Frequently asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About My
Liplift and Advanta

Meditation ministryAbout Us

Q. Who was your doctor?
A. Dr. Marc Salzman in Louisville, Kentucky. (There is a link on this page)

Q. How much did it cost?
A. The current fee is about $1150.00. General Anesthesia in a hospital runs about $300 more. However, the local was just fine.

.Q. Did it leave a scar?
A. Yes, hairline scar at (or slightly above) lipline.

Q.Did it hurt and how bad was the swelling?
A. After the lidocaine wore off, it hurt a little bit. Easily remedied with a Darvacet. There were tiny black stiches at the lipline for three days and heavy swelling for about the same time. Total swelling was gone in about a week.

Q. Why didn't you get the bullhorn (under the nose) incision?
A. My personal opinion is that it is not a good procedure for someone like myself who has ALWAYS had very thin lips. I think my procedure gave my doctor more control over how much lip area he gave me, although unlike the bullhorn it left a small scar. However, I don't think I would have been happy with the results of a bullhorn.

Q. Who's a good candidate for this procedure?
A. My doctor says light skinned individuals who do not scar easily.

Q. Can I get the bottom lip done?
A. I don't think that they do that. Bottom lips are usually fuller than top lips and fillers and implants will work for a bottom lip when they won't work for the top lip.

Q. Does it leave your lip flat?
A. Yes, and no. It may appear flatter, but that's because there's more lip area without additional protrusion. My doctor recommends softform implant after total healing - hey maybe that's why the liplift is so inexpensive!

Q. Where can I find out more information regarding this procedure?
A. I couldn't find any. That's why I put this site together.