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Bump, Set, Spike!

Volleyball did not exist in the Moses Peter Memorial High School Athletic program for years due to no interest. This all changed during the year 2001/02. Last season the Moses Peter Memorial High School had a mixed six(coed) volleyball team. Having been apart of this team I know that on our first days of practice we did not know much. Our team got whooped at our first tournament. Skills improved very quickly over weeks of practice. It was tough but we made it to regionals and placed 6th out of 15. Since we got our butts kicked early in the season other teams were very suprised by our major improvement at regionals. In other words we were very unexpected. A new volleyball season(2003) has come upon us once again. Instead of having a coed team we have an all girls volleyball team. Since there are returning players we have more experienced people than we did last year so we are able practice things beyond the basics. We have 10 girls who went out for volleyball: Amanda Latham(Setter), Katherine George(Setter), Erin George(Outside Hitter), Sophie Jackson(Offside Hitter), Jennifer Charles(Outside Hitter), Valerie Simon(Middle Hitter), Jordy Esmailika(Middle Hitter), Vicki Charles(Outside Hitter), Noel George(Offside Hitter) and, Rachel Reilly(Middle Hitter). So far the lady huskies competed in three tournaments. The first was in Bethel, we won 4 of our 6 games. Our next tournament was in Kalsgak. We won 2 of our 4 games. Our meet in Kalsgak was not great because of our lack in teamwork. This last weekend we went to Bethel again. There were teams from Bethel, Dillingham, Kalsgak and Bristol Bay. In Bethel, our first match was against Bristol Bay, we lost. Because of our loss we couldn't play until the next morning. Since Kalsgak lost their game against Dillingham we had to play them. We did very well. Before, we used to lose to Kalsgak by countless amounts of points but this time we only lost by three. Everyone played great! After playing Kalsgak the Dillingham Jv. coach and our coach(Valerie Gifford) decided that we should play against one another. We did, we kicked their butts. On December 4th 2002 the Lady Huskies went to compete at Regionals in Dillingham, Alaska. At regionals we played well but we lost both our games. We first played against Bethel. The next day we played Bristol Bay. We won 1 game and lost 3. The Bristol Bay game was really close. Because we lost both our games we were out of the tournament. Even though we lost our games we still have lots of hope for next year. We hope to be a very competitive team. Go Huskies

2001 mixed six team......(without Katherine George)

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