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I will be working on making images that you will be able to print out directly. Also, some images that will have a higher resolution. Plus, I want to make a 2 CD edition of my artwork, because I realize that some of you won't want to make the effort of looking for the double CD case. :o) This will most likey be done this weekend, because I have a very hectic University schedule...

I will also try to work out a new web design for this page, and make a site out of it! Hopefully, this won't take too much of my precious (hehe) time!

Hello all! It is now safe to save the images again...
There are some minor changes, because I have recieved some new images from Eric Agnew. Please give me feedback!

This is crazy!!! Almost 1000 hits in 1 day! Very cool!

Here's a design I made for the new SP album. I think I did a good job. Feedback would be appreciated!!!

The images might take a while to load.
(high resolution)

It is meant for a double CD case. Not like the MCIS one though. You've probably seen them before.
To use, just insert the images in any CD creator program, or if you have templates, go nuts!
I decided to make this a 2 CD thing. I have all the EP tracks(CR 01, CR 02, and CR 03) on disc 1,
for a total of 11 songs. And I have all of CR 04 on disc 2. Track listing is on the back cover (traycard).

This is the cover. As you probably noticed, it is a collage of the 4 different
covers for the actual LPs.

back of insert
This is the back of the insert. It is also from the original box set.

NEW!!! traycard.
I was told that it would be better to mark the different versions of the songs... so, VOILA!
I don't know why, but this image looks kind of warped... the text seems bigger at some places. The other image doesn't look like this (check out the "cut up" images.
Here are the "cut up" images (;o) Nick):
left side bar | back | right side bar

label for disc 1
CD label for the first disc

label for disc 2
CD label for the second disc

Here are some pictures of a finished jewel case.