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Friends' Dreams

Okay, so this is the part you come in. If you have a dream you want to share, send it to me, and I'll put it here. Hella. Okay, great.

Cassidy's Dreams

 June or something: Last night I had this dream that I was at a school or something at it was the end of the year. Nina Alvarez gave me this picture of me to sign it like a yearbook but it was just one picture. I was about to sign it, after I got a pen from the Jenny-Boyton-people-down at the end/middle of 200s corridor. I was about to sign it and then I couldn't find the picture anywhere. After a while, I think maybe it was Rose, gave me the picture but it was actually a bunch of pictures and the one that she had originally given me was not there. They were all pics of our group, which was weird. Then I don’t really remember but we were all in the little theatre, like ROCK was, and I don’t know why we were in there, but we were, then we all left and for some reason were walking around by this big dam, canal thing. I had this yellow fluffy blanket wrapped around me. Then I was walking with Demian and we had to cross this part where there was a little bit of water or something but I "fell" in the water or I just decided to walk in, it was so weird. Then Demian followed me. But Phil and Keith were already in the little pool of water thingy and I just sat down in the water with the blanket around me. Then Demian was in too, and he was at the other side with Keith and Phil. Then Keith started whispering to them about something and it was really rude. So I got out of the water but was all self-conscious because my cloths somehow were gone and all i had around me was the yellow blanket.  It was all very weird because the blanket was not fluffy anymore it was just a sheet. I got out of the water and then Demian looked at his friends and then he followed me. I don’t know what happened after that. But I know at the end of the dream, or when I awoke, I was at he edge of this cliff thingy that was like leading into a well and there was this guy there who looked like the guy from sublime and he was putting people in the bucket and sending them down to go back to school or something. Weird man.

Dream from July 15:I was taking Driver’s Ed, although in the dream I knew that I had already taken it. I was taking it with my friends as something fun to do or something weird. And I was sitting next to Rose and it was in this vast open area of cement and there were no animals, no nothing. I kept freaking out because there were no bears and I really wanted to see bears, it was like they were endangered species or something. Anyway, back at the Driver’s Ed class, we were taking a test and one of the questions was what is the French word for hot and cold. Somehow this related to driving, I don’t remember. But I could not remember what the word was. And Quinn was sitting in front of me, with Kevin or some similar person and I asked Quinn and I couldn't hear what he was telling me. Finally I got the picture that he did not know the answer either. All the while, the teacher is talking and making stupid jokes about French and the words, giving us clues that were of no help. Finally I leaned over and asked Rose, along with Quinn and "Kevin" we all needed that answer. She said the word was queiuex. She was sure of it. Once she told my brain lit up and I remember that that WAS the word. Funny, because in fact, the word for cold in French is froid. Huh.

Adam's Dreams

Dream from July 15: I was at Bananas at Large, trying out all the coolest guitars there. I took one down, but I forgot I was to ask for assistance before I handled one. So then the employees there got really mad and I had to leave. As I was walking out, I saw Ryan's hippy dad drive by in his station wagon, and then the next thing I know, I see Ryan cowering in a trash can. So finally I get to the grocery store, where I see Quinn. He doesn't have enough money to pay for his bag of groceries, and the lady behind the register was really old and mad. So being his roommate and all I felt obliged to help him out.

Dream from July 17: I woke up and walked outside my room, just like I do everyday. Then I felt a blow to the head. Someone else was in the house, a burglar or something. Then I saw him- he had a mohawk, a black leather jacket, and a few piercings. I don't remember some of the dialogue, but he was threatening me with a blue ballpoint pen. I then remembered the knives in the kitchen, so I made a break for it and found two very long and sharp knives. I rushed over to him and stabbed him numerous times. It was for my safety, what can I say? So then I went back to the kitchen again, this time to make a sandwich or some business of the sort, and I again feel that I'm getting hit. This time, it wasn't the same punk that broke in- it was his ghost. And you can't stab a ghost, so I went outside on the deck. I noticed the stairs were missing, and there were the two sisters from "The Shinning" there, hovering up towards the driveway. So then I hovered up where I saw my mom in her mini-van. "I have to go run some errands," she said, and then left. I went back down to the kitchen, where I saw the ghost again. Except this time, he said "Hey, I'm sorry for hitting you earlier" and he all apologized and wanted to be friends. I gave him a hug, and the dream ended.

Angela's Dreams

"Marry Harry?" - I was getting ready for what seemed to be my wedding.  I was wearing this very pouffy white dress with a ridiculously long train.  As I start walking down the aisle (which is made of rose petals) I realize that I am marrying Harry Potter.  He is wearing a ruffley blue tuxedo and his hair is very messed up.  And of course he is wearing his glasses.  By the time I get up to the alter I start having second thoughts and as the minister starts the ceremony I say "STOP! I'm really sorry Harry, but I can't do this," then I run back down the aisle, while everyone is just sitting and staring at me and hide behind a giant oak tree.

"ROCK Reunion" - (this one is a little odd) I am sitting in a big white room at what seems to be a ROCK reunion and it is also my birthday.  I happen to be sitting next to David who is ignoring me.  I get really upset that he's not paying attention to me and then I turn around and Quinn is on the other side of me and he's upset that I'm ignoring him.  Then Rose and Lisa pop up out of no where and give me a really expensive present and then walk away.  After this I go and look in the new Woodacre Market and find that it's completely bare.  I think I woke up after that.



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