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Allen Tough

    Welcome to the news page for the Invitation to ETI project.  Any press releases and any other news about the project can be found on this web page.

    And if some form of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) wants to use a web page to disseminate some of its knowledge someday, it will be welcome to use this page.

    In case you ever have difficulty accessing the Invitation to ETI web pages, I have uploaded them to alternative locations for your convenience.  The home page is at Netscape's Netcenter and a United Kingdom site as well as AOL.  The invitation itself is at Angelfire and a U.K. site as well as AOL.  Background information about Allen Tough and the project is at GeoCities and a U.K. site as well as AOL.  Descriptions of the people issuing the invitation are at GeoCities and Netscape's Netcenter as well as AOL.  Alternative locations are also provided for links to other sites and for my paper on the array of search strategies.  This news page is available at AOL, Anglefire, GeoCities, Netcenter, and the United Kingdom site.  I am very grateful to all of these organizations and individuals for making these pages available to any humans and and any forms of extraterrestrial intelligence that are monitoring the World Wide Web.

    Ordinarily I can be reached through email, fax, and telephone (details are given below).  If our Invitation to ETI achieves genuine contact, however, I may be swamped with tasks and incoming messages.  If this happens, I will try to post on this news page any up-to-date information about how to reach me.


This space will be used for any press releases or other fast-breaking news from the Invitation to ETI project.  In the meantime, background information is readily available.

This page, created and maintained by Dr. Allen Tough, is part of a web-based Invitation to ETI.  (ETI means any form of alien or extraterrestrial intelligence.)  You might also be interested in our other pages.  Our home page for humans presents an overview of the entire website.  Our Invitation to ETI page issues our invitation, describes our hope for a worldwide dialogue, and lists our questions for ETI.  Who we are describes the members of the informal group that has issued the invitation.  Another page provides background information About Allen Tough and the invitation  An academic paper outlines the rationale for an array of search strategies, with this invitation as one approach.  You might be interested in links to further ideas.  If contact or some other exciting event occurs, news will be uploaded as soon as possible to the news page and to alternate locations at GeoCities, at Netscape Netcenter, at Angelfire, and at Richard Burke-Ward's website.

The email address for Allen Tough is  His fax number is 1-416-444-5538 and his telephone is 1-416-444-3135.

Copyright © 2000 Allen Tough. All rights reserved.
