hospitality    7  118.B.II
 217 stress      ecumenical     hospitality    7  118.B.II
 5   emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 10  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 40  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 51  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 57  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 59  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 68  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 74  emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 317 emphasize   Benedictine    spirit         8  118.B.III
 44  maintain    residential    growth         9  118.B.IV
 77  maintain    residential    growth         9  118.B.IV
 85  maintain    residential    growth         9  118.B.IV

 13  prescribe   faculty        general-ed     10 118.B.I1
 36  prescribe   faculty        general-ed     10 118.B.I1

 Education                                        Theory W 854

 37  prescribe   faculty        general-ed     10 118.B.I1
 10  embrace     general-ed     requirements   11 118.B.I1a
 8   require     phil-theo      studies        12 118.B.I1b
 21  attend      general-ed     esthetics      13 118.B.I1c
 41  attend      general-ed     esthetics      13 118.B.I1c
 50  attend      general-ed     esthetics      13 118.B.I1c
 54  attend      general-ed     esthetics      13 118.B.I1c
 61  attend      general-ed     esthetics      13 118.B.I1c
 18  develop     numerical      skills         14 118.B.I1d
 18  develop     computer       skills         15 118.B.I1d
 14  introduce   solid          foundation     16 118.B.I1e
 15  introduce   solid          foundation     16 118.B.I1e
 30  introduce   solid          foundation     16 118.B.I1e
 27  evaluate    general-ed     curriculum     17 118.B.I1f
 17  pursue      freshman       program        18 118.B.I1g
 70  maintain    superior       resources      19 118.B.I2
 71  maintain    superior       resources      19 118.B.I2
 24  maintain    superior       resources      19 118.B.I2
 38  circulate   comprehensive  holdings       20 118.B.I2a
 0   provide     extra-curric   experiences    21 118.B.I2b
 18  recruit     viable         students       22 118.B.I2c
 142 recruit     viable         students       22 118.B.I2c
 152 recruit     viable         students       22 118.B.I2c
 183 recruit     viable         students       22 118.B.I2c
 47  broaden     capstone       disciplines    23 118.B.I2d
 55  broaden     capstone       disciplines    23 118.B.I2d
 25  provide     segment        resources      24 118.B.I2e
 27  provide     segment        resources      24 118.B.I2e
 27  improve     professional   holdings       25 118.B.I2f
 3   integrate   professional   programs       26 118.B.I2g
 47  ensure      department     evaluation     27 118.B.I2h
 43  provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 75  provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 76  provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 80  provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 94  provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 205 provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 207 provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 211 provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 216 provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 268 provide     personal       growth         28 118.B.I3
 264 provide     quality        teaching       29 118.B.I3a
 215 cultivate   discipline     integration    30 118.B.I3a
 28  recognize   rewarding      service        31 118.B.I3b
 29  recognize   rewarding      service        31 118.B.I3b
 33  recognize   rewarding      service        31 118.B.I3b
 19  maintain    attractive     salary         32 118.B.I3c
 34  evaluate    faculty        performance    33 118.B.I3d
 215 evaluate    faculty        performance    33 118.B.I3d

 Education                                        Theory W 855

 269 evaluate    faculty        performance    33 118.B.I3d
 31  promote     aggressive     development    34 118.B.I3e
 258 promote     aggressive     development    34 118.B.I3e
 52  promote     mature         worship        35 118.B.II1
 12  retain      phil-theo      studies        36 118.B.II2
 19  recruit     mission        faculty        37 118.B.II3
 62  recruit     mission        faculty        37 118.B.II3
 32  recruit     mission        faculty        37 118.B.II3
 67  recruit     mission        faculty        37 118.B.II3
 34  recognize   library        collections    38 118.B.II4
 20  maintain    ecumenical     studies        39 118.B.II5
 1   present     intelligible   faith          40 118.B.II6
 42  present     intelligible   faith          40 118.B.II6
 63  present     intelligible   faith          40 118.B.II6
 47  bring       informed       debates        41 118.B.II7
 47  promote     Catholic       nuances        42 118.B.II7
 47  promote     mature         sexuality      43 118.B.II8
 47  build       daily          relationship   44 118.B.III1
 49  affirm      respectful     dignity        45 118.B.III1
 79  recognize   individual     worth          46 118.B.III2
 46  encourage   individual     attention      47 118.B.III2
 45  encourage   individual     attention      47 118.B.III2
 47  teach       personal       interaction    48 118.B.III3
 48  sign        stable         friendship     49 118.B.III4
 47  initiate    local          culture        50 118.B.III5
 7   foster      liturgical     practice       51 118.B.III6
 20  develop     religious      attitudes      52 118.B.III7
 47  promote     deep           justice        53 118.B.III8
 47  support     community      opportunities  54 118.B.III9
 47  support     disadvantaged  programs       55 118.B.III10
 20  integrate   Jesus          well-being     56 118.B.III11
 47  foster      non-parochial  work           57 118.B.III12
 53  practice    conflict       resolution     58 118.B.III13
 58  dedicate    conscious      satisfactions  59 118.B.III14
 20  pursue      critical       study          60 118.B.III14
 27  foster      artistry       tradition      61 118.B.III14
 31  achieve     intellectual   service        62 118.B.III15
 64  examine     mature         scholarship    63 118.B.III16
 20  support     natural/divine laws           64 118.B.III16
 60  examine     contemporary   learning       65 118.B.III17
 39  foster      Catholic       vitality       66 118.B.III17
 66  attract     Christian      employees      67 118.B.III18
 31  strengthen  Benedictine    positions      68 118.B.III19
 153 strengthen  Benedictine    positions      68 118.B.III19
 74  pursue      Benedictine    simplicity     69 118.B.III20
 47  refine      institutional  planning       70 118.B.III20
 47  build       frugal         operation      71 118.B.III21
 69  build       frugal         operation      71 118.B.III21
 73  emphasize   democratic     governance     72 118.B.III22

 Education                                        Theory W 856

 47  take        constant       counsel        73 118.B.III22
 72  develop     open           governance     74 118.B.III23
 70  provide     student        advising       75 118.B.IV1
 81  promote     living         growth         76 118.B.IV2
 82  promote     living         growth         76 118.B.IV2
 84  promote     living         growth         76 118.B.IV2
 78  maintain    services       program        77 118.B.IV3
 83  maintain    services       program        77 118.B.IV3
 47  promote     food           communication  78 118.B.IV4
 20  integrate   self           concept        79 118.B.IV5
 56  integrate   self           concept        79 118.B.IV5
 228 develop     honest         accountability 80 118.B.IV6
 228 provide     outclass       understanding  81 118.B.IV7
 20  support     occupational   choice         82 118.B.IV8
 0   maintain    fitness        programs       83 118.B.IV9
 79  assist      student        counseling     84 118.B.IV10
 22  promote     residential    image          85 118.B.IV11

     250 Faculty Handbook tasks, for example
 Source: July 1987 Self Study Report, Appendix B, p.207+, 4
 pages.  Note the inexact pagination of the source.

 Education                                        Theory W 857

 Table 130 - BC faculty handbook workweb

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun         Act Writ  Who
 ___ __________ ______________ ____________ ___ _____ _______

 226 support    literary       undertakings 86  31    faculty
 226 support    scientific     undertakings 87  31    faculty
 86  maintain                  library      88  31    chair
 87  maintain                  library      88  31    chair
 104 promote    fine           arts         89  31    dean
 99  re/inherit Benedict       tradition    90  31    dean
 143 re/inherit Benedict       tradition    90  31    dean
 99  re/inherit Scholastica    tradition    91  31    dean
 144 re/inherit Scholastica    tradition    91  31    dean
 89  dedicate   liberal        education    92  31    chair
 97  achieve    temporal       well-being   93  31    student
 93  achieve    eternal        well-being   94  31    student
 192 cultivate  intellectual   values       95  31    student
 95  cultivate  religious      values       96  31    student
 98  cultivate  religious      values       96  31    student
 96  cultivate  moral          values       97  31    student
 99  consist    Catholic       faith        98  31    clergy
 100 consist    Christian      culture      99  31    clergy
 102 commit     theological    instruction  100 31    dean
 103 commit     theological    instruction  100 31    dean
 104 teach      liberal        arts         101 31    faculty
 230 engage     secular        studies      102 31    dean
 230 engage     sacred         studies      103 31    dean
 109 employ     personal       abilities    104 31    dean
 129 employ     personal       abilities    104 31    dean
 90  pursue     Benedictine    goals        105 31    clergy
 91  pursue     Benedictine    goals        105 31    clergy
 198 pursue     Benedictine    goals        105 31    clergy
 109 manage                    affairs      106 33    board
 109 manage                    assets       107 33    board
 109 manage                    properties   108 33    board
 106 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 107 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 108 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 110 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 111 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 156 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 157 seek       effective      objectives   109 33    board
 4   [re]adopt  corporation    policies     110 33    board
 148 [re]adopt  corporation    policies     110 33    board
 128 approve    annual         budget       111 33    board
 145 approve    annual         budget       111 33    board

 Education                                        Theory W 858

 116 elect      classA         members      112 34    classA
 116 elect      classB         members      113 34    classB
 112 elect      classC         members      114 34    classAB
 113 elect      classC         members      114 34    classAB
 114 operate    executive      committee    115 36    board
 119 operate    executive      committee    115 36    board
 109 delegate   administrative chief        116 37    board
 115 delegate   administrative chief        116 37    board
 193 delegate   administrative chief        116 37    board
 116 appoint    academic       vicepres     117 37    pres
 114 elect      governor's     committee    118 40    board
 118 serve      governor's     committee    119 40    faculty
 121 report     college        needs        120 42    academVP
 126 report     college        needs        120 42    academVP
 127 report     college        condition    121 42    academVP
 109 facilitate institution    planning     122 42    academVP
 127 facilitate institution    planning     122 42    academVP
 120 roll       3year          goals        123 42    academVP
 122 roll       3year          goals        123 42    academVP
 123 roll       3year          objectives   124 42    academVP
 189 roll       3year          objectives   124 42    academVP
 124 direct     academic       activities   125 42    academVP
 125 supervise  college        faculty      126 42    academVP
 124 consult    department     chairs       127 42    academVP
 109 workout    institutional  budget       128 42    academVP
 130 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 133 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 134 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 150 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 190 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 257 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 274 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 283 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 284 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 285 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 299 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 331 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 333 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 334 issue      professional   contracts    129 42    academVP
 129 determine  teaching       assignments  130 42    academVP
 131 determine  teaching       assignments  130 42    academVP
 164 determine  teaching       assignments  130 42    academVP
 132 coordinate                curricula    131 42    academVP
 138 coordinate                curricula    131 42    academVP
 127 coordinate study          courses      132 42    academVP
 138 coordinate instruction    methods      133 42    academVP
 135 operate    faculty        development  134 42    academVP
 136 operate    faculty        development  134 42    academVP
 151 operate    faculty        development  134 42    academVP

 Education                                        Theory W 859

 117 chair      academic       committee    135 42    academVP
 117 supervise  academic       committees   136 42    academVP
 138 appoint    department     chairs       137 42    academVP
 222 consult    department     staff        138 42    academVP
 117 supervise  academic       dean         139 42    academVP
 139 supervise  academic       chairs       140 42    academVP
 140 represent  academic       area         141 43    academVP
 154 represent  academic       area         141 43    academVP
 158 represent  academic       area         141 43    academVP
 179 represent  academic       area         141 43    academVP
 138 coordinate admissions     faculty      142 43    academVP
 105 govern     benedictine    board        143 1     benedict
 105 govern     benedictine    board        144 1     st.schol
 146 approve    fiscal         budget       145 1     board
 280 approve    fiscal         budget       145 1     board
 119 arrange    business       audit        146 1     board
 119 receive    management     report       147 1     board
 116 supervise                 funds        148 1     board
 147 supervise                 funds        148 1     board
 159 require    rank           qualificates 149 3     board
 124 approve    salary         scale        150 3     board
 145 approve    sabbatical     leave        151 3     board
 203 assist     admissions     administers  152 4     faculty
 213 assist     admissions     administers  152 4     faculty
 203 assist     religious      administers  153 4     faculty
 215 assist     religious      administers  153 4     faculty
 215 assist     academic       administers  154 4     faculty
 203 assist     academic       administers  154 4     faculty
 203 assist     student        administers  155 4     faculty
 209 assist     student        administers  155 4     faculty
 215 assist     business       administers  156 4     faculty
 203 assist     business       administers  156 4     faculty
 215 assist     relations      administers  157 4     faculty
 203 assist     relations      administers  157 4     faculty
 215 approve    faculty        participate  158 4     academVP
 149 organize   academic       rank         159 4     academVP
 159 organize   academic       departments  160 4     academVP
 160 conduct    department     affairs      161 4     faculty
 163 conduct    department     affairs      162 4     students
 167 conduct    department     affairs      162 4     students
 169 conduct    department     affairs      162 4     students
 249 decide     voting         students     163 4     faculty
 161 schedule   2year          courses      164 4     departmt
 161 decide     course         content      165 4     departmt
 165 fulfill    general        requirements 166 4     student
 168 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 320 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 321 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 322 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair

 Education                                        Theory W 860

 323 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 324 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 325 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 326 charge     daily          operations   167 5     chair
 175 r/delegate daily          operations   168 5     chair
 168 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 170 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 172 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 173 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 182 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 186 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 187 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 188 seek       department     improvement  169 5.1   chair
 168 abreast    current        knowledge    170 5.1   chair
 181 abreast    current        knowledge    170 5.1   chair
 261 abreast    current        knowledge    170 5.1   chair
 168 abreast    discipline     trends       171 5.1   chair
 215 see        faculty        awareness    172 5.1   chair
 215 see        course         reflection   173 5.1   chair
 168 insure     academic       advising     174 5.2   chair
 168 integrate  general        courses      175 5.3   chair
 180 chair      department      meetings    176 5.4   chair
 180 chair      department      meetings    176 5.7   chair
 215 record     department     activities   177 5.5   chair
 177 submit     annual         report       178 5.5   chair
 337 submit     annual         report       178 5.5   chair
 215 submit     annual         evaluation   337 6.14  chair
 178 receive    periodic       reports      179 5.5   academVP
 160 attend     policies       commitee     180 5.6   chair
 47  follow     graduated      majors       181 5.8   chair
 171 revise     department     offerings    182 5.9   chair
 152 articulate junior         schools      183 5.10  chair
 174 matriculategraduate       schools      184 5.10  chair
 204 matriculategraduate       schools      184 5.10  chair
 208 matriculategraduate       schools      184 5.10  chair
 259 matriculategraduate       schools      184 5.10  chair
 174 matriculatecareer         requirements 185 5.10  chair
 204 matriculatecareer         requirements 185 5.10  chair
 208 matriculatecareer         requirements 185 5.10  chair
 259 matriculatecareer         requirements 185 5.10  chair
 168 [re]start  discipline     research     186 5.11  chair
 168 [re]start  professional   activity     187 5.11  chair
 168 advance    professional   education    188 5.11  chair
 168 control    department     budget       189 5.12  chair
 200 control    department     budget       189 5.12  chair
 202 control    department     budget       189 5.12  chair
 168 initiate   faculty        hire/fire    190 6.13  chair
 215 initiate   faculty        hire/fire    190 6.13  chair
 168 encourage  faculty        promotion    191 6.15  chair

 Education                                        Theory W 861

 162 represent  student        handbook     192 6     students
 137 contract   administrative duties       193 6     faculty
 191 contract   administrative duties       193 6     faculty
 195 promote    optimum        good         194 9     member
 196 promote    optimum        good         194 9     member
 200 promote    optimum        good         194 9     member
 201 promote    optimum        good         194 9     member
 199 organize   truth          (re)search   195 9     faculty
 192 organize   truth          (re)search   335 9     student
 197 organize   truth          exposition   196 9     faculty
 335 organize   truth          exposition   336 9     student
 165 focus      instruction    subject      197 9.1   faculty
 215 support    institution    bylaws       198 9.2   faculty
 197 attend     instruction    first        199 9.3   faculty
 200 attend     instruction    first        199 9.3   faculty
 215 clear      pecuniaries    first        200 9.4   faculty
 215 recognize  faculty        assembly     201 9.5   board
 194 express    individual     accuracy     202 9.6   faculty
 136 vote       committee      actions      203 10    faculty
 206 vote       committee      actions      203 10    faculty
 137 advise     declared       majors       204 10.1  chair
 141 assign     general        advisees     205 10.1  dean
 136 work       one            committee    206 10.2  faculty
 155 sponsor    independent    study        207 10.3  faculty
 228 sponsor    undergrad      research     208 10.3  faculty
 215 moderate   student        club         209 10.4  faculty
 228 sponsor                   publications 210 10.4  faculty
 302 sponsor                   publications 210 10.4  faculty
 318 sponsor                   publications 210 10.4  faculty
 319 sponsor                   publications 210 10.4  faculty
 155 coach                     athletics    211 10.4  faculty
 50  respond    local          requests     212 10.5  faculty
 212 recruit    prospective    students     213 10.6  faculty
 215 recruit    prospective    students     213 10.6  faculty
 215 attend     college        activities   214 10    faculty
 90  report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 168 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 172 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 202 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 270 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 271 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 275 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 276 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 282 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 290 report     college        work         215 11    faculty
 228 post       office         hours        216 11    faculty
 215 attend     college        functions    217 11    faculty
 165 understand liberal        education    218 11.1  faculty
 278 master     academic       discipline   219 11.1  faculty

 Education                                        Theory W 862

 219 relate     other          learning     220 11.1  faculty
 223 relate     other          learning     220 11.1  faculty
 227 relate     other          learning     220 11.1  faculty
 279 relate     other          learning     220 11.1  faculty
 210 relate     higher         wisdom       221 11.1  faculty
 215 require    departmental   agreement    222 11.1  faculty
 228 require    individual     ingenuity    223 11.1  faculty
 291 require    individual     ingenuity    223 11.1  faculty
 236 examine    teaching       techniques   224 11.1a faculty
 237 examine    professional   attitude     225 11.1a faculty
 224 seek       active         improvement  226 11.1a faculty
 239 seek       active         improvement  226 11.1a faculty
 219 use        supplementary  textbooks    227 11.1b faculty
 16  file       course         syllabus     228 11.1c chair
 238 file       course         syllabus     228 11.1c chair
 286 file       course         syllabus     228 11.1c chair
 301 file       course         syllabus     228 11.1c chair
 228 demand     written        assignments  229 11.1d faculty
 38  utilize    library        resources    230 11.1e faculty
 229 utilize    library        resources    230 11.1e faculty
 229 utilize    library        resources    231 11.1e student
 287 measure    multiple       examinations 232 11.1f faculty
 232 measure    multiple       achievements 233 11.1g faculty
 251 measure    multiple       achievements 233 11.1g faculty
 252 measure    multiple       achievements 233 11.1g faculty
 289 measure    multiple       achievements 233 11.1g faculty
 233 respect    various        relations    234 11.1h faculty
 232 maintain   prompt         feedback     235 11.1i faculty
 233 maintain   prompt         feedback     235 11.1i faculty
 254 maintain   prompt         feedback     235 11.1i faculty
 226 evaluate                  teaching     236 11.1j student
 226 maintain   professional   dignity      237 11.1j faculty
 88  exact      policy         compliance   238 11.1k faculty
 225 exhibit    professional   respect      239 12.1l faculty
 240 exhibit    professional   respect      239 12.1l faculty
 231 help       student        self         240 12.1m faculty
 241 help       student        self         240 12.1m faculty
 242 help       student        self         240 12.1m faculty
 246 help       student        self         240 12.1m faculty
 248 help       student        self         240 12.1m faculty
 251 help       student        self         240 12.1m faculty
 228 require    punctional     attendance   241 12.2  faculty
 228 submit     class          assignments  242 12.3a faculty
 228 receive    non-class      reason       243 12.3b academVP
 228 provide    non-class      permission   244 12.3c academVP
 138 substitute faculty        absence      245 12.3d faculty
 243 substitute faculty        absence      245 12.3d faculty
 228 give       makeup         opportunity  246 12.4  faculty
 244 give       makeup         opportunity  246 12.4  faculty

 Education                                        Theory W 863

 228 program    scheduled      examinations 247 12.5  faculty
 234 stimulate  student        learning     248 12.5  faculty
 235 stimulate  student        learning     248 12.5  faculty
 253 appraise   student        success      249 12.5  faculty
 336 appraise   student        success      249 12.5  faculty
 228 evaluate   teaching       practice     250 12.5  faculty
 228 provide    private        conference   251 12.5  faculty
 228 evaluate   student        papers       252 12.5  faculty
 250 complete   ending         procedures   253 13.6  faculty
 256 complete   ending         procedures   253 13.6  faculty
 256 issue      early          grades       254 13.6  faculty
 247 issue      progress       grades       255 13.6  faculty
 228 explain    grade          basis        256 13.6  faculty
 255 explain    grade          basis        256 13.6  faculty
 141 specify    contract       conditions   257 13    pres
 262 grant      academic       rank         258 14    pres
 264 grant      academic       rank         258 14    pres
 260 service    program        needs        259 13    faculty
 267 prove      satisfactory   service      260 13    faculty
 262 demonstrategrowth         capacity     261 13    faculty
 263 demonstrategrowth         capacity     261 13    faculty
 215 recognize  outside        achievement  262 14    pres
 267 possess    appropiate     degree       263 14.2a faculty
 313 possess    appropiate     degree       263 14.2a faculty
 215 prove      teaching       ability      264 14.2b faculty
 261 establish  capacity       progress     265 14.2c faculty
 265 accept     published      philosophy   266 14.2d faculty
 264 direct     quality        study        267 14.3c faculty
 215 evidence   scholarly      productivity 268 14.3d faculty
 266 evidence   scholarly      productivity 268 14.3d faculty
 215 evidence   college        assignment   269 14.3e faculty
 311 service    college        committees   270 15.3e faculty
 272 moderate                  clubs        271 15.3e faculty
 280 sponsor    outstanding    speakers     272 15.3e faculty
 268 demonstratefull           ability      273 15.4b faculty
 215 account    relevant       recognition  274 15.4c faculty
 277 account    relevant       recognition  274 15.4c faculty
 280 serve                     panels       275 15.4d faculty
 263 present                   papers       276 15.4d faculty
 215 perform                   professional 277 15.4d faculty
 274 evidence   curricular     discharge    278 15.4e faculty
 274 evidence   noncurricular  discharge    279 15.4e faculty
 281 predict    duty           performance  280 16    academVP
 274 predict    duty           performance  281 16    chair
 228 seek       student        appraisal    282 16    academVP
 238 seek       student        appraisal    282 16    academVP
 210 seek       colleague      appraisal    283 16    academVP
 127 seek       administrator  appraisal    284 16    academVP
 215 seek       individual     appraisal    285 16    academVP

 Education                                        Theory W 864

 228 evidence   class          organization 286 16.1a faculty
 247 administer quality        examinations 287 16.1b faculty
 228 provide    grading        system       288 16.1c faculty
 288 accord     grading        norms        289 16.1c faculty
 298 improve    teaching       methods      290 16.1d faculty
 228 evaluate   student        performance  291 16.1d faculty
 228 meet       regular        classes      292 16.1e faculty
 245 meet       regular        classes      292 16.1e faculty
 292 stimulate  student        interest     293 16.1f faculty
 308 stimulate  student        interest     293 16.1f faculty
 293 assist     student        understand   294 16.1f faculty
 309 assist     student        understand   294 16.1f faculty
 294 increase   student        assignment   295 16.1g faculty
 295 promote    independent    thought      296 16.1h faculty
 296 promote    student        judgement    297 16.1h faculty
 282 review     student        evaluation   298 16.1i faculty
 215 evidence   discipline     skill        299 16.2a faculty
 304 evidence   discipline     skill        299 16.2a faculty
 305 evidence   discipline     skill        299 16.2a faculty
 312 evidence   discipline     skill        299 16.2a faculty
 210 continue   understanding  development  300 16.2a faculty
 101 integrate  various        disciplines  301 16.2b faculty
 300 integrate  various        disciplines  301 16.2b faculty
 303 produce                   research     302 16.2c faculty
 263 contribute original       thought      303 16.2c faculty
 263 involve    learned        societies    304 16.2d faculty
 303 involve    learned        societies    304 16.2d faculty
 263 involve    professional   societies    305 16.2d faculty
 292 assist     student        academics    306 16.3a faculty
 297 evidence   whole          student      307 16.3b faculty
 306 evidence   whole          student      307 16.3b faculty
 215 exchange   student        profiles     308 17.3c faculty
 228 guide      student        self-knowing 309 17.3d faculty
 228 assist     loving         philosophy   310 17.3e faculty
 280 fulfill    committee      assignments  311 17.4a faculty
 215 involve    faculty        meetings     312 17.4b faculty
 273 involve    extra          duties       313 17.4b faculty
 315 support    college        aims         314 17.4c faculty
 316 support    college        goals        315 17.4c faculty
 210 display    high           assignment   316 17.4d faculty
 310 display    moral          probity      317 17.4d faculty
 316 display    moral          probity      317 17.4d faculty
 215 construct  critical       attitude     318 17.4e faculty
 215 construct  cooperative    spirit       319 17.4e faculty
 215 foster     colleague      cooperation  320 17.5a chair
 215 respond    data           request      321 17.5b chair
 215 respond    report         request      322 17.5b chair
 215 respond    recommendation request      323 17.5b chair
 215 respond    service        request      324 17.5b chair

 Education                                        Theory W 865

 215 promote    efficient      operation    325 17.5c chair
 215 promote    economical     operation    326 17.5c chair
 215 obtain     minimum        qualificates 327 17.2a faculty
 327 request                   advancement  328 17.2a faculty
 329 request                   advancement  328 17.2a faculty
 191 encourage  advancement    application  329 17.2b chair
 330 recommend  advancement    application  330 17.2b chair
 215 update     december1      vitae        331 17.2c faculty
 332 maintain   cumulative     record       332 18.2d faculty
 215 receive    colleague      recomends    333 18.2e academVP
 215 recommend  faculty        advancement  334 18.2f committ
 328 recommend  faculty        advancement  334 18.2f committ
                               used above   337
 Source: Faculty handbook (75 page/item above) provided with
 employment contract.

 Education                                        Theory W 866

 Table 131 - Otto's 8952 performance

 Pre Verb       Descriptor     Noun         Act Writ     Whrs
 ___ __________ ______________ ____________ ___ ________ _ynm

 226 support    literary       undertakings 86            y
 226 support    scientific     undertakings 87            y
 104 teach      liberal        arts         101           y
 118 serve      governor's     committee    119             m
 203 assist     admissions     administers  152           y
 213 assist     admissions     administers  152           y
 203 assist     religious      administers  153            n
 215 assist     religious      administers  153            n
 215 assist     academic       administers  154           y
 203 assist     academic       administers  154           y
 203 assist     student        administers  155           y
 209 assist     student        administers  155           y
 215 assist     business       administers  156           y
 203 assist     business       administers  156           y
 215 assist     relations      administers  157            n
 203 assist     relations      administers  157            n
 160 conduct    department     affairs      161            n
 249 decide     voting         students     163            n
 137 contract   administrative duties       193             m
 191 contract   administrative duties       193             m
 199 organize   truth          (re)search   195           y
 197 organize   truth          exposition   196           y
 165 focus      instruction    subject      197           y
 215 support    institution    bylaws       198             m
 197 attend     instruction    first        199           1
 200 attend     instruction    first        199             m
 215 clear      pecuniaries    first        200           y
 194 express    individual     accuracy     202           y
 136 vote       committee      actions      203             m
 206 vote       committee      actions      203             m
 136 work       one            committee    206             m
 155 sponsor    independent    study        207           y
 228 sponsor    undergrad      research     208           y
 215 moderate   student        club         209 8:w5289a  y
 228 sponsor                   publications 210           y
 302 sponsor                   publications 210           y
 318 sponsor                   publications 210           y
 319 sponsor                   publications 210           y
 155 coach                     athletics    211             m
 50  respond    local          requests     212           y
 212 recruit    prospective    students     213           y
 215 recruit    prospective    students     213           y

 Education                                        Theory W 867

 215 attend     college        activities   214           y
 90  report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 168 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 172 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 202 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 270 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 271 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 275 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 276 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 282 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 290 report     college        work         215 8:wxxxxx  y
 228 post       office         hours        216 KAS       y
 215 attend     college        functions    217           y
 165 understand liberal        education    218           y
 278 master     academic       discipline   219           48
 219 relate     other          learning     220           y
 223 relate     other          learning     220           y
 227 relate     other          learning     220           y
 279 relate     other          learning     220           y
 210 relate     higher         wisdom       221           y
 215 require    departmental   agreement    222            n
 228 require    individual     ingenuity    223           y
 291 require    individual     ingenuity    223           y
 236 examine    teaching       techniques   224           y
 237 examine    professional   attitude     225           y
 224 seek       active         improvement  226           y
 239 seek       active         improvement  226           y
 219 use        supplementary  textbooks    227           y
 228 demand     written        assignments  229           y
 38  utilize    library        resources    230           y
 229 utilize    library        resources    230           y
 287 measure    multiple       examinations 232           y
 232 measure    multiple       achievements 233           y
 251 measure    multiple       achievements 233           y
 252 measure    multiple       achievements 233           y
 289 measure    multiple       achievements 233           y
 233 respect    various        relations    234           y
 232 maintain   prompt         feedback     235           y
 233 maintain   prompt         feedback     235           y
 254 maintain   prompt         feedback     235           y
 226 maintain   professional   dignity      237           y
 88  exact      policy         compliance   238           y
 225 exhibit    professional   respect      239           y
 240 exhibit    professional   respect      239           y
 231 help       student        self         240           y
 241 help       student        self         240           y
 242 help       student        self         240           y
 246 help       student        self         240           y
 248 help       student        self         240           y

 Education                                        Theory W 868

 251 help       student        self         240           y
 228 require    punctional     attendance   241           y
 228 submit     class          assignments  242           y
 138 substitute faculty        absence      245            n
 243 substitute faculty        absence      245            n
 228 give       makeup         opportunity  246           y
 244 give       makeup         opportunity  246           y
 228 program    scheduled      examinations 247           y
 234 stimulate  student        learning     248           y
 235 stimulate  student        learning     248           y
 253 appraise   student        success      249           y
 336 appraise   student        success      249           y
 228 evaluate   teaching       practice     250           y
 228 provide    private        conference   251           y
 228 evaluate   student        papers       252           y
 250 complete   ending         procedures   253            n
 256 complete   ending         procedures   253            n
 256 issue      early          grades       254           y
 247 issue      progress       grades       255           y
 228 explain    grade          basis        256           y
 255 explain    grade          basis        256           y
 260 service    program        needs        259            n
 267 prove      satisfactory   service      260           y
 262 evidence   growth         capacity     261           y
 263 evidence   growth         capacity     261           y
 267 possess    appropiate     degree       263            n
 313 possess    appropiate     degree       263            n
 215 prove      teaching       ability      264           y
 261 establish  capacity       progress     265           y
 265 accept     published      philosophy   266           y
 264 direct     quality        study        267           y
 215 evidence   scholarly      productivity 268           y
 266 evidence   scholarly      productivity 268           y
 215 evidence   college        assignment   269           y
 311 service    college        committees   270            n
 272 moderate                  clubs        271 KAS95     y
 280 sponsor    outstanding    speakers     272 KAS95     y
 268 evidence    full           ability     273 2nd of 29 y
 215 account    relevant       recognition  274           y
 277 account    relevant       recognition  274           y
 280 serve                     panels       275            n
 263 present                   papers       276            n
 215 perform                   profession   277           y
 274 evidence   curricular     discharge    278           y
 274 evidence   noncurricular  discharge    279           y
 228 evidence   class          organization 286           y
 247 administer quality        examinations 287           y
 228 provide    grading        system       288           y
 288 accord     grading        norms        289           y

 Education                                        Theory W 869

 298 improve    teaching       methods      290           y
 228 evaluate   student        performance  291           y
 228 meet       regular        classes      292 100%      y
 245 meet       regular        classes      292 100%      y
 292 stimulate  student        interest     293           y
 308 stimulate  student        interest     293           y
 293 assist     student        understand   294           y
 309 assist     student        understand   294           y
 294 increase   student        assignment   295           y
 294 increase   student        assignment   295           y
 295 promote    independent    thought      296           y
 296 promote    student        judgement    297           y
 282 review     student        evaluation   298           y
 215 evidence   discipline     skill        299           y
 304 evidence   discipline     skill        299           y
 305 evidence   discipline     skill        299           y
 312 evidence   discipline     skill        299           y
 210 continue   understanding  development  300           y
 101 integrate  various        disciplines  301           y
 300 integrate  various        disciplines  301           y
 303 produce                   research     302           y
 263 contribute original       thought      303           y
 263 involve    learned        societies    304            n
 303 involve    learned        societies    304            n
 263 involve    professional   societies    305           y
 292 assist     student        academics    306           y
 297 evidence   whole          student      307           y
 306 evidence   whole          student      307           y
 215 exchange   student        profiles     308           y
 228 guide      student        self-know    309           y
 228 assist     loving         philosophy   310           y
 280 fulfill    committee      assignments  311             m
 215 involve    faculty        meetings     312            n
 273 involve    extra          duties       313           y
 315 support    college        aims         314           y
 316 support    college        goals        315           y
 210 display    high           assignment   316           y
 310 display    moral          probity      317           y
 316 display    moral          probity      317           y
 215 construct  critical       attitude     318           3
 215 construct  cooperative    spirit       319           y
 215 obtain     minimum        qualificates 327           y
 327 request                   advancement  328            n
 329 request                   advancement  328            n
 215 update     december1      vitae        331            n
 332 maintain   cumulative     record       332           y

 Total whole hours spent this week                        52

 Education                                        Theory W 870

 Source: Assignment of Faculty Handbook tasks.  See foregoing
 table.  Other worker tasks that input to the tasks are not
 shown.  This worker's tasks only are shown.  Worker's who
 and tasks that receive the above task output are not shown.
       Improving performance. The principles of a short

 periodical article and perhaps many others -

       job performance feedback,
       individual training needs,
       salary administration,
       periodic ratings on specific actions,
       hard job data,
       performance factors,
       quality of work,
       quantity of work,
       job knowledge,
       cost control,
       relationship with others, and
       standards fo next rating period.126


       126 L.F.Sorenson (1990) Improving staff performance
 - appaisals at Weyerhauser: Adhering to the principles of
 total quality management, we are committed to continuous
 excellence.  In July Management Accounting p.42-7.

                                                 Theory W 871

 Part 5 - Measuring Theory W's treatment

       Chapter 15 - Experimental modeling
       Chapter 16 - FIRO-B testing instrument
       Chapter 17 - Applying treatment
       Review.  The foregoing parts come to a simple focus -
 "gain a greater understanding of the world and its
 people..."(mission of HI-AYH)
       Summary.  Part 5 sets forth the possibility of using a
 testing instrument to check the pre- and post-test values
 when installing a more-pure functional structure in a
 multi-individual or an individual's organizational setting.
 The FIRO-B value measurement should reveal an increase in
 creativity, leadership, synergism, and productivity in
 FIRO-B units.  Testing instruments are generally of low
 reliability thus the installation of a more-pure functional
 structure calls for measured improvement in organization
 output units.
       Next.  Use of earned PhD stature, authorship,
 publication of work interests, and the general fulfillment
 of existence, relatedness, and growth needs using pure

 functional organization rationale.