Chapter 9

The next day, Brian called after school. “Hello?” I said. “Hey baby.” “Brian!” “Yeah, it’s me. I called everyone. They thought it was an ‘ok’ idea. Did anyone say anything to you about it?” “No.” “Good. I told them not to say anything.” “Brian, I wish we didn’t have to meet in secret. What should I tell my mom, about me going with you and not being at home?” “Tell her you went, um, you went, shopping. Yeah, shopping with, um, Megan.” “Ok. I tell Meg in case her mom asks her anything about it.” “Good idea. Listen sweetheart, I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you on Thursday!” “See you sweetie.” We hung up. The days came and went. It seemed like a month rather than a week. But finally, it came. I heard a honk out in the driveway. “It’s Brian,” I thought. I ran outside and got into his car. He had already picked up everyone else. It was really crammed in there. Six people in a car built for five. I squeezed in between Brian and Meg. “Shall we go?” he asked. “Let’s be on our way,” I said. So we took off, headed for the hotel. On the way, Lia, Amber, and Amy started to loosen up and talk to Brian. He was trying to be as sweet as possible (which is soooo sweet), and I think it worked. By the end of the 15 minute car trip, everyone was talking, making jokes, and singing along to the radio. “We’re here!” I shouted. “Hooray!” said Meg. “I was getting leg cramps.” We walked into the hotel. “We should have brought our swimsuits! Then we could go swimming! But we wouldn’t nesseccarly need them, you could always, you know, never mind.” We all knew what she was talking about. She always thought that way. We walked toward the elevator. “I wanna push the button!” I said. So, Brian let me. Inside I did too. “Elevator go up the hole, elevator go down the hole. Not you push the button, I push the button.” I was imitating Baby Plucky from Tiny Toons. Only the girls understood it. Brian just looked at me very funny. “What the hell was that about?” he asked. “You had to be there,” I said. We got off the elevator and headed toward his room. Lia and Meg started jumping all over the place. I think they had built-up energy from the car ride. “Here we go,” said Brian. “Here’s the room.” “Hooray!” we all said. We were in a ‘hoorayic mood’. “Take a seat, make yourselves comfortable.” “Okie, dokie, smokie!” I said. Don’t ask me what I was thinking then. I leaped onto one of the two queen sized beds, trying to take up all the space I could. “I’m comfy now.” Brian just chuckled. “Who wants to sing for me first? How about you dogg?” I started making dog noises. “Me?” “No, the other dog.” “I’ll pass on that one.” “Ok, who wants to go? Don’t make me pick someone.” “I’ll go,” said Amber. “Great!” “You go girl!” Meg said. “Shut up!” “I’m gonna turn on the radio, you just sing along. Okay?” “I guess.” He spent a few minutes trying to get in a station playing good music, and not commercials. He finally decided on one. I thought he just should have brought CD’s. Amber started singing, “I am down, on my knees. I can’t take it anymore!” She continued to sing the rest of the song. “From now on, we’ll just sing a cappella. Whose next? Good job Amber.” “I’ll go, I guess,” said Amy. “Just sing any song in your head, or you can always sing one of ours.” She started singing, “I don’t care who you are, where your from, what you did, as long as you love me.” And so on and so on. We all ended up singing a Backstreet Boys’ song. I went next and sang “All I Have To Give,” Meg sang “If You Want It To Be Good Girl,” (how’d I know she’d choose that one?) and Lia sang “Anywhere For You.” “You guys are awesome! Now sing together. Sing “I’ll Never Break Your Heart.” We all started singing, “I’ll never break your heart. I’ll never make you cry. I’d rather die, than live without, you I’ll give you all of me honey that’s no lie,” and so on. “I love you guys!” “We’re really that good?” asked Lia. “Hell, yes! I’m gonna call up the fellas and the record company. You guys have talent. This is my last day here, then I’m gonna see my folks. I’ll give you guys a call when I hear something. First we have to put a demo tape together. Just sing any song you want to.” So we did. It took us until 11 o’clock. We were all really pooped out. “I know you guys wanna go home, so you can. Everyone, to the car! Charge!” We moved slowly, very slowly toward the door, then the elevator, more doors, a parking lot, a car door, and a seat belt. I don’t know why we were so tired. I mean, 11 o’clock is early. Why were we tired? After everyone, even Amy, had been dropped off, he dropped me off. “Hopefully she won’t reconginize the car,” I said. “Yeah, that’d be bad. Here’s my cell phone number. Let’s call each other everyday. If we don’t, I don’t know how we’ll survive.” “Me too. I’m gonna miss you so much!” “I will too, baby, I will too. Just promise me one thing, please.” “What?” “Don’t do stuff like you did the last time we were apart.” “I promise I’m gonna try my hardest Brian.” “Promise you will.” “I will. I love you.” “I love you, too. See you later.” “Yeah, see you.” He walked toward his car. Then he turned around, ran towards me, and picked me up and kissed me. “I forgot my see you later kiss.” Then he put me down, and went to his car. He got in, blew me a kiss, and drove away. I walked into the house. My mom was asleep, thank goodness. I went into my room, shut the door, laid on my bed, and started to cry. You may think that I’m a crybaby of sorts, but I missed him so much. I needed him to live my life. Brian was like my oxygen. Without him I would suffocate in my own fears, hates, problems, and lonliness.


Chapter 10