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This page contains answers to common questions sent to me, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.

Note: In these answers we will follow a few shorthand conventions for describing user-interface procedures. Key combinations will be presented like this: Ctrl+Alt+Delete, which means that you should press and hold down the Control key, the Alt key, and the Delete key at the same time. Menu selections will be presented like this: File->Open, which means that you should open the File menu, and then make the Open selection.

  1. How do I enter Tax Exempt Interest Dividends ?
  2. How do I remove a form that is no longer needed ?
  3. Why doesn't dependent name and SSN carry over to the 2441 form ?
  4. Why is my pension entered on the 1099R is being carried on line 7 of the 1040?
  5. What is NAEOB?
  6. How do I enter more then 6 dependents on the main info. ?

How do I enter Tax Exempt Interest Dividends ?

On the Schedule B, Line 5, Payer A, Link (F9) to the Additional Dividend Statement. Exempt Interest Dividends are entered in the last column. Note that the first column for Ordinary Dividends should not include the Exempt Interest.

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How do I remove a form that is no longer needed ?

If you are using the Interview Sheet with this return, make sure that the question concerning that form has been changed to No.  Go to Form that you want to delete and Shift + F9.

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Why doesn't dependent name and SSN carry over to the 2441 form ?

The box next to the dependents name on the Main Info that says 'DC' must be 'X'ed to carry name and SSN of Qualifying Dependent to Form 2441- Part II -Line 2.

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Why is my pension entered on the 1099R is being carried on line 7 of the 1040?

On the 1099R, there is a checkbox below box 7 which asked to check if disability. Disability pensions are carried to line 7 of the 1040 and considered earned income. Remove the 'X' in from the box and the pension will carry to line 17 of the 1040.

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What is NAEOB?

N is for Nominee.

A is for Accrued Interest.

E is for Tax Exempt Interest.

O is for OID (Original Interest Discount).

B is for Amortized Bond Premium.    


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How do I enter more then 6 dependents on the main info. ?

Go directly to the Form1040 (1040EZ or 1040A may not be used) and under the first dependent link (F9) to a new 1040:Additional Dependents. All information must be entered on this form. Remember, if you wish EIC or Child Care Credit, you must override the information on the EIC or 2441 form.

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