We all know about em
and depending upon our lifestyle, some of us talk about them freely, and others keep their thoughts in the back of their warped minds I remember the first time I tried drugs. I was 17 years old & it was considered "cool" to smoke weed. My girls and I were out on a Friday night and found a guy that we worked with that would sell us some. Oh Lord, we didn't know what to ask for, how much, what kind, NOTHING...lol. He could have really screwed us over. But he didn't. We were sitting outside of my old job, at about 1030pm, in the dark corner of the parking lot, watching him use his fingers so skillfully to create this perfect brown cigar, full of marijuana. He asked us if he could smoke it with us. We told him we were going somewhere else to smoke it, but that he could light it up and take a hit before we left. Once he was finished, we left and went to the graveyard. We actually got high...in the graveyard...at 1100pm. As we sat there and giggled about the realization of what we were really about to do, we lit it up and began to smoke. Hmm.. Im sure if you're reading this page, you already know all about weed and can pretty much understand how we ended up feeling. We didn't make a habit out of it,because when you live at home, it's not easy to get away with. It becomes too much a hassle to get away with it when you have involved, aka nosy parents. Years later, when I was 21, I went back to smoking weed. But this time on a consistent basis. Every night, my homeboy and I would buy a "twamp" (20 dollar sack) and roll around town, or sit at his friends house and get high. Not a night went by that I wasn't getting high. And when I didn't have the money to buy any weed, and couldnt find someone who had some, I would be soooo annoyed, irritated and bitchy. I had to stop becuz I graduated from college and had to start a real life. But man on man...sometimes, I miss the hell outta good ol Mary Jane.