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undefined Some of my Favorite Quotes

Some of my Favorite Quotes

Okay, I guess this is rather random, but these are some of my favorite quotes, they are so hella, and I hope you love them too.

"Where you goin' Billy-Billy?" -- Some guy in Florence, Oregon

"Does milk come with that cereal?" -- My brother, Gavin

"I don't want to be a pie; I don't like gravy!" -- Babs (Chicken Run)

Rat:"Eggs from heaven!"
Other Rat:"No, eggs from a bum!" (Chicken Run)

"Bait shop worms are factory farm worms!" -- Hank Hill (King of the Hill - TV show)

"Hey, Mall, come to Papa!" -- Gavin, upon returning home from a trip and seeing all the familiar sites.

"Rose is imitating me and she looks like an idiot!" -- my brother, Gavin, again. What a good source...

"It's called incest, Arlene, and it's against the law." -- said very seriously by Betsy (Dick)

Whitehouse guy in Dick: "Ladies, when you think of your president, do you think friendly thoughts?"
Arlene: "We don't really think about him."
Guy: "But when you do, you don't think...unfriendly thoughts, do you?"

"You ain't gonna hate me. I ain't gonna let you hate me." -- Elvis Presley, in Jailhouse Rock

Fourscore and seven years ago, our forefathers...did something!" -- Arlene (Dick -- Wow, who can tell Rose had a pad of paper while she was watching this movie...)

Arlene: "How dare these people treat us like stupid teenage girls?"
Betsy: "But Arlene, we are stupid teenage girls!"

Betsy: "Isn't it against the law to cut up the flag?"
Arlene: "Not if you sew it back together."

"If I was a woman, I'd be a lesbian. I wouldn't have anything to do with men." -- a source who wishes to remain nameless.

"A guy whistled at me in Varberg and I was like 'Rrrrow!'" -- Lisa, Zorga Queen

Wolverine: "Read my mind."
Jean Gray: "I'd rather not."
Wolverine: "Why not? Afraid you might like it?"
Jean Gray: "I doubt it."

Wolverine: "It's okay, it's me."
Cyclops: "Prove it."
Wolverine: "You're a dick."
Cyclops: "All right. Let's go."

"Don't you people ever die?!" -- Toad, another quote from X-Men (Hey, I've seen the movie three times, so I can recite scenes by heart)

"Kiss my asshole!" -- little Swedish boy

"Ooh, spoons. Does that mean I can assume the potatoes will be mashed tonight?" -- Bobby from King of the Hill -- TV show

"I'm not my sister's beeper!" -- Quinn, from Daria -- TV show

"It's really weird to see our video on MTV, next to Britney Spears' ass. Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried, homies." -- Stephan Jenkins, at the concert.

"Don't mess with me; I'm in a boy band!" -- from the song "Regular Guy, on 2gether: Again CD.

"...I try to keep awake..." -- song Narcolepsy, from 3EB albm, 3EB --  This seems to be my motto during Driver's Ed.

"No punch-buggies...No punch-buggies..." -- little boy during a preview for Herbie the Love Bug movies

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