Dazzled Part 1

“There comes the next model. She will be wearing the new Spring line from American Eagle.” Nick’s mouth dropped open as he traveled the length of her body with his wondering eyes. “That’s the one,” he managed to stutter as Brian giggled in the background. “Someone’s a little obsessed,” he observed. “Yeah, look at her man, she's perfect!” Brian laughed.

Nicki stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Nick Carter sitting in the audience. She didn’t know if she could make it to the end of the runway. She had decided to become a model for the attention of the blond Backstreet Boy in the first place, and now, here he was, sitting two feet away from her, looking her up and down. She could feel her heart pounding as she tried to walk steadily, and shake her butt as much as possible.

Nick ran as fast as he could to the backstage area. He was extremely excited that the group had decided on a model to be in their new video, and that model just happened to be the most beautiful girl in the world. When he reached the door that lead to the dressing room, he didn’t even get a chance to knock before the door was opened for him. “Ohmygosh, it’s her.” All Nick could do was stare. “Hi, I’m Nick, Nick Carter,” he managed to get out.

Nicki was burning up in her AE jeans and sweater, even though it was the dead of winter. “Maybe I’ll just go take a shower before they call us into that meeting. I can just sneak out…” She opened the back door and slipped out, only to come face to face with Nick Carter. “Oh no, I’ll flip out.” “Just stay calm. He’s just another guy.” Before she could speak, Nick said “hi” and introduced himself.

Nicki gave Nick a sweet little smile, and Nick just about melted. “Hey, do you want to go do something tonight, that is, if you’re not busy,” Nick said, his voice shaking. Nicki heard her mouth say “sure” before she could stop it. Nicki gave him her address and they agreed on 8:00pm. Nick gave her one last smile, and then dissapeared down the hall.

“OHMYGOD! I can’t believe I just asked her on a date.” Nick was walking across the parking lot of the auditorium, trying to figure out just what the heck he had been thinking when he asked the model for their new video out on a date. He didn’t even know her name. “What am I going to wear?” Nick jumped into his green Durango and drove off.

Nicki stood in the doorway staring into space. She was trying to comprehend what had happened. “I am going on a date with the hottest man in the whole world.” She took one last glance at his vehicle leaving the parking lot, and then turned on her heel and entered the room again. She was bombarded. “Nicki, I need you in a meeting at 3:00 with the producers of Teen Magazine.” “Nicki, Calvin Clein just called; will you be their fall model?” “Nicki, Dreamworks wants you to be in their new movie, interested?” Nicki didn’t answer any of them. She ignored their pleas and snuck into the bathroom. She sat on the sink and laid her head against the wall. She closed her eyes and began to think about what she would wear that night.

The date started out at Red Lobster, where Nicki ordered her favorite, crab. Nick ordered the special, which was a seafood platter. When they returned to the car, after an interesting conversation about Nick’s career, they decided on clubbing. Nicki suggested the InZone, which was the most recently built club and the one that all her friends recommended. They partied and danced until midnight, and when they arrived at Nicki’s house at approximately 12:30am, they were giggling and joking. Nick got a little caught up in the moment and he leaned over to kiss Nicki before he left. Nicki responded by wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. The kiss lasted for about a minute, and when it ended, they were both grinning. Nick said goodbye, and took off in the Durango, with Nicki standing in the driveway, waving.

“What an amazing night.” Nick was in ecstacy. The most beautiful girl in the world had just been on a date with him and kissed him. He smiled at the thought of it. He would call her tommorrow morning. He hoped deep down that this would last. His last girlfriend had been such a pain. She just dumped him after he got her a record deal. Luckily, all the fans hated her. Nicki was much better than Mandy, however, and she seemed to appreciate him more too.

Nicki entered her bedroom and sat down on the bed, trying to go over in her mind what had just happened. She sighed. It was just that it had been so long since she’d been involved with a guy, and this particular guy was famous. When she got into a relationship, she wanted it to be just her and the guy, with no interruptions, and she needed that guy to be there for her anytime it was possible. With Nick being a superstar, he would be on the road all the time, and he wouldn’t be able to comfort her unless it was by phone. She had issues about that. She just didn’t know if she could handle it.

The next date was to the beach. The two had a picnic on the shore, and then they went walking on the beach. Nicki was in Heaven. She had everything that she wanted right there beside her. Every time Nick leaned over to give her a sweet kiss, she melted into his arms. She stayed in this state of bliss until she heard Nick utter the words that she had been dreading. “We’re going on tour at the end of this month, and rehersals start next week. I’ll have to say goodbye for a few months, but when I get back-” “NO! You’re not going Nick!” Nicki said the words before she could stop herself. Nick looked surprised. “I-I-I have to go…”she said quietly, almost whispered. Nicki took off running down the beach, with Nick calling after her.

Nick hadn’t the slightest idea why Nicki acted the way she did when he mentioned something about going on tour. He knew that she loved him, but he didn’t think that she would mind if he went on tour, I mean, it’s something that he has to do. When she ran off, it was like his heart ripped into a million pieces, and he felt like breaking down and crying right there. He loved this girl, and he would do anything to keep her happy and to keep her from being upset. Maybe he could tell everyone that he had a terrible disease and he couldn’t make it for the tour. But then there would be the next tour to worry about…Nick had run out of ideas, and he felt helpless.

Nicki brushed the hair out of her eyes and rubbed the tears out of them. She had been crying for hours, and she was lying somewhere in the sand. She was lost; she had no idea where she was. She was about to start crying again when she heard a familiar voice. “NICKI! WHERE ARE YOU?” “Nick, oh, I need him,” she thought. She called out to him in a pleading tone. Then suddenly, there he was, standing over her like and angel. “Nick, I’m sorry, please take me home,” she cried, the tears flowing heavily now. Nick picked her up and carried her back to the car, where he laid her in the backseat. She slept all the way home.

Nick went on tour, and Nick acted fine with it. He called her everyday, and she seemed happy…

Nicki pulled the petals off the rose one by one. She was sitting in the kitchen, and she had just gotten off the phone with Nick. She was angry. She had so much hate. But she knew that would all change in a few hours. Everything would work out as planned, and she would feel relieved. Then she and Nick could live a normal life, with a happy family, and he would never have to know anything.

At exactly 2:00, she left the house. She arrived at the airport just in time. When she got to Chicago, her first stop, she checked into a hotel and started to set up. At 5:00, everything was ready, and she drove out to the coliseum with her package. It was easy to get in, because she used the VIP pass that Nick had given her a week ago before he left, saying it was for “just in case.” She entered the auditorium and crept to the middle of the center row, placed something under the seat, and exited the building. She went back to her hotel, and fell asleep.

When Nicki woke up, it was 12:00am. She slowly sat up in bed, yawned, and turned on the TV. Just as she had expected, every channel had the coverage. She waited for her breath to come back, and it came when the reporter said in a blunt voice, “all of the boys are ok.” She grinned. “This was easier than I thought.” She closed her eyes and drifted back into sleep. The reporter’s voice could be heard in the background. “the tragic Backstreet Boys bombing that killed over 10,000 people…”

Nick was in shock. He had never encountered anything like this. His mind raced with the events that had just taken place, and his heart pounded with fear. All of his fans, killed, burnt, blown up, in less than a second. He remembered with definite clarity the smell of the burning flesh, and the screams that echoed through the coliseum. He was lying in the hospital bed, with a leg that burned so bad he wanted to cut it off. He reached for the phone beside the bed, and dialed the number of the only person who had ever made him feel calm and happy.

Nicki heard her cell phone ringing, and she knew who it was even before she picked up. She answered with a simple, “Hey Nick.” She could hear sobbing on the other end of the line. Nick finally spoke, and she listened with interest to his account of the story, before she comforted him. After a couple of hours of pointless chat, Nick let on that he had been hurt. Nick gasped and held her breath. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Nick felt much better after his talk with Nicki. He begged her to come and see him, but she refused. There was only one thing that Nick didn’t understand- after he got off the phone with Nicki, he noticed a sign beside the phone that read: All calls from the phone must be local; cell phones will not operate beyond a 30 mile range.

Nicki had messed up. She had hurt Nick and that was NOT supposed to happen. She had to go see him. She needed to be there for him, to comfort him. She quickly packed her things and took the subway to the hospital. She entered the 5th Avenue Medical Center and got on the elevator. She arrived at customer service and asked for his room. She got back on the elevator and rode it to the 12th floor. Nick was in the room all the way on the end, on the right. She gently pushed on the door, and poked her head in. Nick was lying on the bed, asleep, and his leg was propped up. The wound had been dressed, and it obviously spread from his hip to his ankle. She held her breath and entered.

Nick heard a noise and fluttered open his eyes. Nicki was standing beside him. He was overjoyed! He grabbed her around the waist and hugged her tight. Of all the people who could’ve come, she was the person he wanted to see most. She kissed him softly on the lips, and he melted. She laid him back down in the bed, and began to service him. Whatever he asked for, she would get or do. He liked it a lot until he realized that she seemed worried about something. When he asked her what it was, she refused to tell him. This upset him.

Nicki was on the verge of breaking down. Things hadn’t meant to happen like this. She had to help Nick and make him better. “Maybe he’ll quit the band because of the danger, at least if I get lucky he will, because I really don’t want to have to risk hurting him again.” She sat down on the bed beside him. She could tell that he looked worried. She rubbed his cheek. “If only there was some way to get his mind off of it…”

Nick had to admit, he enjoyed her touch, and when she took her hand and rubbed it across his cheek, he liked it was too much than he should’ve. “Oh man, I’d love to feel her soft skin on my body. I wish I could touch her. I wish I could feel her. Hey, shut up Carter, some of your fans just got killed. Yeah, but Little Nicky doesn’t care about that apparently. He seems to want something else… Maybe if I ask her…” Nick didn’t know any other way to say it, so he just spit it out, “Will you touch me Nicki?”

Nicki couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Nick had just asked her to touch him. “Of course I don’t mind it, but he must be really horny to even think about that at a time like this. Well, he asked for it…” Nicki placed her hands on Nick’s inner thighs and began to rub them gently. Nick moaned in response. Nicki slowly moved them upward towards Nick’s arousal and spread his legs farther apart with her elbows. She firmly began to move her hands back and forth across his length. “These hospital gowns sure do come in handy for some things.” He whimpered softly. “Nicki, please…” She lowered her head in between his legs, so close that Nick could feel her hot breath on his skin. Her hair tickled his thighs. Suddenly, the door opened, and AJ McLean, one of Nick’s bandmates, ran in.

“Oh my God…I’m so sorry,” AJ stuttered. Nick and Nicki quickly moved away from each other. “No, it’s ok,” Nicki replied nervously. Nick added, sounding anxious, “um, yeah, well, what do you want AJ?” AJ slowly backed out of the room. “Nothing, just wondering if you…er…you were alright.” “I’m fine,” Nick said quickly. AJ took one last look at me, and then disappeared out the door.

As soon as AJ had left, Nicki stifled a giggled. Nick laughed too. “That was weird,” she commented. “Yeah, I guess it was,” Nick murmured, “now where were we?” Nicki reached up, gave Nick a quick kiss on the lips, and got up to leave, adding quickly, “I was just going, you know, I have some things to do at the house and the flight takes 3 hours.” Nick looked hurt. Nicki kissed him one more time, and then exited.

Nicki hated to do it. She really hated to leave him. But she just couldn’t take advantage of him. If they had sex, then if he ever found out what she did, he would hate her, and feel guilty about what they shared all his life. She could never let that happen, because she loved Nick. “But when we get married…then we can do it everyday, and every night…”

Nick couldn’t believe that she left him. He had a bad feeling about it in the pit of his stomach. Something was wrong, and he needed to find out what it was, and quick, or it might get to be too late. Little did he know, it already was.

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