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Xena Con Pasadena 2001

Home Lucy and Renee My Thoughts

The following items are just a few of the little fun things from my adventure in Pasadena.  The smaller beveled images are thumb nailed.  Click on them for the full image.


Badges courtesy of CN Winters...(She loves Gabby...has she mentioned that?)

(I got Quoth to autograph mine)
Lilbadge.jpg (132497 bytes)

Namebadge for Lil 

Our receipt from "Sparkles"
 after lunch at Hooters.



Cool sparkly wristbands!


With Karl Urban and Lil and me at Hooter's!

Gotta hide my modesty.



Clairealex.jpg (142675 bytes)

 Claire and Alex

              Please pardon the way the pix are scattered...I'm not the best webmaster in the world.  

Also some of the smaller beveled images are thumb nailed for size purposes.  Click on them for the full size effect.

greg.jpg (33544 bytes)  

Lucy and Renee My Thoughts




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