The Crenshaw Family 2006

The wedding is set for Whenever!!!!

center>(We Each have 1 of our wedding rings already bought, paid for and in our possession.

(Will insists on BOTH of us having 2 wedding rings that match).
So.........With That In Mind.....

Ring One: The "Grim Reaper" Wedding Rings.....

It is a really BIG ring. White and Yellow Gold, Ruby Eyes,It's a Custom Made Ring made to Will's specifications....16 years ago. It's gorgeous! Both of the "Reaper" rings will have "Till Death Do We Part" engraved in them along with our wedding date. His initials will be engraved into my ring and my initials into his.

Mine is in the works of being cast as we speak.

Ring Two: "The Diamond Wedding Rings".
A wide Yellow Gold Band with TWO rows of diamonds,there are 6 diamonds in each row.
We recently (after an exhaustive search have found a man's version of this ring and have made arrangements with the jeweler's family (the same family who made the Reaper ring) to purchase his diamond ring also.
So..... the rings....check.

Will and I are writing our own vows and he's thinking of wearing a kilt, along with other true Scottish attire. He also has picked his childhood friend, Rodney to be his Best Man.....( Lord help Us.) LOL!

(ha,ha...just jokin', Rod)

"The Bridal Party".....

The women are going to be in a "Resonance/Earthy" theme. My dress (which is being made by my future mother-in-law-, Shirley) has a Deep purple skirt, it's calf length, has solid off white background bodice(with pink and purple flowers imprinted on it) that laces up with a dark purple ribbon. The sleeves are also off white, sheer, with an open slit up each arm, that fastens at the wrists.

I (and my soon to be mother-in-law) have already picked out the flowers for my hair and my bouquet that coincides with the colors of all the lady's attire that is in my bridal party.

My bridesmaids, my Matron of Honor and Myself will all be barefooted and will all have flowers, ribbons, pearls and such in our hair.

I have asked Lily, Laura, and Kayla to be my brides maids,and all have happily accepted.

(For those who don't know-Lily and Laura are going to be my stepdaughters. I've been "Aunt Gayle" to them all their lives- now I'll just move up to Step-Mom)
Lily and Laura are happy as hell that I'm going to be their new MOM. I love them so much and they love me too. We all get along REALLY well.

Kayla is my niece, Traci's daughter....and Traci, I have asked to be my Matron of Honor. She almost cried. I also asked Liduia, to be one of my Matron of Honors, shit I'm weird anyways, why can't I have 2 Matron of Honors? But Liduia said no, she said it should be Traci, and that she's just happy to be able to be there on my special day.

(For those who don't know- Liduia has been my best friend for 11 years).

********* And Zavad is Giving Me Away*********

The wedding and reception will be in the back-yard, we'll be cookin' out (we ARE from the South after all), we're alerting the neighbors because of the music, (we're bringing the stereo system out onto the deck and Will went and bought a new 5 CD disc changer just for this. We're not hiring a DJ. We've been burning CD's left and right to play during the reception. Lord Help The Neighbors. Our kinda music, the stuff we like.....and did I mention It'll Be Free? HEY!

The trees and wedding trellis will have X-mas lights wrapped around them (the trellis is being made just for this wedding) and candles will be in full force because the wedding won't even start until early evening/almost dark time (after everyone gets off work) and will last through God Only Knows When!

So far, our guest list is running about 45-60 people. That's not bad really. But just to show ya how my life and family is.... guess what?

My own Mother, My real father, and my Grandmother...(the only real blood family I have other than my sister and her family) THEIR NOT COMING! AT ALL!
Now ain't that some shit? The only time in my whole life that I'll get married. Oh, well, I'm not gonna let them ruin this. They did a damn good job at fuckin' me and my sister up as kids, so, as far as I'm concerned...Good, Don't Come. I'm tickled that their not coming. I'd be ashamed for some of my friends to meet them anyways.

The more plans that come into play I'll update this page to keep everyone informed. We still got alot to do and figure out. So....

Take Care everyone. God Bless and Thank God he gave me my happiness back.

Things are alot better now.

The Crenshaw Family 2006

Crenshaw Family Pics I: 2006
Crenshaw Family Pics II: 2006
<---- B ack
