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Soon on this very page, you will find all the information you ever wanted to know about the Flying Aarons individually and collectively.

Name: "Flying" Aaron Gonsiorowski
AOL Screenname: Aaron050505, Godsiorowski
Favorite Number: 4
Favorite Flying Aarons song: Pictures of Aaron
Favorite soda: Mr. Pibb
Favorite Pizza Place: Larry's
Cubs or Sox: Cubs
Favorite Candy: Rainblo gum
Famous person you would like in the band and why: "Jim (Fat) Rutherford cause he's an awesome dancer."
Rate the performance of you and your fellow Flying Aarons on a scale of 1-10: Aaron - 11 Andy - 2 Nick - 2 Jeremy - 1.5 Tom - 2
Suggestion for Aarons album title: Aaron says "Party Foul."
Favorite Sex Position: "Doing chicks in the butt."
Greatest fear: "Getting my penis bit off by a shark while swimming naked in the ocean."
All-Time Football Picks: QB - Aaron Godsiorowski (he's so dreamy)RB - Brad Muster WR - Tom Howell Defense - William "Refridgerator" Perry

Name: Andy Jones
AOL Screenname: rejected9
Favorite Number: 21
Favorite Flying Aarons song: Aaronitis
Favorite soda: Mountain Dew
Favorite Pizza Place: Larry's
Cubs or Sox: Cubs
Favorite Candy: Gobstoppers
Famous person you would like in the band and why: "Otis Nixon, he can make us cokeheads."
Rate the performance of you and your fellow Flying Aarons on a scale of 1-10: Aaron - 8 Andy - 8 Nick - 10 Jeremy - 8 Tom - 10
Suggestion for Aarons album title: Sgt. Aaron's Taco Farts Club Band
Favorite Sex Position: "Bear crawl."
Greatest fear: "Dying in a planecrash; driving the blue beast on the expressway and being scared it's going to explode."
All-Time Football Picks: QB - Jimmy Tarka RB - Josh Nytko WR - Curtis Conway/Marcus Robinson/Rocket Ismail Defense - Mo Douglass

Name: Nick Jones
AOL Screenname: Nicky Bravo19
Favorite Number: 19
Favorite Flying Aarons song: Theme Song
Favorite soda: Goose Island Orange Cream
Favorite Pizza Place: Papa John's
Cubs or Sox: Cubs
Favorite Candy: Pink Lemonade Frooties
Famous person you would like in the band and why: "Batman, Michael Keaton to be exact. All other modern Batmans suck."
Rate the performance of you and your fellow Flying Aarons on a scale of 1-10: Aaron - 2 Andy - 10 Nick - 9 Jeremy - 5 Tom - 10
Suggestion for Aarons' album title: "Batches of Swollen Cookies"
Favorite Sex Position: "In between greased breasts."
Greatest fear: "A snake biting me while I'm taking a crap."
NFL Picks: QB - Mr. Perfect RB - Roger Rosiar WR - Mr. Perfect Defense - Brian Urlacher

Nick is stoked for the Spiderman movie.

Name: Tom Howell
AOL Screenname: Metguitar
Favorite Number: 23
Favorite Flying Aarons song: Pictures of Aaron
Favorite soda: Pepsi
Favorite Pizza Place: Pizza Hut
Cubs or Sox: Cubs
Favorite Candy: Skor Bar
Famous person you would like in the band and why: "Will Ferrel, 'cause he's funny."
Rate the performance of you and your fellow Flying Aarons on a scale of 1-10: Aaron - 11 Andy - -4 Nick - 9.9 Jeremy - 9.8 Tom - 24
Suggestion for Aarons' album title: "Can You Smell the Aar(ron)??"
Favorite Sex Position: All night
Greatest fear: Playing the bass wrong on the "Theme Song"
NFL Picks: QB - Dan Marino RB - Barry Sanders WR - Curtis Conway Defense - Dick Butkus

Name: Jeremy Faught
AOL Screenname: h8divides
Favorite Number: 99
Favorite Flying Aarons song: Aaron's Appendix
Favorite soda: Pepsi
Favorite Pizza Place: Anywhere but Edwardo's
Cubs or Sox: Sox, for sure
Favorite Candy: Mounds Bars
Famous person you would like in the band and why: We've got Aaron, is there any other person that is as famous as him??
Rate the performance of you and your fellow Flying Aarons on a scale of 1-10: Aaron - 10 Andy - 10 Nick - 10 Jeremy - 0 Tom - 10
Suggestion for Aarons' album title: "Aaron Comes Alive"
Favorite Sex Position: Hanging from a ceiling fan
Greatest fear: Growing up and being old.
NFL Picks: QB -Jim McMahon RB - a fast motherfucker! WR - Aaron Defense - Wilbur Marshall