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The Facts: 100-ish Really Random Things You Never Wanted to Know About Me

1. Full name is Renée Marie Grinnell...but was almost named Tessa and kind of wishes she was...

2. Also answers to French Horn, Lady Voldemort, She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Freshman (even though she’s not anymore...mwa ha ha!), Rey Rey, and Fisherman Bob (a rather long story involving Krystina/Farmerman Ralph, a pair of farmerlike snow overalls, and some very sexy rubber boots)

3. Overuses the suffix –ish to the point of monotony

4. Other much-overused words include: cheese, horn, sexy, definitely, horse, psycho, random

5. Apparently was the object of a certain icky geometry teacher’s affections (and the recipient of a very scary yearbook entry from same...)

6. Likes typing nonsensical phrases into the RoadRunner address bar, then is always scared when a porno site pops up (and yet has yet to learn just to NOT do it...the lure of the random is too strong!)

7. Computer’s ghetto space bar drives her crazy, as does AIM when it’s being ornery

8. Once found a live mouse in her toiletry bag while staying at her friend’s house up north

9. While out driving with the same friend, found a red-tailed hawk that had been hit by a car and had to hold it all the way to the wildlife center...she still has a scar between her thumb and first finger from the talons

10. Also sports numerous other scars, including: a cool triangular-shaped one on her upper left thigh from getting 40 splinters stuck in her leg, one on each inner calf from going riding in shorts (stupid!), and one on the back of her neck that looks like a hickey (if one more person asks if it is, she might just kill them)

11. Has, quite possibly, the most f*cked-up hair in the entire world: dirty blonde and straight on top, dark blonde and somewhat curly underneath

12. Is an original member of The Loser Club! (*air-high-fives Mattie and Kate*)

13. Vividly remembers the horrible nightmares brought about by watching The Exorcist at Becky’s birthday party in 4th grade, specifically the disturbing vampire face that kept popping up right before the subway scene

14. Uses way too many adjectives and adverbs

15. Harbors a rather frightening obsession with fire (remember the Valentine pyro rose, Andy? hehe)

16. Seems to attract strange homeless people (ie was hit on by an old homeless man at a bus stop in Paris, and once had a very nice conversation about the weather with a man she had never seen before in her life – who was wearing sunglasses at night – outside a bookstore in Burlington)

17. Thinks that WWF, laser pointers, monster trucks, soap operas, and roller sneakers have to be the biggest wastes of time/money that exist

18. Is rather scary, considering she could, if necessary, hold her own in a 30-minute conversation about cheese: Morbier, Camembert, Gouda, Cheddar, Chevre, Feta, Mozarella, Romano, Parmesan, Havarti... :o)

19. Can never bring herself to throw out old flowers, and as a result has a rather interesting collection of wilted daffodils gathering dust on her dresser

20. Really, seriously thought The Blair Witch Project was a true story until dad told her otherwise after seeing it in the theater (“What do you MEAN there aren’t any scary old women that live in the woods and eat children?! I was gonna be one of those!!!")

21. Has yet to decide what color her eyes are really are, and how best to describe them (hazelish will have to do for now)

22. Once bruised her tailbone falling off a horse, and also fell off and hit her (helmeted) head while trail riding

23. Actually enjoys writing about herself in the third person

24. Has never seen a desert

25. Worships Karen and David O’Connor, Madeleine Albright, Patricia Routledge, and Stephen Hawking

26. Thinks that British accents, spellings, and phone booths are the absolute coolest things in the entire world

27. Has a rather long history of stalking anyone with a British accent just to hear them talk

28. Could spend the rest of her life surviving solely on Bertucci’s aglio olio, Lindt dark chocolate truffles, and kefir

29. But wouldn’t mind the occasional Haagen-Dazs hazelnut gelato, Ben and Jerry’s purple passion fruit sorbet or Phish food dietary supplement :oD

30. Was an ovo-lacto vegetarian (meaning no meat, not even fish or poultry, but yes to eggs and milk) for over five years, and is now a pesco-ovo-lacto vegetarian (eats fish, dairy, eggs).

31. Would like to travel to the Caribbean, Australia, the UK, and China

32. Has been to Montreal, Florida, and France

33. Tried to read War and Peace in 3rd grade.

34. Only did so because the librarian said she couldn’t.

35. ...Turns out she was right.

36. Has so much section pride it’s frightening...and had way too much fun this year saying things like, “Now, where’s the other half of the horn section?”

37. Was the happiest she had ever been when Louisa finally duct-taped the roof of Andy’s Saab

38. Nearly got hit by a bus in the middle of Beech Street after her toe ring fell off and she stopped to pick it up

39. Refused to go sailing with her dad for several years after they flipped over in the middle of Narragansett Bay

40. Went to see Don Giovanni with Lauren in 4th grade; still remembers wondering why anyone would write an entire opera about someone with a “little black book”

41. Enjoys shredding Popsicle sticks in her spare time

42. Loves Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, and Thai food

43. Once a voracious reader, always a voracious reader...but unfortunately, time hasn’t allowed her to read much these past few years. Hopes to read S. Hawking’s A Brief History of Time and F. Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov soon/when she is so inclined.

44. Always, always eats bananas green.

45. Has also been known to consume the occasional can of whipped cream

46. Her friends are extremely dirty-minded when it comes to the above, which resulted in a pretty interesting food fight at a recent party (" cream toppings, anyone?")

47. Thinks Martha Stewart is a perfectionistic, anal-retentive, stupid GOD... (see “love/hate relationship”)

48. Would someday like to go skydiving, Nordic skiing in Sweden, shark diving, and ride an elephant and camel

49. Next project: learn German, Latin, or Chinese

50. Eats Mandarin oranges out of the can with a fork

51. Has been known to stay on the phone till three in the morning

52. ...and online much later

53. Fiercely defends her claim that horn players are “the best maker-outers”

54. Can't fold a burrito.

55. Subsisted for three days on nothing but Ramen noodles and iodine water (hooray, backpacking!)

56. Writes her best poetry in the middle of science class (well, what else is she supposed to do?)

57. Has FIERCE xc ski team pride...and hasn’t killed herself yet!

58. Began seriously questioning her committment to the sport, however, when Hyde went outside and ran around naked in the snow at the lodge spaghetti party

59. Once fell off the same horse three times in the same lesson at her cousin’s riding club in France

60. At different times has wanted to marry Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson (Krystina's response: “But he’s an old man!”), Howie of the RadioShack commercials, and the guy with grey hair in the Men’s Wearhouse poster at the mall

61. Insists on spelling the word grey with an E, never an A

62. Cannot be trusted with anything breakable

63. Obsesses over tiny, insignificant things

64. Despises sleeping, but does very often anyway :o)

65. Wears “sexy assless pants” once a week (“They’re called chaps, Andy...”)

66. Ate an entire chocolate orange in one sitting

67. Likes spicy mustard, jalapeno peppers, tabasco, and pepperoncini

68. Has terrible in point: a rather interesting mishap involving skinny dipping on Winnisquam and a boatload of senior citizens passing about ten feet behind

69. Never has quite understood the significance of Rogaine commercials

70. Has already planned the epitaph for her headstone: (A Sox logo and, They didn’t win yet, did they?)

71. Despite the previous, is actually a good little New Englander (ie Red Sox fan)

72. Prefers soccer, however, but still admits (grudgingly) that nordic skiiers (*cough* Kelsey *cough*) are generally sexier.

73. Knows all the words to some great songs (Dave Matthews Band’s I Did It, Angel, So Right, and What You Are, Veruca Salt, Papa Roach) and some pretty bad ones (Singing Disney with Jessi Hall while driving back from Keene...)

74. Had more fun setting Cheetos on fire to determine their caloric content than anyone else in science class

75. Is petrified of getting flies stuck in her ears and eyes (ever since it happened to her during a riding lesson)

76. Once fell face-first out the front door onto a concrete step

77. Enjoys showing up at Dunkin’ Donuts, sunburned and sweaty, in muddy, grass stained, horse-y, manure-y breeches and boots, and ordering food while pretending she goes out like that all the time

78. Has, on several occasions, stabbed herself in the eye with the mascara wand

79. Is fascinated with religion, mythology, psychology, the supernatural, etc.

80. Tends to go on at length, as friends will attest

81. Chases the ice-cream truck

82. Wants a Friesian more than the ice cream truck

83. Will go through amazing contortions to carry everything inside from the car in one trip

84. Briefly pretended to be schizophrenic once on the chorus risers (and is now immortalized in film for Morgan’s health class doing same)

85. Is also obsessive-compulsive, a pyro, and just plain mentally ill

86. Volunteers once a week at UpReach Therapeutic Riding Center in Goffstown

87. Knows someone who consulted a horse psychic

88. Is a Virgo with moon in Cancer

89. Hates Banana Runts

90. Loves Nutella and has been known to eat it out of the jar

91. Can play the entire first movement of the Moonlight Sonata from memory

92. Looks terrible in sunglasses

93. Favorite colors include green, blue, purple, black, grey, red, pink, and burgundy

94. Thinks that Calgon Morning Glory, Gap Dream, and Ralph Lauren are the best smells in the whole world

95. ...and that on guys, Aqua di Gio and the smell of Kelsey's laundry are the best smells in the whole world :o)

96. Once walked in on a boy smoking pot in the girls’ bathroom at Hillside...and left without peeing!

97. Now counters everything Jake says with, “Kill yourself!” before he can say it back to her

98. She and Marissa scared Anya and Jessipaulson away when they went to buy underwear at Hot Topic

99. Has eaten rose petal ice cream, and couldn’t decide if it smelled, looked, or tasted better

100. Can count to ten in Spanish and Russian, and used to know Slovenian swear-words from some exchange students staying with her family in Paris

101. Has four second cousins, four second cousins once removed, two great-aunts, and a great-uncle in France

102. No matter how hard she tries, just can’t seem to master HTML

103. Always pisses off dressing-room attendants by going in like six times in a row and ending up buying one thing

104. Never eats the pie crust...just peels it off and has the filling instead, but won't eat ANY part of pecan pie