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Mid Ohio Valley Beekeepers' Association

New, or updated, pages are in yellow

updated  6/15/2014

Bee Links
Members' Page


Links Page

MOVBA Brochure


EXPO 2015

Bees & Equipment for Sale

Apiary Inspection

Flowering Plants


Local Organizations

West Virginia


Bee Information
Bee Facts
Pollen Plants
Beekeeper Calendar

Honeybee Castes
Races of Bees

Ohio Label Law








 Welcome to the Mid-Ohio Valley Beekeepers' Association Hive on the Web.  

  MOVBA is dedicated to the promotion of beekeeping throughout southeastern Ohio and northwestern West Virginia. As a group, we strive to understand both the art and the science of apiculture.
  We are a non-profit organization made up of people from all walks of life linked together by the wonderful honeybee.

   MOVBA meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. During the winter months, we meet at the Washington County Career Center (outside of Marietta, Ohio) on State Route 676. To view a map of the location of the WCCC click here. The summer meetings are held at the Williamstown City Park.  Please see Coming Events  for times and locations.

  Please feel free to give  feedback on what you, as Association members, would like to see on this site. This is your website. All suggestions are appreciated and will be considered.