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The Well is a large Capture the Flag map, built in the "2Fort" style (Two bases facing each other). In Well, however, the "no man's land" between the two bases is interspersed by a "moat" in front of each base and a large double bunker that stretches from one side of the map to the other, equidistant from each base. The "moats" are actually waterways that connect the two bases. It is quite possible to travel from one base to the other simply by using the water tunnels. Of course, to get into the enemy base, a Demoman needs to detpack the grate leading to the flag room. The right-hand water branch leads to one of the respawn rooms, and those rooms are protected by automatic turrets. The flag room is a large, wide-open area accessible either by the ground (water tunnels or "main" route from the front doors) or up on the balconies via the sniper deck and the resupply area known as The Attic. The flag is at the top of the well, and the capture point is at the bottom.

Ideal Number of Players: 6-16

Map Objective: Bring the enemy flag to your capture point at the base of the well in your base.

Scoring: 10 points per flag capture.

Offensive Strategies:

It is vital that you detpack the water route grate at the first opportunity. The water tunnels, while vulnerable if the enemy sees you coming, will bypass most of the enemy base and take you right to the large flag area. Spy reconaissance on Well is relatively easy to pull off due to the large size of the base and exceeingly valuable. While the base has multiple choke points, keeping your eyes and ears open for sentry guns (ESPECIALLY in the flag area) should keep you from being blown to bits. Taking along a medic is particularly useful on this map, as many of the corridors and catwalks are rather narrow and epidemic-friendly. Negotiating the flag area itself can be hazardous if you rush for the elevators. When in the elevators, you are very vulnerable to grenades and other nasty weapons. Dispensers and pipebombs are often at the tops of the lifs, just waiting to be triggered. Take your time and do what you can to clear the threats. If you can get someone into the attic (or get an entire team up there without being noticed), so much the better. The attic will resupply you with grenades, health, and armor, as well as giving you a slightly better route to the flag. Even if you don't intend to use the water route to get into the base, there is no denying that it's your best ticket home. Be sure to get it opened early on, because it can't be resealed.

Defensive Strategies:

Well offers a fair number of defensive chokepoints in the base, but access to the flag room is obtained a bit too easily to set up a permanent defense in the forward sections of the base. You should always have some kind of defense in the large flag area at all times. Remember that the lifts from the ground part of the well are easily covered by dispenser bombs, pipe bombs and sentry guns. As long as you always have someone watching the ground and watching the attic route at the same time, defense should be relatively easy because of the tight spaces in the three lifts. A Demoman for defense is invaluable, as his pipebombs can be moved around to cover weak spots in a pinch, whereas the Engineer would have trouble getting the metal he needs to quickly rebuild his gun. It's also worth noting that if you should become infected by an enemy medic that it's surprisingly easy on this map to accidenly collide with someone, thus infecting them, on the narrow catwalks. Stay away from high-traffic or low-maneuverability areas until healed or dead. This goes for ANY map, really, but even moreso on Well.

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