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Mirror Of The Heart

Page first created on June 1, 2001

Well. As this is my first true web page, I'm going to be spending a lot of time on it, making it perfect in every aspect. It will be a place for my personal ramblings, journal entries, photography, artwork, and most importantly, my writing.

The second thing that you should know about me is that I am a very emotional person. I try to express this in all of my works. I like to cry, talk about my feelings, talk about religion, am destroyed by words of hate from those I Love, and hold Love as the ultimate goal and importance in our lives.

When I say Love, I mean friendship, romance (a form of friendship), family, religion, any form of Love you can think of. It's what we live for as human beings. I also spell Love with a capital L when I mean the deep emotion that we feel.

I will soon be sending in a copyright for what many of my closest friends consider to be my best finished work. I'm extremely paranoid about someone stealing my work. I can't have that happen. I put too much emotion into them to have anything happen to them. I would be destroyed. I don't mind if people print them out or give them out to friends, as long as no one is selling them, and credit is given. I know that sounds bad, I want the credit. But you have to understand their my creations…

Yes. This has been a rambling, but don't worry, these will go in a ramblings / journal section once I get my site running. Please feel free to email me with whatever you wish. See you next update.

