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Recent Dreams that I Dreamt

Recent Dreams that I Dreamt

Alright, here is the space where dreams I dreamt recently shall reside.  So basically, when the front page gets too full, I will put some dreams here, okay? Great. Excellente. Bueno.

"The Bike Ride" - July 14, 2001: Last night I dreamed I was riding a bicycle when all of the sudden, and then I ran into a bush and I fell over. "Wow," I thought to myself, "this is embarrassing. I hope nobody saw that." But someone did. It was my third grade teacher, Mrs. Patterson, and she was with my seventh grade science teacher, Ms. Smith. They asked if I was okay and I said yes, because I wanted them to leave. Then, this kid from Trips for Kids came biking up and asked me if I was still taking pictures for the magazine. He started doing tricks, like flipping in the air on his bike and I tried to tell him I didn't have a camera. He wouldn't listen so I left. I went to the harbor and got on a big cruise ship, I traveled for three days on the ship when one day, when we were near Hawaii or somewhere, I saw some dolphins in the water. I jumped off the boat and made a clean dive into the water. It rocked. The end. 

"The Attempted Execution" - July 12, 2001: Last night I dreamed that I was on a train. It was full of people from school, and we all knew something bad was going to happen. Well, I eavesdropped on the conductor or someone, and I found out what was going on. We were getting taken to some spot on the railroad, where we would all be taken off the train, and lined up on the side. Then someone would come up and pick certain people from the line up and shoot them.  There were magnets that would make up stuck to the train, but I knew that if we relaxed and then tried to get away from the train it would work. So I went around the bus, spreading what I knew. I told everyone, and some people took me seriously, and others didn't. I remember telling Demian, and he was like "Right, I'll spread the word." And when I told Keith, he was like "Oh, whatever." After I told Cassidy, she walked around with me telling people. I got to one compartment and told some seniors about the problem, and one girl was like "Oh, I was trying to forget about that part!" because apparently she was a survivor from a previous trip. When the train started to slow down, we all knew what was coming. We were lined up, and I got free and started asking this guy in charge what was going on, why where we waiting so long and stuff. He said "The executioner isn't here yet." And then a Mercedes-Benz pulled up and out came our president, George W. Bush, who said "I brought him! He's here! We can get started!" and then I woke up. Damn Driver's Ed.


"Pet Pig" - July 11, 2001:Last night I dreamed that I was at the Fair and I played some games or something and won a pet pig. It was sooooo cute, and I really wanted it, but I knew my dad would say I couldn't have it. I didn't know what to do, the people wouldn't let me return it and if I let the little guy go, then someone would eat it. Then I saw Kevin and he asked why I was crying and I told him, and he said "Well just give it to them," and he pointed at this stand and so I gave the little black pot-bellied pig to this guy and he gave me $3. I knew that little sweet pig would be safe with that organization. Then Kevin said Cassidy and Haley were looking for me, so I went into the Exhibit Hall and met them, and we played some games like the slot machines. It rocked.


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