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Lady Huskies

Competition............... It's what the Lady Huskies enjoy, and it's what the Lady Huskies got. During the 2002-2003 basketball season the Lady Huskies faced some pretty competitive teams. These teams didn't stop us from claiming the first place trophy at the 2002-2003 Region I District II basketball championship tournament which was held in Aniak during the 14th and 15th of March. The Lady Huskies arrived in Aniak seated first on the bracket. We got there on the 12th and had to wait two long days before getting to play. We were anxious and ready, so it was hard watching other games because we knew we weren't playing until Friday. Our first game was against the Aniak Lady Halfbreeds. We won that game with a score of 72-46. Because of our win, we advanced into the championships. The championship game was held on Saturday and since the Lady Grizzlies beat out the McGrath Lady Knights, we were competing against the Grizzlies for the first place trophy. During the first half of the game we were up by 10-15 points, but this all changed after half time. Late in the second half the Lady Grizzlies started catching up. At one point we were ahead by just a point - 52 to 51, but we weren't about to get beaten. We got our groove back and by the end of the game the score was 67 to 57. Once again, the Lady Huskies are going to compete in the 1A state tournament which will be held in Anchorage. The Lady Huskie's overall record so far is 16-2. Best of Luck to the Lady Huskies! UPDATE: The Lady Huskies arrived in Anchorage two days before their first game, which was scheduled for Thursday the 27th. Our first game was against the Nulato Lady Wolves. We beat them with a score of 77-51. We advanced into the semifinals and played Buckland. We played a bad game, our shots weren't falling in and we had no defense. The Buckland Lady Sissauni took that game 75-48. Our last game was on Saturday against the Shishmeraf Northern Lights. This game was for third, so we knew we had to play better than we did against Buckland in order to win it. So, that's what we did. We beat the Shishmeraf Northern Lights 64-48 and took third. Our overall record for the season is 18-3.

2001-2002 Roster
2002-2003 Roster