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3.-- ANCIENT ORMOND AND DESIES;  Or Tipperary and Waterford.

THE territories which formed ancient Ormond and Desies have been already mentioned. As this territory is closely associated with the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland, the following observations may not here be out of place:

Waterford is celebrated as the chief landing-place of the Anglo-Norman invaders, under Strongbow and his followers; and is also remarkable as the chief place where several kings of England landed on their expedition to Ireland. In May, A.D. 1169, Robert Fitzstephen, Maurice Fitzgerald, David Barry, Hervey de Monte Marisco, Myler Fitzstephen, Maurice Prendergast, and other chiefs from Wales (being the first of the Anglo-Normans who invaded Ireland) landed at the bay of Bag-an-bun or Bannow, in the county Wexford, near the bay of Waterford; where they were joined by their ally Dermod MacMurrough, King of Leinster. In May, 1170, Raymond le Gros and other Anglo-Norman chiefs landed near the rock of Dundonnel, about four miles from Waterford, near the river Suir. In August, 1170, Strongbow landed near Waterford, and was there married to Eva, daughter of Dermod MacMurrough, who then conferred on his son-in-law the title of "heir presumtive" to the kingdom of Leinster.
    In A.D. 1171, King Henry the Second embarked at Milford Haven, landed at Croch, now Crook, near Waterford, on the 18th of October; and was attended by Strongbow, William FitzAdelm, Hugh de Lacy, Humphrey de Bohun, and other lords and barons. The day after Henry's arrival, Dermot MacCarthy, king of Desmond, waited on him at Waterford; delivered to him the keys of the city of Cork; and did him homage. Henry, at the head of his army, marched to Lismore, and thence to Cashel; near which, on the banks of the Suir, Donal O'Brien, King of Thomond, came to meet him, delivered to him the keys of the city of Limerick, and did him homage as Dermot MacCarthy had done. MacGillpatrick, Prince of Ossory; O'Felan, Prince of Desies; and other chiefs, submitted soon after. From Cashel, Henry returned through Tipperary to Waterford, and shortly afterwards proceeded to Dublin; where he remained during the winter, and in a style of great magnificence entertained the Irish kings and princes who had submitted to him. In February, 1172, Henry returned to Waterford, and held a council or parliament at Lismore; and also convened a synod of bishops and clergy at Cashel. After remaining in Ireland about six months, King Henry embarked at Wexford, on Easter Monday, the 17th of April, 1172; set sail for England, and arrived the same day at Port Finnain in Wales.
    In A.D. 1174, Raymond le Gros landed at Waterford, with a large force from Wales, to relieve Strongbow, then besieged by the Irish in that city; and succeeded in rescuing him. In A.D. 1175, according to Lanigan, King Henry sent Nicholas, abbot of Malmesbury, and William FitzAdelm to Ireland, with the Bull of Pope Adrian IV., and the brief of Pope Alexander III., conferring on King Henry the Second, the kingdom of Ireland; when a meeting of bishops was convened at Waterford, where these documents were publicly read; it being the first time they were ever published.  In A.D. 1185, Prince John, Earl of Morton, son of King Henry the Second, landed at Waterford, accompanied by Ralph Glunville, Chief Justice of England, and by Giraldus Cambrensis, his secretary and tutor. In A.D. 1210, King John landed at Waterford, and soon after proceeded to Dublin, and from thence through various parts of Meath and Ulster.
    Waterford is also celebrated as the place of landing and embarkation of other kings of England: namely, of Richard the Second, in the years 1394 and 1399. On the 2nd of September, A.D. 1689, King William the Third embarked at Waterford for England; and, being again in Ireland, at the siege of Limerick, A.D. 1690, he came to Waterford and embarked for England on the 5th of September. On the 2nd of July, 1690, King James the Second, after the battle of the Boyne, arrived at Waterford, whence he set sail for France. Amongst the ancient notices of Waterford. it may be mentioned that, A.D. 1497, in consequence of the loyalty of the citizens of Waterford, against the mock princes and pretenders to the crown of England-namely, Lambert, Simnel, and Perkins Warbeck, King Henry the Seventh granted, with other honours, to the city the motto --"Intacta Maneet Waterfordia": hence it is designated the "Urbs Intacta." In 1536, Henry the Eighth sent by Sir William Wyse to the citizens of Waterford a gilt sword, to be always borne before the Mayors, in remembrance of their renowned fidelity.

3a.--TIPPERARY AND WATERFORD, Or Ormond and Desies

IN Desies or Waterford, the following were the chiefs and clans--1. O'Felan, whose territory was, after the Anglo-Norman invasion, transferred to the Le Poers, and other settlers; but there are still very respectable families of the O'Felans (some of whom have changed the name to Phelan and Whelan) in the counties of Waterford, Tipperary, Kilkenny, and Queen's County. The O'Felans were princes of Desies, and territory comprising the greater part of the present county of Waterford, with part of Tipperary, as already explained; and were descended from the Desians of Meath, who were of the race of Heremon. Some of the family in America spell the name "Whelen." 2. O'Bric, of the same descent as O'Felan. 3. O'Brien, a branch of the O'Briens of Thomond. 4. O'Crotty, also a branch of the O'Briens of Thomond. 5. The McGraths were old and respectable families of Waterford; as were also those of O'Shee, O'Ronayne, O'Hely, O'Callaghan, O'Coghlan, O'Meara, etc.
    In Ormond or the county Tipperary. the following have heen the chiefs and clans of note:-- 1. O'Donoghoe (or O'Donohoe), of the Eugenian race, and of the same descent as the MacCarthys, kings of Desmond. One of the O'Donoghoes is mentioned by the Four Masters, at the year AD. 1038, as "king presumptive" of Cashel. The ancient kings of Munster, of the Eugenian race, were inaugurated on the rock of Cashel; and those of the Dalcassian race, or the O'Briens, kings of Thomond, had their place of inauguration at Magh Adair, situated in the townland of Toonagh, parish of Cloney, barony of Upper Tulla, in the county Clare. 2. O'Carroll, Prince of Ely, ruled according to O'Heerin, over eight subordinate chiefs; and had their castle at Birr, now Parsonstown, in the King's County. O'Carroll was the head of the Clan Cian race, as the MacCarthys were of the Eugenians: and the O'Briens, of the Dalcassians. The territory of "Ely" got its name from Eile, one of its princes, in the fifth century; and from being possessed by the O'Carrolls, was called "Ely O'Carroll;" which comprised the present barony of Lower Ormond, in the county Tipperary, with the barony of Clonlisk and part of Ballybrit in the King's County; extending to Slieve Bloom Mountains, on the borders of the Queen's County. The part of Ely in the King's County belonged to the ancient province of Munster. 3. O'Kennedy, chief of Gleann Omra; several of them are mentioned by the Four Masters as lords of Ormond. The O'Kennedys (of Munster) were of the Dalcassian race; and possessed the barony of Upper Ormond, in the county Tipperary. 4. O'Hurley: a branch of this family (who were also of the Dalcassian race) settled in Limerick, in the barony of Owneybeg, and in the parish of Knocklong, in the barony of Coshlea, county Limerick, where the ruins of their chief castle still remain. Other branches of the O'Hurleys were settled in Galway, and had large possessions in the baronies of Kilconnell, Killian, and Ballymore; of which family were Sir William and Sir John Hurley, baronets. 5. O'Hern (Hearne, Heron, Ahearne, Ahern), chiefs of Hy-Cearnaidh. 6. O'Shanahan (or O'Shannon), descended from Lorcan, a king of Munster, who was grandfather of Brian Boru: hence, the O'Shanahans or Shannons are a branch of the Dalcassians, who were also designated Clan Tail. The O'Shannons were chiefs of a territory called Feadha Hy-Rongaile or the Woods of Hy-Rongaile comprising the country about Eibhline; and, as Slieve Eibhline is stated in the old writers to be near Cashel, this territory appears to have been situated either in the barony of Middlethird or of Eliogarty. 7. O'Duffy. 8. O'Dwyer, chief of Hy-Aimrit, was a branch of the Heremonians; and possessed extensive territory in the present baronies of Kilnamanach, county Tipperary. Some of the O'Dwyers were commanders in the Irish Brigade in the Service of France. MacGeoghagan mentions General O'Dwyer as governor of Belgrade; and there was an Admiral O'Dwyer in the Russian service. 9. O'Dea, and O'Hoiliolla (or O'Hulla), are given by O'Heerin as chiefs of Sliabh Ardach, now the barony of "Slieveardagh," in Tipperary. 10. O'Carthy, chief of Muiscridh Iarthar Feimin --a territory which, according to O'Halloran, was situated near Emly, in Tipperary. 11. O'Meara,* chief of Hy-Fathaidh, Hy-Niall, and Hy-Eochaidh-Finn. The O'Mearas had an extensive territory in the barony of Upper Ormond, county Tipperary; and the name of their chief residences Tuaim-ui-Meara, is still retained in the town of "Toomavara," in that district. The Hy-Nialls here mentioned were of the race of Eugenius of Munster. 12. O'Meagher or Maher, chief of Crioch-ui-Cairin, or the land of Hy-Kerrin, now the barony of "Ikerin," in the county Tipperary. 13. O'Flanagan, chiefs of Uachtar Tire and of Cinel Agra. The district of Uachtar Tire (or the Upper Country) was situated in the barony of Iffa and Offa, on the borders of Tipperary and Waterford; and that of Oinel Agra, in Ely O'Carroll, in the King's County. 14. O'Breslin, chief of Hy-Athy of Ely, which appears to have been a part of Ely O'Carroll, situated near the Shannon; and these O'Breslins were probably a branch of the O'Breslins of Donegal, who were Brehons or judges to the O'Donnells, princes of Tirconnell, and to the MacGuires, princes of Fermanagh. 15. O'Keane, chief of Hy-Fodhladha, a district supposed to be on the borders of Tipperary and Waterford. 16. O'Donegan (or O'Dongan) prince of Aradh, was of the race of Heremon. The O'Donegans were styled princes of Muiscrith Tire, now Lower Ormond, in Tipperary; and possessed Aradh Cliach, now the barony of Owney and Arra, also in Tipperary. 17. O'Donnelly, or O'Dongally, and O'Fuirig (or O'Furey), also chiefs of Muiscrith Tire. 18. O'Sullivan, chief of Eoganacht Mór of Knock Raffan, already mentioned. 19. O'Fogarty, chiefs of South Ely, now the barony of Eliogarty, in Tipperary, had their chief seats about Thurles; it was called South Ely, to distinguish it from North Ely or Ely O'Carroll. 20. O'Cullen, chief of Eoganacht of Arra; and O'Keely, chief of Aolmoy: these two districts appear to have been in the barony of Owney and Arra, in Tipperary. 21. O'Duinechair and O'Dinan, chiefs of Eoganacht Uaithne Ageamar [Owney Agamar]. This territory comprised part of the counties of Tipperary and Limerick, now the baronies of Owney and Owneybeg. 22. The O'Ryans or O'Mulrians of Tipperary, afterwards possessed Owney in Tipperary, and Owneybeg in Limerick. A branch of the O'Ryans were princes of Hy-Drone, in Carlow. 23. O'Mearns, chief of Eoganacht Ross Airgid. 24. MacKeogh or Kehoe, chief of Uaithne Tire, a territory situated in ancient Owney, which comprised the present baronies of Owney and Arra, in Tipperary; and Owneybeg, in Limerick. In that territory also dwelt the O'Linskeys or Lynches, who are described as "men of lands," dwelling in the neighbourhood of the Danes, who possessed Limerick. 25. O'Heffernan and O'Callanan were chiefs of Owney Cliach,# a territory situated in the barony of Owney and Arra, county Tipperary; these O'Heffernans were a branch of the O'Heffernans of Clare, whose name is mentioned under "Thomond." 26. MacLenehan (Irish MacLongachain), chief of Crota Cliach, and Hy-Coonagh. This territory was situated partly in the barony of Owney and Arra, in Tipperary, and partly in the barony of Coonagh, county Limerick. The O'Dwyers, already mentioned as chiefs of Kilnamanagh, in Tipperary, were also located in this territory. 27. O'Lonergan, ancient chiefs and proprietors of Cahir, and the adjoining districts in Tipperary, till the fourteenth century, when they were dispossessed by the Butlers, earls of Ormond. 28. Mac-I-Brien or MacBrien, a branch of the O'Briens of Thomond, had large possessions in the barony of Owney and Arra, in Tipperary, and in the barony of Coonagh, county Limerick; and were styled lords of Arra and Coonagh. 29. MacCorcoran, chief of Clan Rooney, "of the flowery avenues." 30. O'Hogan, chief of Crioch Cian, about Lower Ormond, in Tipperary. 31. MacGillfoyle or Gilfoyle, chief of Clan Quinlevan. The MacGillfoyles appear to have been located on the borders of Tipperary and King's County; and some of the O'Quinlevans have changed the name to "Quinlan." 32. O'Bannan or Bannin, chief of Hy-Dechi, a territory situated in the north of Tipperary. 33. O'Ailche, chief of Tuatha Faralt. 34. O'Cahill, chief of Corca Tine, situated on the borders of Tipperary and Kilkenny. 35. O'Dinnerty and O'Amry, clans located on the borders of Tipperary and Kilkenny. 36. O'Spillane, chief of Hy-Luighdeach, situated on the borders of Tipperary and Kilkenny. 37. MacEagan, in the barony of Arra, were hereditary Brehons; and O'Cullenan or MacCullinan, hereditary physicians in Ormond. 38. O'Scully, O'Hanrahan, O'Lanigan, and MacGrath, were also clans of note in Tipperary; and O'Honeen, who changed their name to "Green," and "Hoyne," were numerous in Tipperary and Clare. Ormond and Desies were formed into the counties of Tipperary and Waterford, A.D. 1210, in the reign of King John. Waterford was called by the ancient Irish Cuan-na-Grian, signifying the "Harbour of the Sun," and afterwards, Glean-na-nGleodh or the "Valley of Lamentations," from a great battle fought there between the Irish and the Danes in the tenth century. By the Danes it was called Vader Fiord ("vader:" Danish, to wade; "fiord," a ford or haven), signifying the fordable part of the haven: hence, "Waterford" is so called. Tipperary is, in Irish, Tobardarainn, signifying the "Well of Arainn;" and so called from the adjoining territory of Arainn. In Tipperary are valuable coal and iron mines, and extensive slate quarries. Affane in Waterford was famous for cherries; first planted there by Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought them from the Canary Islands.

* O'Meara: Of this family we find the following, in p.36 of tbe Vol. F. 3.27, in the MSS. Library of Trinity College, Dublin: 1. Donell O'Meara. 2. William of Lismiskey, Co. Tipperary: his son and heir. 3. Teige of Lismisky: his son m. Honora, dau. of Robert Grace of Corktown, Co. Kilkenny. 4. Daniel O'Meara: his son: had two brothers and two sisters: the brothers were--1. William, 2. Patrick, the sisters were--1. Ellin, 2. Elan.

# Cliach: Some authorities say that the present barony of "Owneybeg," in the county Limerick, was the territory of (Uaithne Cliach or) Owney Cliach, of which O'Heffernan and O'Hallinan  were chiefs.


IN the Appendix to Vol.II., under the heading "The Clan Colla," a sketch of the history of ancient Oriel is given; and it is there mentioned that the O'Carrolls were princes of Oriel down to the Anglo-Norman invasion. Amongst the other chief clans who possessed Louth were those of MacCann, MacCartan, O'Kelly, O'Moore, O'Callaghan, O'Carragher, MacColman, MacCampbell, MacArdle, MacKenny, or MacKenna, O'Devin, O'Markey, O'Branagan, MacScanlan, and others.
    In the reign of King John, A.D. 1210, Louth was formed into a county; and acquired its name from the town of Louth, in Irish Lugh Mhagh, which signifies the "Plain of Lugh or Lugaid"--and which probably was so called after some ancient chief.


ACCOORDING to Connellan, the chief Anglo-Norman or British families settled in Louth were; De Lacy, De Verdon, De Gernon, De Pepard; De Flemming, barons of Slane; Bellew, of Barmeath, who had formerly the title of barons of Duleek; De Bermingham, earls of Louth, a title afterwards possessed by the Plunkets; Taaffe, earls of Carlingford (in the peerage of the United Kingdom, Mr. Chichester Fortescue, late M.P. for the county Louth, was A.D. 1874, created "baron Carlingford") ; Ball, Brabazon, Darcy, Dowdal, and Clinton, etc.; Fortescue, now earls of Claremont; and, in more modern times, the family of Gorge, barons of Dundalk; and Foster, viscounts Ferard, and barons of  Oriel.


THAT part of the kingdom of Orgiall called Monaghan was overrun by the forces of John de Courcy, in the reign of King John, but the MacMahons maintained their national independence to the reign of Elizabeth; when Monaghan was formed into a county, and so called from its chief town Muineachan, which signifies the "Town of the Monks." 

THAT part of Orgiall, afterwards forming the county of Armagh, was possessed partly by the families of O'Hanlon, and MacCann, and partly by those of O'Neill, O'Larkin, O'Duvany or O'Devany; and O'Garvy, of the Clan-na-Rory, who, according to O'Brien, possessed the Craobh Ruadh [Creeveroe] or the territory of the famous Red Branch Knights of Ulster; O'Hanratty or Enright, of Hy-Meith-Macha;* and O'Donegan, of Breasal Macha.# Ancient Orgiall included the territory embraced in the present counties ef Tyrone and Derry; but of that territory the Clan Colla were gradually dispossessed by the race of Owen (son of Niall of the Nine Hostages), from whom it derived the name Tir-Owen.
    The native chiefs held their independence down to the reign of Elizabeth, when Armagh was formed into a county, A.D. 1586, by the Lord Deputy, Sir John Perrott.

* Hy-Meath-Macha: The descendants of Muireadach Meith, son of Iomchadh [Imcha], who was a son of Colla-da-Chrioch, were called Hy-Meith or Ui-Meith. There were two territories of this name in the Kingdom of Orgiall: one called sometimes Ui-Meith-Tire (from its inland situation), and sometimes Ui-Meith- Macha, from its contiguity to Annagh; and the other Ul-Meith Mara, from its contiguity to the sea. The latter was more anciently called "Cuailghne;" and its name and position are preserved in the anglicised name of "O'Meath," a district in the county Louth, comprising ten townlands, situate between Carlingford and Newry. The "Hy-Meith Macha" or" Hy-Meith Tire" is a territory in the present county Monaghan, comprising the parishes of Tullycorbet, Kilmore, and Tehallan, in the barony of Monaghan. Of this territory the O'Hanrattys were the ancient chiefs, before they were dispossessed by the sept of the Mac Mathghahna (or MacMahons); and saint Maeldoid, the patron saint of Muckno, at Castleblayney, was of the same stock as the O'Hanrattys. That Saint Maeldoid, according to Colgan, was a lineal descendant of Colla-da-Crioch: "S. Maldodius de Mucknam, filius Fingini filii Aidi, filii Fiachri, filii Fiachae, filii  Eugenii, filii Briani, filii Muredachi, filii Colla-fochrioch (or Colla-da-Chrioch)." The Muintir Birn (some of whose descendants have anglicised their name Bruen), a district in the south of the barony of Dungannon, adjoining the territory of Trough in the county Monaghan, and Toaghie, now the barony of Armagh, were descended from the same progenitor as the Ui-Meith, namely, Muredach Meith, as above.

# Breasal Macha: This was the territory of the Ui-Breasal, or, as they were called, the Ui Breasal Macha; descended from Breasal, son of Felim, son of Fiachra Casan, son of Colla-da-Chrioch. In later ages this territory was more usually called Clann Breasal, anglicised "Clanbrazil" or "Clanbrassil." The tribe of O'Garvey were the ancient chiefs of this territory; but in more modern times it belonged to the MacCanns, who were descended from Rochadh. the son of Colla-da-Chrioch. This territory was on the south of Lough Neagh, where the Upper Bann enters that lake, and was co-extensive with the present barony of O'Neilland East in the county of Armagh; and according to a map of Ulster made in the reign of queen Elizabeth, or James the First, it would appear that, In the formation of the baronies, more than one territory was placed in that of O'Neilland. The fact is, that all the eastern part of the Kingdom of Orgiall, called "Oirthear," was occupied by septs of the race of Niallan: that district Including the present baronies, of East and West O'Neilland and also those of East and West Orior; for, the sept of O'h-Anluain (or the O'Hanlons), who possessed the two latter baronies, were descended from the aforesaid Niallan, another descendant of Colla-da-Chrioch.                                                -- Book of Rights.


THE following were the Chiefs and Clans of Fermanagh, and the territories they possessed in the twelfth century; 1. MacUidhir (anglicised MacGuire and Maguire) was chief of Feara Monach (or "Fermanagh"). 2. O'Muldoon, chief of Muintir Maolduin and Feara Luirg, now known as the barony of "Lurg." 3. Muintir Taithligh, Tilly or Tully, chiefs of Hy-Laoghaire, of Lough Lir, a district which lay in the barony of Lurg, near Lough Erne, towards Tyrone. 4. MacDuilgen or MacDwilgan, not mentioned in O'Dugan, is A.D. 924, in the Annals of the Four Masters, given as Fergus MacDuilgen, lord of Lurg. 5. O'Flanagan, chief of Tuath Ratha (a name retained by the mountain "Tura") or the District of the Fortress, a territory which extended from Belmore to Belleek, and from Lough Melvin to Lough Erne, comprising the present barony of Magheraboy. 6. Gilfinan, chief of Muintir Peodachain of the Port, on the borders of Fermanagh and Donegal; and still traceable in the name of "Pettigo". (By metathesis we might derive "Pakenham" from this Irish clan: Peodachain, Pachain, Pachena, Pakenha -- Pakenham). 7. Mac Giolla Michil or Gilmichael (anglicised "Michil" and "Michael") was chief of Clan Congail. In the Annals of the Four Masters, at A.D. 1238, it is stated that Clan Congail and O'Ceanfada [O'Kennedy] lay in Tir Managh or Fermanagh: this Clan or Tir O'Ceanfhada is probably the present barony of "Tirkennedy." 8. O'Mulrooney and O'Heany, who were chiefs of Muintir Maolruanaidh (as the descendants of Maolruanaidh, No. 104, page 672, were called), and of Maoith Leirg Monach. 9. MacDonnell, chief of Clan Celleagh, now the barony of "Clankelly."
   THE following clans, not given in O'Dugan, are collected in Connellan's Four Masters from other sources;-- 10. MacManus, a numerous clan (chiefly in Tirkennedy), who had the control of the shipping on Lough Erne, and held the office of hereditary chief managers of the fisheries under Maguire. 11. MacCassidy, who were hereditary physicians to the Maguires. Roderick MacCassidy, archdeacon of Clogher, who partly compiled the "Annals of Ulster," was a distinguished member of this important family. 12. O'Criochain (who were descended from Colla-da-Chrioch), anglicised O'Creighan, O'Greighan, Cregan, Crehan, Creighton, Creehan, Grehan, and Graham #, were a numerous clan in Fermanagh. 13. MacGrath, who held possession at Termon M'Grath, where they had a castle in the parish of Templecarne. "Maguire's Country" was, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, A.D. 1569, formed into the county Fermanagh, by the lord deputy Sir Henry Sidney.

* Fermanagh: In the the early ages, according to our old annalists. the lake called Lough Erne suddenly burst forth and overflowed a great tract of land which was called Magh Geannain or the "Plain of Geannan", one of the Firbolg kings. This lake was anciently called Lough Saimer; and, according to Walsh, in quoting Cambrensis Eversus, derived the name Erne from Erna, then favorite waiting-maid of Maud or Meav (the famous queen of Connaught) who was drowned there. In the tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries, the head chief of this territoy was O'Duibhadara or O'Dwyer, whom O'Dugan mentions as chief of the race of Daimhin (No. 92 on the O'Hart pedigree) and several of the names are mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters, at A.D. 1086, and in MacFirbis's genealogical work, page 304; amongst others, Giolla Chriosd O Duibhdara, prince of Fermanagh, who A.D. 1076 was killed at Daimhinis or Devinish Island, in Lough Erne.

# Graham or Grahame: The author of that excellent American work, "Irish Family Names," lately published, says:--"The Montrose family, the most eminent of the modern representatives of this grand old Celtic stock, trace their pedigree back to the first half of the fifth century of our era, and to Greme, the distinguished general who administered the affairs of Scotland in the interest and during the minority of Eugene II., grandson of Fergus II (A.D. 411-429), of the Dalriadic line of Kings of what we now know as Scotland. Many of the Grahams of Ulster trace their descent from this illustrious stock, originally of the oldest of the 'old Irish' element. The Graham tartan suggestively enough gives prominence, in its makeup, to the 'Emerald Green."


THE Chiefs and Clans of Ulidia, and the territories they possessed in the twelfth century, as collected from O'Dugan's Topography, are as follows:-- The Craobh Ruadh [Creeveroe] or the portion of the Red Branch Knights of Ulster, a large territory which comprised the central parts of the present county Down, with some adjoining parts of Armagh, is given by O'Dugan as the head territory of Ulidia. The principal chiefs of the Creeveroe were-- 1. O'Duinnshleibhe or MacDunnshleibhe, kings or princes of the territory (of this family was Rory, the last king of Ulidia. This name has been anglicised "Donlevy," "Dunlevy" and "MacDunlevy"); O'Heochadha (anglicised "O'Heoghy," "Hoey," "Howe," etc.) a branch of the O'Dunlevys; O'Haidith (Heady or Head), O'Eochagain (or O'Geoghagan), O'Lavary, O'Lowry, O'Luingsigh (anglicised Longsy, Linskey, Linch, and Lynch), O'Moran, and O'Mathghamhna (O'Mahon, MacMahon). O'Garvey and O'Hanvey, were chiefs of Hy-Eachach Coba, now the barony of "Iveagh". 2. MacAongusa, chief of Clan Aodha or Clan Hugh, the tribe name of the family. (The Mac-Aongusa, or Guinness, MacGuinness, and Magenis, had the baronies of Iveagh, and Lecale, and part of Mourne; and were lords of Iveagh, Newry, and Mourne. They were the head of the Clan-na-Rory in Ulster). 3. MacArtan, chief of Cinel Fogartaigh, now the baronies of "Kinelarty," and Dufferin. 4. O'Duibheanaigh (Devany, Duffeny, Dooney, Downey), chief of Cinel Amhalgaidh, now "Clanawley," in the county Down. 5. MacDuileachain or O'Duibhleachain (Doolecan or Doolan), chief of Clan Breasail MacDuileachain, near Kinelarty, in the barony of Castlereagh. 6. O'Coltarain, (Cole-ton, Coulter), chief of Dal Coirb, in the barony of Castlereagh. 7. O'Flinn, and O'Domhnallain or O'Donnellan, chiefs of Hy-Tuirtre: a people seated on the east side of the river Bann and Longh Neagh in Antrim; and descended from Fiachra Tort, grandson of King Colla Uais. Hy-Tuirtre comprised the baronies of Toome and Antrim, and was afterwards known as northern Clanahoy. 8. O'Heirc (Eric, Earc, Hirk), chief of Hy-Fiachra Finn, in the barony of Massarene. 9. O'Criodain (Credan, Creden, and Creed), chief of Machaire Maedhaidh, now the parish of "Magheramisk," in the barony of Massarene. 10. O'Haodha, O'Hugh or Hughes, chief of Fearnmhoighe or Fernmoy, a district in the county Down, on the borders of Antrim, in the barony of Lower Iveagh. 11. O'Caomhain # or Kevin, chief of Magh Lini, now Moylinny, a district in the barony of Antrim. 12. O'Machoiden, chief of Mughdhorn or Mourne. 13. O'Lachnain or O'Loughnin, chief of Modharn Beag or Little Mourne. In addition to those clans given by O'Dugan, the following clans in Ulidia are given from other authorities: -- 14. MacGee or Magee, of Island Magee. 15. MacGiolla-Muire (MacGillmore or Gilmore), who possessed the districts of the great Ards. 16. MacRory or Rogers, chiefs of Killwarlin. 17. O'Kelly of Clanbrasil Mac Coolechan, in the county Down. 18. Ward or Mac Ward. 19. Gowan (gobha: Irish, a blacksmith) and MacGowan (modernized "Smith)" "Smeeth," and "Smythe") were of the Irian race and of the Clan-na-Rory, and were mostly expelled by the English into Donegal, whence large numbers of them emigrated to the county Leitrim, and more lately to the county Cavan. Dal Buinne, a district in Ulidia, was not given by O'Dugan; but it was situated on the borders of Down and Antrim, and contained the parish of Drumbo, in Down, with those of Lisburn, Magheragall, Magheramask, Glenavy, Aghalee, and Aghagallen, in Antrim. The Dal Buinne were of the Irian race. In the fourteenth century, Hugh Buidhe O'Neill, prince of Tyrone, with his forces, crossed the Bann and took possession of the northern part of Ulidia, which, from its being possessed by his posterity, who were called Clan Aodh Buidhe, was anglicised "Clanaboy," or "Clandeboy." This territory was divided into North Clanaboy and South Clanaboy. A part of North Clanaboy also obtained the name of "Brian Carragh's Country," from its having been taken from the O'Neills by a chief of the MacDonnells, who was called Brian Carragh. South Clanaboy comprised the baronies of Ards, Castlereagb, Kinelarty, and Lecale; and extended, according to MacGeoghegan, from the Bay of Dundrum to the Bay of Carrickfergus on Belfast Lough.

* Ulidia: The name "Uladh" was applied to the province of Ulster, but in after times was confined, as mentioned in the chapter on Orgiall, to a large territory on the east of Ulster, called Ulidia. This territory was also called Dalaradia (dal: Irish, a part or portion, and Araidhe, a man's name), signifying the descendants of Araidhe, a king of Ulster in the third century; and comprised the present county Down, with a great portion of Antrim, extending from Iubhar or Newry, Carlingford Bay, and the Mourne mountains to Slieve Mis mountain in the barony of Antrim; thus containing, in the south and southeast parts of Antrim, the districts along the shores of Lough Neagh and Belfast Lough, Carrickfergus, and the peninsula of Island Magee to Larne; and thence in a line westward to the river Bann. The remaining portion of the county Antrim obtained the name of Dalriada. Ulidia is remarkable as the scene of St. Patrick's early captivity (it being there that he was sold as a slave to a chieftain named Milcho, whose flocks he tended near Mis mountain), and is celebrated as the place where he made the first converts to Christianity, and finally, as the place of his death and burial. He died at Sabhal, afterwards the parish of "Saul"; and was buried in the cathedral at Dune, which, in consequence was called Dunepatrick, or Downpatrick.                                                                        --CONNELLAN

# O'CAOMHAIN: See the Coen pedigree for another family of this name, in Ireland.
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