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Updated Sept 30, 2002

A Note from the Director - Marie Pitt-Payne

Blessed are those who mourn... Mt. 5:4

The human tragedies that occur every week at “National Health Care” can break your heart. There are times when all you can do outside that clinic is stand and cry and make your tears your prayer - the pain steals your words.

You feel the pain of the mothers. They are there because they have problems - and their problems are real. Hurting, used and deceived - it is in that state of turmoil that they come, seeking some - ANY - respite from their suffering. But they only make things worse. Their “choice” will torment them. The devil will use it and seek to drive them into despondency - completely despairing of the mercy of God.

You feel the pain of the babies. Is there any anguish more profound than to witness those who are completely innocent, trusting and helpless destroyed on account of their vulnerability? They die alone - their sacred little lives snuffed out brutally, one precious child at a time.

You feel the pain of the workers. Look into their eyes and see emptiness. There is no peace. There is no joy. Surely they are living a foretaste of the torments of hell. What has brought them to this point? No doubt their births were eagerly awaited. Their parents must have wondered: What will my child become? How will my child make a difference? May the world be a better place because my child is part of it! No parent should have to watch their child grow up to become an abortionist.

Sometimes you feel the pain of the battle itself. The guilt for not having done more. The loneliness of a fight with too few allies. Then there is what seems like total powerlessness in the midst of it all.

When it is getting to be too much, it is tempting to turn it off. Life would be easier if we could just forget and somehow numb ourselves - but that would be rejecting a grace. “Blessed are those who mourn...” The ability to mourn is a gift from God - a fruit and necessary consequence of love. The babies die alone. Must they die unloved, too? In a world where their mothers choose to kill them and their tiny corpses are plundered to make vaccines, if we do not love them and mourn them, no one will. If we stop loving them or their moms or the people who are paid to take their lives- because of the pain - can we honestly expect to be able to love anyone else? After all, who IS worth the pain?

It seems that in order to avoid being crippled by the pain, we need to learn how to be peaceful and joyful as we love unsparingly through it. This is not an easy task. What better or more generous teacher can we find than the Mother of our Savior - the fairest and most loving mother whose heart was “pierced with a sword”? She understands love and pain and the joy of redemption more than any other creature.

On the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, 1987, in Los Angeles, California, Pope John Paul II gave a homily explaining the role of Our Mother in offering us reason to hope:

The gospel message is certainly no enemy of human progress or the promotion of our temporal welfare, but neither does the Paschal Mystery allow us to run away from human sorrow and suffering.

The message of the crucified Son and of his Mother at the foot of the cross is that the mysteries of suffering, love and redemption are inseparably joined together. In bitterness and alienation from God and our fellow human beings we will never find the answer to the question, the “why?” of suffering. Calvary teaches us that we will find an answer only through the “obedience” mentioned in the Letter to the Hebrews. (5:7-9) It is not obedience to a cruel or unjust God of our own making, but obedience to the God who “so loved the world that he gave his only Son” (Jn 3:16). Jesus prayed: “not as I will, but as you will...your will be done” (Mt 26:39,42). And Mary began her pilgrimage of faith with the words, “I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say” (Lk 1:38).Looking upon the suffering Son and Mother in light of Scripture, we cannot equate their obedience with fatalism or passivity. Indeed, the gospel is the negation of passivity in the face of suffering (Salvifici Doloris, 30). What we find is a loving act of self-giving on the part of Christ for the salvation of the world, and on the part of Mary as an active participant from the beginning in the saving mission of her Son. When we have striven to alleviate or overcome suffering, when like Christ we have prayed that “the cup pass us by” (cf. Mt 26:39), and yet suffering remains, then we must walk “the royal road” of the cross. As I mentioned before, Christ’s answer to our question “why” is above all a call, a vocation. Christ does not give us an abstract answer, but rather he says, “Follow me!” He offers us the opportunity through suffering to take part in his own work of saving the world. And when we do take up our cross, then gradually the salvific meaning of suffering is revealed to us. It is then that in our sufferings we find inner peace and even spiritual joy (cf. Salvifici Doloris, 26).

The Letter to the Hebrews also speaks of being made perfect through suffering (cf. Heb 5:8-10). This is because the purifying flames of trial and sorrow have the power to transform us from within by unleashing our love, teaching us compassion for others and drawing us closer to Christ. Next to her Son, Mary is the most perfect example of this. It is precisely in being Mother of Sorrows that she is a mother to each one of us and to all of us. The spiritual sword that pierces her heart opens up a river of compassion for all who suffer. Ultimately, this is what our efforts are all about - unleashing our love, teaching us compassion for others and drawing us closer to Christ. And as we grow closer to Christ, things aren’t going to get any easier! St. Catherine of Siena writes, “In so knowing me (Christ) the soul catches fire with unspeakable love, which in turn brings continual pain. Indeed, because she has known my truth as well as her own sin and her neighbors’ ingratitude and blindness, the soul suffers intolerably. Still, this is not a pain that troubles and shrivels up the soul. On the contrary, it makes her grow fat. For she suffers because she loves me, nor would she suffer if she did not love me.” (Dialogue, Ch.4)

May the pro-life work we do be part of the cross through which the salvific meaning of suffering is gradually revealed to us, that we may be purified and made perfect so as to one day experience that unspeakable love for Christ which will cause us to suffer intolerably! No really, this is a good thing. Blessed, in fact. For deep within the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, we will certainly be comforted for all the mourning we have done.

By the Cross of our salvation Mary stood in desolation While the Savior hung above. All her human powers failing, Sorrow’s sword, at last prevailing, Stabs and breaks her heart of love...

Virgin Mary, full of sorrow.

From your love I ask to borrow

Love enough to share your pain.

Make my heart to burn with fire,

Make Christ’s love my one desire,

Who for love of me was slain.

Stabat MaterMother of Sorrows - Pray for each one of us and all of us.


Introducing “Lunchtime Life Savers” !

...a great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer. Jesus himself has shown us by his own example that prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil (cf. Mt 4:1-11). As he taught his disciples, some demons cannot be driven out except in this way (cf. Mk 9:29). Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit: the walls which conceal from the sight of so many of our brothers and sisters the evil of practices and laws which are hostile to life. May this same power turn their hearts to resolutions and goals inspired by the civilization of life and love.”                         Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae

Have you always wanted to wear your faith on your sleeve when it comes to being pro-life, but you haven’t been sure how to do it? Does the idea of praying at the clinic move your heart, but you work during the day? Then this project may be just what you are looking for!

Introducing Lunchtime Life Savers, a “special initiative” as called for by Pope John Paul II, whereby Christians can use the most effective weapons against the forces of evil - prayer and fasting - to drive abortion out of Peoria.

So what is the plan? In the month of October (Respect Life month), we will hold a prayer service outside National Health Care (7405 N University) every Wednesday and Thursday from 12:15 until 12:45. This will enable all those with lunch hours from 12 until 1 P.M. to skip their lunches and join us in prayer and fasting outside the clinic while the killing is being done. Mark your calendars now for this month of intensified prayers of repentance, that Peoria may be delivered from the scourge of sanctioned child killing. A special separate mailer will be sent out soon. For more information, contact Marie at (309) 693-6774


Hope Center Volunteers Prepare to become Staff Members

Given the Hope Center’s goal of becoming a fully licensed and professionally staffed medical clinic, this summer has provided us with the opportunity take initial steps in that direction. We have been able to seek out professional training opportunities for the volunteers who will one day provide some of the most integral services at our center.

Karen Guth, RN, who has years of experience as a labor and delivery nurse, flew out to Torrance, California in August. ( see photo on left... Marie saw the palm trees and got jealous!) There she completed

a professional course in limited obstetrical ultrasound. Why should we have an ultrasonographer on staff? Because statistically, 90% of abortion minded women who see their children on an ultrasound choose life.

Her skills are, at this point, limited to verification of pregnancy and fetal viability. More advanced courses are offered, however, if we are able to expand our medical services in the future. Karen must now perform 50 to 75 scans with supervision before she can be licensed to do them independently. We are in the process of finding pro-life obstetricians and sonographers who can help with this requirement. If anyone would like to volunteer, call The Hope Center at our newly installed number - (309) 693-6774 - and leave a message.

Diana Bes, FCPI, completed the final classroom portion of her training to become a FertilityCare Practitioner. She currently offers free introductory sessions at The Hope Center - there are four more scheduled for this year at 7 P.M. on Sept. 9th, Oct. 7th, Nov. 4th and Dec. 2nd - or a couple can call and set up a free introductory session at another time that would be more convenient. Just call (309) 696-5211 to register.

What is FertilityCare an why is it important to The Hope Center?

The Creighton Model FertilityCare System involves learning about the normal fertility cycle and signs a woman’s body gives of the natural changes throughout the cycle. Clients learn to appreciate and take care of their fertility and can safely and naturally plan their families without drugs, surgery or artificial products or devices. There are no side effects, it is cost effective and fully complies with ethical considerations and religious perspectives.

The FertilityCare System is used both to achieve and to avoid pregnancy. In the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, a very large study of the use-effectiveness of this system to avoid pregnancy was published. It was shown to have a method effectiveness of 99.5% and a use effectiveness of 96.8%. These figures are as good or better than any drug or device on the market used to avoid pregnancy and show that we really can cooperate fully with God’s plan and respect ourselves and our bodies when planning our family size.

Kerry Turner, BSW, has come to join us at The Hope Center from her home state of Rhode Island. She is a social worker with a degree from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. She is experienced in crisis management, which is the bulk of pregnancy center work, and is looking forward to assisting women and their families in the midst of a crisis pregnancy. Kerry has already been in touch with The Women’s Center in Chicago - one of the foremost crisis pregnancy centers in the world - and has received training material specifically pertaining to crisis pregnancy management. She will be traveling to Chicago this fall to complete her training on-site. If some donors would like to get together to provide her with a salary, we could open full time.




Pro-Life Medical Professionals Come to Peoria!

Catherine Keefe, M.D.

We welcome Dr. Catherine Keefe to Peoria! She is a Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology at OSF St. Francis Hospital. Dr. Keefe is currently the only OB/GYN in Peoria who will not prescribe harmful and unnatural drugs, surgeries, products or devices to women as a means of family planning. It should be noted that many of these drugs and devices cause early abortions. Dr. Keefe is an expert in Creighton Fertility Care and NaPro Technology.

We recommend her unreservedly to those who would like medical advice which completely conforms to the Gospel of Life. She can be contacted at the OSF St. Francis Hospital Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 530 NE Glen Oak Avenue, Peoria, 61637. Phone: (309) 624-9690 Fax: (309) 655-3739

Mark Buettner, D.C.

We welcome Dr. Mark Buettner to his new practice in Peoria! Dr. Buettner is a Chiropractor who also operates a practice which is in complete conformity to the Gospel of Life. He is a donor to and great supporter of the work of The Hope Center. He offers a “New Patient Passport to Health” which includes a Preliminary Consultation, Examination (including any necessary x-rays), and Report of Findings for a fee of $40. You can contact Dr. Buettner at the Peoria Chiropractic Center, 4930 N. Executive Dr., Suite B, Peoria, 61614. Phone: (309) 693-1212

Are You a Pro-Life Professional?

We would like to know who you are and what you do, so that local pro-life people have the opportunity to patronize businesses that share their values. Please send an e-mail to Marie including all pertinent details, so that we can compile a list to include in our newsletter.



A Problem With Vaccines ?

As a center dedicated to respecting life at every stage and in every circumstance, we at The Hope Center would like to draw your attention to the use of fetal cell lines in the production of some of our most widely used vaccines.

“A cell line, according to Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, a Pittsburgh physician, ‘is a group of cells taken from an animal or human being and put on a petri dish. You usually have to add mitogens - chemicals that stimulate their division.’ The cells divide again and again, and the resulting cultures are kept in stock...” (Catholic World Report)

The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from the lung tissue of a 14 week old male caucasian fetus aborted “for psychiatric reasons” by a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from the lung tissue of a 12 week old female caucasian fetus aborted because her parents felt they had too many children.

The Chickenpox vaccine, just recently mandated in Illinois, and the MMR (or any other vaccine including Rubella) use cell line WI-38. Polio, Hepatitis A (or A&B combo) and Rabies use cell line MRC-5. It is possible to get your doctor to order single doses of untainted alternate vaccines for Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rabies and Hepatitis B, but there is no untainted vaccines for Hepatitis A, Rubella or Chickenpox currently available in the United States. (There are untainted Rubella vaccines in the U.K. and Japan which have not yet been approved for use in this country.)

If you would like to be part of a campaign currently underway to petition manufacturers to produce untainted vaccines or import untainted vaccines, discourage future production of vaccines using fetal cell lines, encourage the use of alternate vaccines and educate the public on how their doctors can obtain them, and uphold the rights of those who refuse to use the tainted vaccines on ethical grounds, please contact:

Yvonne Bontkowski - Associate Director of Children of God for Life, Illinois Chapter

215 E. Jefferson, Washington IL, 61571 Phone: (309) 444-5351 or (309) 264-8504 E-mail:

Visit the Children of God for Life website at  or in Illinois for extensive information on this topic.



Update on Associated Ministries:

The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants

The Helpers ministry was founded in 1989 by Msgr. Philip Reilly of Brooklyn, New York. It consists of 3 groups of people - sidewalk counselors, prayer group members who come to the clinic and spiritual supporters who are unable to be at the clinic, but pray where they are. It is a peaceful, prayerful, loving ministry to pregnant women, fathers of the babies, accomplices in the abortion decision and workers at the clinic and is considered a model program by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pro-Life Committee.

“We believe that people should be present all day when the babies die, when the mothers are hurt, when those who accompany them and work at the killing center are spiritually hurt.

I spoke with a young man this week. He said he didn’t need the material I offered that would help the woman he had brought there that day. ‘She has had 6 abortions. She is used to it.’ Lord help us. Don’t you think she needs 6 times more help than if she has just one abortion? May God bless her. May people come into her life who will bring news of a loving, forgiving God, news of a way of life that doesn’t include abortions. We need more people outside the abortion mill. The media portrays us as fanatics, dangerous people. We are people who love God and want to witness to all people who pass by, especially those coming to the abortion mill. There are hours when not one is present when the babies die, when the women come out after the abortions. Please consider joining us. If you join us your heart will be broken, to hear the stories of the women who were told by their doctors that they needed to have the abortion - because of their taking a medicine, or having an x-ray, or that they would die if they had a baby. We see the babies’ grandmothers bringing their daughters. We see the boyfriends and the husbands, the sisters, all races, all classes, the brand new cars, the rusty, old, dented ones. We see the people coming, some laughing, some crying, those bringing the women, sad, or cocky saying that God will forgive them, that they can go to confession tomorrow... May God bless us. May God bless our efforts. May we do His will and bring Him glory with our ministry.”                                                        

 Karen Guth, Director Phone: (309) 692-0154 E-mail:


The Gabriel Project

On October 7, 2001, Gabriel Project officially opened in Peoria at St. Thomas Catholic Church and Redeemer Lutheran Church. It is a parish community’s loving, caring and nonjudgmental response to women facing crisis pregnancies. “Gabriel Angels” bring a message of hope and comfort to women by connecting them to help from the parish community, serving as mentors and friends, praying for mother and baby, and may help to provide occasional meals, transportation, maternity or baby items, etc. The next training session is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 28th. Contact Jeanne Smith at (309) 691-3611 if you have questions or would like to attend.



News Briefs

1st Annual Mother’s Day Dinner a Success !

A big “Thank You” to all who attended our dinner in May. It was much more successful than we had dreamed possible, and we netted $6,000! This enabled us to move to our larger office, put in phone lines and buy phones, send Karen to California to train in ultrasonography and pay for Diana to complete the course in NaPro Technology. So again, thanks to all who came and to all who gave sacrificially to this effort! Could you consider another sacrificial gift at this time so that we can continue to move forward at this pace? We want to hire Kerry full-time and buy an ultrasound machine. Remember, the sooner we are fully operational, the more lives and souls we can try, with God’s help, to save. (When you send your gift, remember we have moved to suite 208.) May God bless you for your generosity!

Teaming up with Teens For Life

The entire Hope Center crew gathered at the new office in July with PND Teens for Life Co-President, Betsy Krug, to put together a list of ways we can collaborate. We are really looking forward to an exciting year of pro-life ministry with them!




This site created by Yvonne Bontkowski
Copyright © 2003 [The Hope Center]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 02/02/03