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Taffs Well and Nantgarw Online

Official Website of Plaid Cymru in Taff's Well and Nantgarw

Plaid Cymru - standing up for the residents of Taff's Well & Nantgarw..........

Adrian Hobson - your Plaid Councillor

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Croeso i Ffynnon Taf a Nantgarw!

Welcome to Taff's Well and Nantgarw!

The official site of Plaid Cymru in Taff's Well, Nantgarw, Glan-y-Llyn, Tawelfryn and Ty Rhiw.



A Planning Application by Delyn Properties and Castell Investments Ltd proposes converting Moy Road Industrial Estate into 156 houses plus flats, a residential home, offices, a pub/restaurant and the further extension of the park and ride.

The application is in "outline" so details could (and are likely to) change. However, the application suggests that landowners want to change the industrial estate into a mainly residential area. Land owned by Rombourne Estates is not included in the application.

Adrian has asked planning officers to refer the application to the Design Commission for Wales because there are significant issues related to the quality of the proposed layout of the site. He has also called for an Economic Impact Assessment in order to measure the likely impact on jobs.

Rhys Davies Ltd - who may be forced to move from the site - say up to 150 jobs could be lost. However, new jobs would also be created in the residential home, offices and bar/restaurant.

Adrian said "It would be hard to come to any decision on this application at the moment without additional information on the detailed design and economic consequences. However, the landowners appear to be indicating that they want to change the use of the site. Even if all the details are not yet clear, nearby residents will need to consider whether they would prefer housing or industry as a next door neighbour".


Here are some highlights from the Wales Audit Office expose into financial wrong-doing in Taff's Well Community Council - and what the Accountant-Speak actually means.

... the Council's Corporate Governance arrangements were inadequate and the Council failed to adequately discharge its statutory responsibilities.....

This means that the Community Council broke the Law. There were no minutes of meetings and therefore no authorisation to spend money. Presumably Councillors were not interested in being told about how they were spending our money.

....the Council failed to exercise control over its finances and breached it's responsibilities under the Accounts and Audit Regulations.

Yet again they commited an offence and broke another Law. They failed to allow the public to see information about how the money was being spent.Some local people have described that as "covering up" their wrong-doing.

The bottom line is that we will probably never know whether our money was being spent on our gleaming bus shelters or the fabulous flower displays in the Councils flower tubs - or if it was spent by the Clerk on a new kitchen!

Its time to clean up local government and we should start with this bunch of incompetents.


The Truth Will Out! Taffs Well Community Council was slammed by a Wales Audit Office report for long-term and consistent wrong-doing.

See the press reports here.

This is only the beginning since Councillor Adrian Hobson, in order to protect your money, is seeking a high level meeting with the Wales Audit Office and others to identify who was responsible for years of financial mismanagement with a view to seeking appropriate action against named individuals.

This could include the Police, the Ombudsman and the Standards watchdog. It's possible that some Councillors could be surcharged if they are still members of the Community Council.

CLEAN UP THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL We will be standing candidates in the next election against current, incompetent community councillors. As part of the election campaign we will highlight and expose the failings of the councillors responsible for the mess. If you are interested in standing in the next Community Council election in May 2012 you can contact Adrian (see e-mail below).

You can contact Adrian by phone on 029 2081 3740, by e-mail at or on Facebook.


Adrian has lived in Taff’s Well and Ty Rhiw for over 25 years and been the County Councillor for Taffs Well & Nantgarw since 1999.

Plaid has now represented Taffs Well & Nantgarw for over 35 years when you consider the service given by past Councillors Ifor Jenkins, Gordon Bunn and Gerald Edwards since 1973.

Adrian has extensive professional experience in the public sector and local government having worked for over 36 years for the Welsh Office, Cadw: Welsh Historic Monuments, The Welsh Assembly Government and now The National Assembly for Wales. He has worked in planning, local government finance, the health service, environment and human resources.


Adrian has previously been a qualified professional youth worker with South Glamorgan County Council and a Financial Adviser in the private sector. His interests include mountain walking and he has previously instructed young people in outdoor pursuits and been a member of the Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team. Adrian is currently studying for a Masters Degree in Procurement at University of Glamorgan in Trefforest.

Adrian has also been active in the trade union movement for almost 40 years and has held a variety of official positions in several unions including several years as a full time trade union official.

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