*~Art Gallery~*

art gallery


These are oil paintings that I did when I was twelve, and the last one a few months back when I was thirteen. I'll add some more paintings later on. These might take a while to load, so please be patient! Enjoy!!

*If you want your art to be displayed here, please send the URL of your picture and your comments on it to someone_887@hotmail.com


I copied this from a book. The original one made the birds look real cute, but as you see, the birds in this picture just look freaky, lol. There's a white streak on the right side, dunno how it got there... I created the background myself, it was supposed to be autumn, and I had a lot of fiery red, brown, bright yellow and green in my mind when I was painting the background, but it didn't turn out as I had expected... 

This one is rather poor, and like one above, I copied the dog, lol. The background is just bad, I should have added some more colors and made the background a bit more interesting. The dog on the left also looks a bit outta place...

This is one of my better paintings, and I copied it from a book as well. It was really ugly when I was painting it, but then it turned out pretty well in the end. But the wrinkles don't look that convincing, and i left some white bits around the elephant. The black stuff at the bottom right of the page is my name and '02' if you're curious. :D

This was a fairly easy picture to do, and it looks pretty nice. I particularly like the purple and grey shadows and the fat pigeons. Then I drew the branches, and they kinda destroyed the whole picture. But aside from that, I'm quite satisfied with the results.


This, unlike the others, is a watercolor painting. I copied this one, yet again, from a postcard. The blue person sitting there is a bit messy, but, its looks pretty good all the same.