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Last Time We Added Stuff: 2-12-02

Welcome to Jay's fan club! Jay is the coolest roadie in the world and now he has a fan club. We think it's about time!

As a lot of you may have heard, Jay is leaving the Newsboys... The Fan Club received an e-mail from him last night on this topic. He writes:

I have a new job with Third Day. I am currently in rehearsals for their upcoming tour. It should be pretty rad. I think their fans will think it's a great show. Newsboys are taking a bit of time off, so I needed to find something to keep me occupied. Well, off to bed. These 15 hour days get to me. Thanks again. Later.


So Jay's switching gears for a bit, but that doesn't mean our Fan Club comes to a crashing end. Jay's just as cool a roadie no matter what band he's with. However, now of course we'll be depending on people at Third Day concerts to pass along their pics of Jay. Please? :)

Meanwhile, Elisabeth is putting together a wonderful Jay Thank You guest book on her site. You can visit it from this link. Great idea, Elisabeth. Thanks for doing this!

In kinda-sorta recent news, we have a new-ish Jay photo. It comes from Sarah from last year's Festival con Dios and you can see it on the third page of the pictures section. Thanks, Sarah! Do you have a picture of Jay? I think you just might. I've been hearing a lot of people talking about getting their picture taken with him before he left the Nesboys, Well if you're willing to share it, we'd love to see it and put your picture right here on the front page. Thanks!

In old news, in October we celebrated Jay's birthday! He wrote a letter to the fan club on his birthday! His card and song are still here.

Jay's whole family seems to be in the letter-writing business. His mom, LeAnn, also wrote a letter to us a little while back. You can read what she said here. LeAnn is sooo sweet!

And finally, don't miss our second poll! And no, I don't mean to start any rumors or anything. As far as I'm aware, Jay doesn't have any plans for a solo show. We're just doing this poll for fun! So who would YOU pick for Jay's guitar tech? And not to bias anyone, but Jay tells us that he'd pick Jody to be his guitar tech because "he's the man."

Not sure who Jay is? Well, Jay (Jason Baskin) was the Newsboys' guitar tech and is currently working for Third Day. Jay had worked with Da Boyz for several years, dating back to at least the Step Up to the Microphone tour. Jay is the coolest roadie around. He rocks! Go, Jay!!!

So everyone have fun at the Fan Club. And hi, LeAnn! Hi, Lauren! Hi, Jay's Grandma and Grandpa! And last but certainly not least, hi, Jay! You rock!