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Dreams I Dreamt Awhile Ago

Dreams I Dreamt Awhile Ago

This is the spot for dreams I dreamt longer then recently ago. Get it? Like, a dream from two or three months ago will go here. Great. I knew you would understand.

”Cats! Cats!” – I don’t remember when I had this dream, but it was about in May 2001. This was one of the awesomest dreams I have ever had. I woke up smiling. I was at school, and it was break or something, and I am walking past the 100s corridor when Chase ran up behind me and catapulted off my shoulders and was saying “Cats! Cats!” and then Adam ran around yelling “Cats! Cats!” and jumping in the air waving his hands.  Then Tal started to join in, too, and was totally spazzing out with Adam and Chase.  This dream totally rocked and I loved it, totally, and it started the chain of “Cats! Cats!” that hella hella people do.

“Mean Bus Driver” - The other night I dreamed that I was at this little market near the civic center, and Lisa and I were there, and I was waiting outside for the bus and then it came and she was still in the store, but she was coming outside, and I got on the bus, put in $2, because Lisa would put in $1 and then we would have our fare paid, and I was like "My friend will be here in a sec" and the jerk busdriver just pulled away, and I was like "Um, excuse me. Can you WAIT A SEC" and he was like "No" and I was like "Fine, then drop me at the next stop, I have to get my friend" and he just kept going and I pressed the dinger and finally he let me off near the JCC, and I started walking back towards the store and I saw, like 5 kids who all looked like Gwen Lester, and had curly blond hair, and I was like "are you related to Gwen?" and they were like "Yes" and I was like "Oh, tell her 'Cats!' and 'IGNACIOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!' from Rose, okay?" and they were like “Okay" and there's a little more but I don't really remember it now. oh yeah, and then there was this other dream where I was checking my email and I had a message from you telling me that Kevin's email was like and he had another one, like  And I had like 15 fwds from my cousin and they were all about preppiness, trendiness and god. But that's actually typical.

“Ashland and the Hamster Scare” – I don’t know the date, June or so, 2001. This was a long one, but it's really cool. We were in Ashland, and we were waiting outside to go in (by we, I mean a lot of ROCK) and Kevin was wearing these really cool black-and-white striped pajama type pants, and I was like "Kevin! Those are sooooo cool!" and he was like "Yeah, I know." and then he did his funny laugh and was like "Yeah. We got them at that store," and he pointed to this fancy menswear store and was like "Quinn got a pair too" and Quinn had a pair in black, but then they actually turned out to be dark magenta and dark navy and something else, actually, they were the same colors as my brother's fleece jacket. And then we went into the theater, and Cassidy disappeared were gone, and we were all in the Bowmer on the right side (like, facing the stage) and Lisa and I sat down in this one spot, and it's the Bowmer theater, but the seating is way different and we are sitting in two seats and everyone else sits across the aisle, and Lisa and I are like "Okay...whaever." Then, this adult woman comes up to me and Lisa and asks us "Do you go to Redwood, Drake or M.C.?" and we're like "Drake" and she's like "Oh...but Redwood is the best, right?" and we are just like "No. Duh..." and then I see that on the chairs around us, there are like these name cards or something and one says "Jesse" and one says "Gina" who are there 2 people from my middle school, and Im thinking "Woa, cool!" when the lights go down, and I’m like "Well, how are they going to know where to sit?" because the Redwood kids aren't here yet. But then I start talking to Lisa when they are suddenly there, and I see Jesse, and I wave at him (even though he’s only like 3 seats away) and he kinda waves back, and it’s cool, and then the play starts, and this girl in front of us turns around and is like “Hi. My name is Gina,” and we’re like “We know, now shut up, the play is starting.” And the play goes on for a little while, and then all of the sudden, an actor comes up to Adam, who is with Hendu, across the aisle from Lisa and I and the actor starts talking to him, and at first, Lisa and I are like “Um, okay, sucks for Adam” but Adam isn’t surprised or anything, instead he starts busting out with dialogue and he pulls Lisa, me, and Hendu on part of a side stage where Hendu disappears and then Lisa, Adam, and I are centered around a hamster cage like the one Biddy is in and we open the cage and there’s this hamster that looks like Pookie, my brother’s hamster, and for some reason we are all scared of it, or something, because while busting out in the dialogue, we also are edging away from the hamster, and then I have a brain flash and put my playbill in front of me so the hamster can’t come over towards me (see we opened the cage door) and then, being the generous person I am, I rip out a sheet of paper for Adam and Lisa. And that’s all I remember, except for some other part about being at a candy store with my family, trying to pick out some candy to get.

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