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References . service to others . now self priority better late, than never . In context for my current gentleman's retirement life phase, my propensity toward serving others has not eroded, but a lasting emphasis on self priority has been a difficult integration. Let's say that any life has voids, and the self has the choice to fulfill, whenever the self chooses to do so. And consciousness or awareness has been the crux for all of recorded history. So here resides my recorded history of actualization by authors in the know.
   My personal universe of actualization process has no end, the start of one task follows the completion of another. Education degrees follow up the ladder with only publication left for the post PhD task. Jobs follow up the chain of command when you can do that job better. Income increases based on negotiation skills. Family bonds are ever stronger based on respect, encouragement, and challenge. And the self continues to choose based on what it thinks are best interests -- but whose best interests? Does the self repeat non fulfilling tasks? Said differently -- does the self grow based upon fulfilled existence and relatedness basic needs? Seemingly Harv has opted for growth among his particular voids.
   Harv's existence needs have been simplified and adequately funded by annuities and a life operation of waste not want not. Relatedness usually begins with family because of convenience. But what if family provides disrespect? Then make clear one's self respect, challenge clearly, and then go for joy, love, and freedom by developing extended family.